Friday, April 14, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] By looking at herself Viola Davis helps the reader to understand the importance of FINDING ME

 We know Viola Davis because of the appearances on stage and screen. With FINDING ME, however, she delivers what might be her best "appearance" yet. The book shares stories I had never heard before and levels of despair that could have easily broken anyone.

Layer upon layer she shows us where her heart, determination, grit and resilience were birthed---and holds a mirror up to us all to remind us of what is possible.

Reading this it makes her well-deserved success even more amplified and poignant. She has not just earned her place in the entertainment industry. FINDING ME shows how she realized the place she deserves in the world.

You'll reflect, smile and feel the rollercoaster of emotions she has become known for bringing to life in the characters she plays. Now, though, we can root for her in showing up for her greatest role: the best version of herself. Bravo, Ms. Davis. Job well done.

Get your copy of FINDING ME on Amazon

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