Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I so look forward to sending out profound messages each and every New Years Eve. However, this year I desperately searched but could not find my words. I must admit that this being my second Christmas without my father, has had my heart over come with a heaviness that has most likely challenged my creative flow. Most writers will agree that we are stimulated by profoundness. The culprit can present as a simple action, a brief experience or as a single word. Yes, each can trigger profoundness.

As all in my circle know, I love the game of FOOTBALL. I’m rarely concerned with who’s playing; I just love and appreciate the game. Several years ago as I was watching the FOX and ESPN pre-game shows airing prior to the start of that year’s playoff games; I sat with my usual intensity as the very impressively dressed, self proclaimed experts argued their predictions. All unanimously agreed that the ATLANTA FALCONS would slaughter the ARIZONA CARDINALS and four out of six predicted that the INDIANAPPOLIS COLTS would beat down the my SAN DIEGO CHARGERS.
I can clearly recall during that 2009 season, the fella’s extending their analysis as to why the TENNESSEE TITANS would slaughter the BALTIMORE RAVENS. In addition, they expressed how it was a waste of good airline fuel for the ARIZONA CARDINALS to fly to South Carolina to simply be embarrassed on National Television. No one gave certain teams a chance. For the record their predictions proved to be wrong for those games.

I believe that the analogies shared, are so reflective of life and how many times forces close to us will fail to support or believe in our potential. Amazing how individuals with a stream of credentials behind their names will eloquently try to put forth their analysis, assessments and theories as to why we don’t have the ability to achieve the unimaginable.

However, in all fairness, many times we are our own worst enemies; simply because we have not bought into our inherited greatness, our ability on any given day, at any given moment to rise and claim that which we were sent here to become.

As you transition into 2012, shake off the doubters, the joy stealers and negativity. Step out on Faith and Courage. Perhaps, it’s time to release that Jazz CD, Apply to Nursing School, Attend Art School, start the foundation for that Fabulous Venture or release your Debut Novel. And for those who feel it’s too late to achieve your goals, trusts that sometimes from a plan (B) a new and better plan (A) will emerge.

You must never underestimate your ability to achieve greatness. Do not allow fear, self doubt or complacency to derail you from your passions. You must not only believe in your greatness but it is imperative that you internalize this reality; regardless of what the experts may predict, trust that on any given day, at any given moment, you have the ability to rise and achieve greatness.

Mary E. Gilder, author of A Misrepresentation of Myself


  1. Well said Mary and I hope you relay this message to as many people as possible. We all get is a slump at times and your words are so refreshing and on point. Thank You..Katrina McKnight-Ramsey

  2. Powerful and inspiring, told in voice of an extraordinary writer! I needed that message today...Sheryl Mallory-Johnson
