Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, December 5, 2010

(Dec. 5-10, 2010) This Week on Conversations LIVE Radio

(Dec. 5-10, 2010) In 2010 over 400 guests have made Conversations LIVE Radio with Cyrus Webb THE place to share their books, music, careers and personal stories. During the week of December 5-10, 2010 Webb is pleased to announce that another great roster of individuals is ready to join in the conversation with you---each just as exciting as the next.

To listen to the shows live online simply visit or listen via the switchboard at 1.347.426.3645. Guests are encouraged to call into the switchboard at least 3-5 min. early to ensure they are all set for their interview.

Here is this week's schedule:

* SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2010 @ 7p.m. est (6p.m. cst/4p.m. pt) --- Authors E. N. Joy and T. R. Pearson on Conversations LIVE Radio
At the top of the hour, Cyrus Webb welcomes author E. N. Joy back to Conversations LIVE to discuss her amazing literary journey, followed at 30 min. past the hour with a discussion with author T. R. Pearson about his new book.

* MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2010 @ 1p.m. est (12p.m. cst/10a.m. pt) --- Author Wayne Caldwell and Recording Artist Patrice Wilsonon Conversations LIVE Radio
Cyrus Webb welcomes author Wayne Caldwell to Conversations LIVE at the top of the hour. At 30min. past the hour, Webb talks with recording artist Patrice Wilson.

* MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2010 @ 8p.m. est (7p.m. cst/5p.m. pt) --- Authors Okeyo Jumal and Michelle Izmaylov on Conversations LIVE Radio
At the top of the hour, Cyrus Webb talks with author Okeyo Jumal about his book SPIRITUAL SHACKLES. Then at 30 min. past the hour, Webb talks with author Michelle Izmaylov about her success.

* TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2010 @ 1p.m. est (12p.m. cst/ --- Kathy Kinney aka Mrs. P on Conversations LIVE Radio
Cyrus Webb welcomes back actress Kathy Kinney to Conversations LIVE to talk about her love of books, becoming Mrs. P and her new book!

* TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2010 @ 8:30p.m. est (7:30p.m. cst/5:30p.m. pt) --- Recording Artist K. Drew on Conversations LIVE Radio
Cyrus Webb talks with recording artist K. Drew on Conversations LIVE about his love of music and introduces his new single.

* WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2010 --- No live shows scheduled

* THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2010 @ 1p.m. est (12p.m. cst/10a.m. pt) --- Authors Linda Pace Samuel and Deborah Duda on Conversations LIVE
At the top of the hour, Cyrus Webb welcomes author Linda Pace Samuel to discuss the writing of her debut novel. Then at 30 min. past the hour, Webb talks with author Deborah Duda.

* FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2010 @ 8p.m. est (7p.m. cst/5p.m. pt) --- Authors Liliana Badd and A. P. Stephens on Conversations LIVE
At the top of the hour, Cyrus Webb talks with author Liliana Badd about her beginnings as a writer and her book EXIT. Then at 30 min. past the hours, Webb welcomes back author A. P. Stephens to discuss his love of fantasy and his new book.

Missed any of the live shows? Catch them all at You can also find out more information about upcoming shows and guests at

Interested in being a guest or advertising on Conversations LIVE or Contact Cyrus Webb at or 601.214.0286.

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