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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] The Forgiveness Game by Norma McLauchlin


Sometimes we need a little fiction to remind us of the important truths in our life. THE FORGIVENESS GAME by Norma McLauchlin is that kind of book. 

Through the lens of the character Trish readers are able to see what some are willing to endure in the name of peace and familiarity, only to be reminded of the importance of loving and valuing yourself. 

THE FORGIVENESS GAME shows how men (and some women) can use words and a façade to get what they want and expect others to deal with it---counting on the object of their abuse not to wake up and realize their value and worth. The book also shows, however, when the chips are down who is really there for you. 

The kind of read that draws you in to the story and leaves you with lessons and your own epiphanies, THE FORGIVENESS GAMES shows the power of forgiveness and the importance of peace. 

Get your copy of THE FORGIVENESS GAME on Amazon

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