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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mary's Motivational Message: Celebrating Girl Friends

GIRL FRIENDS MONTH: Very few things annoy me, however, when I hear women speak in negativity about our inability as women to have healthy and loving friendships I cringe. How many times have you heard these perspectives stated as facts: "You can't trust any women, you are just better off keeping to yourself, all women do is gossip and keep up foolishness, if they are being nice they must want something, women=drama, drama and more drama."

Well, let me tell you about the beautiful women GOD has placed within my life: They represent various cultures and ethnicity's and they are extremely positive. Even when they did not have children, they provided mine two girls with love, encouragement and support. They love me and I them, they encourage me, they motivate me and they extend to me their wisdom. As a collective force we hold each other up, we have learned valuable life lessons from each other, we display the utmost respect for each other, we don't always agree but we agree to disagree and they have integrity.

Many of the wonderful women within my circle have been in my life for over twenty years; several sense high school. And when we met there was one common denominator, there was this instant connection. There was no doubt or fear. There was this level of comfort. Have you ever met someone and immediately you felt as though you had known them for a lifetime?...I believe in "SOUL MATE FRIENDS". What I'm saying to you is, there has been no conflict, no drama and no disrespect..just LOVE. If you and the women in your life constantly: Argue, gossip, fight, disrespect each other, lack trust, dwell in utter confusion, envy each other and display jealousy and this is reflected in all of your relationships; stop blaming and ask yourself, "why am I attracting such dysfunction" and why am I maintaining it within my life." Time to start issuing pink slips because life is just too short for non-sense.

For those of you blessed with beautiful friends, let them know how much you LOVE and APPRECIATE them. For it is GOD'S expectation that we  treat each other with LOVE, KINDNESS and RESPECT. I believe that we learn our greatest life lessons from each other while being an example of GOD'S LOVE.

 As you journey through yet another month, set aside time to reflect on the special women GOD has placed within your life and how their presence energizes your SOUL. Enjoy this very special month as you celebrate your girls!!!

Love, Peace and Joy,

Mary E. Gilder-author of, A Misrepresentation of Myself
Visit her website at:

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree, Mary since I too am blessed with amazing women friends. We have seen each other through the joys and sorrows.It has been my contention that when women don't trust other women, it is in part, a lack of trust in themselves. Beautifully written <3
