Monday, July 27, 2020

[MOVIE REVIEW] The Conversation

When I was introduced to THE CONVERSATION it had my attention from the very beginning. It's a simple yet powerful message about how two people (played by Ashley A.Williams and Michael Cory Davis) can have two different perspectives of one event---and the importance of understanding the other person's perspective.

To be honest when I watched it the first time I could see parts of both sides, how one might get the wrong impression. But the overall message is clear: listen to what others are saying. Don't go by what you think. Go by what is being said and expressed.

The film itself is less than 20 minutes long, but it is packed with so much to digest that it will have you talking about it long after the credits roll. The overall message is clear: If we are open to understanding the perspective of others and not making everything about ourselves then we will definitely avoid problems and misunderstandings that can lead to disaster.

Watch THE CONVERSATION today on Amazon.

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