Conversations Magazine's The Year That Was 2024

Conversations Magazine's The Year That Was 2024

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Actor Chris Greene: Seeing the Results of 'Acting' on Faith

by Cyrus Webb

2015 has been good for actor Chris Greene. He has been able to find his voice in front of the camera and bring the best of himself to a variety of characters in television shows like Sleepy Hollow, Satisfaction, Complications and on what's been called one of the most powerful episodes of Being Mary Jane yet.

"I've been very fortunate," Greene says when reflecting on his work. "It is a struggle just like any other career, but at the end of the day it's been a great outlet for me. Something about acting---getting to imitate everyday life---is the most gratifying thing. Being able to bring what I have been able to observe has been fantastic. It's the greatest job in the world."

When did he first realize acting was something he wanted to do? Greene says the seed was planted early. "My father collected movies. The movie that got me excited about acting was Independence Day (with Will Smith). To see how his presence was on the screen made me say I want to affect people like that. From that point it was like let me look into acting and see what it was all about." Green said it all came together for him at the age of 19 when he was an extra on set. "Once I got on an actual set I was like this is what I want to do with the rest of my life." And that seed has been flourishing ever since.

When it comes to seeing the response to his work from fans, Greene says it's "a little odd, but not in a bad way.. It takes a little getting used to but, it's also very flattering to know that people are influenced by what you are doing. Your goal as an actor is to set out and tell a certain story and portray a certain being, When the people get it, it's gratifying." This has served the actor/director well when it comes to being a part of a variety of projects. "Part of this business is that you get cast off of how you look," he says. "I think as an actor my goal is to accept your type and go in and show people I'm not just this guy.I'm an actor. I feel like I can play everything to the best of my ability. It's good to be well-rounded because life is well-rounded."

Considering some of the productions he has been a part of and the success of shows like Complications some might expect Greene to be more "Hollywood" than he is. He credits his ability to take it all in stride to his family and friends. "My focus has been to keep that small circle around me that was there in the beginning," he explains. "It keeps you from wanting to mimic anyone else." His being a father, it seems, is the greatest role he has snagged over the years---and it has affected him the most. "My daughter has saved my life in every sense," he says. "I was told when you have a child it is going to change you. She is everything. She has become my motivation. She's allowed me to look at stuff differently."

That might also explain why his idea of what success is has evolved over the years. "Starting out it was more about being famous. Now for me it is about inspiring other people and having them enjoy my art and my passion. That, in turn, helps me enjoy the job even more." Greene says it means a lot to him to know that he affected someone in a positive way and can leave behind something for future generations (including his daughter) to be inspired by.

It is clear that Chris Greene has gotten to where he is because he hasn't been afraid to take chances. It is something else that like his love of movies he got from his father. He says that his dad told him you don't want to be on your deathbed and talk about the things you wanted to do instead of the things you had done. This has helped him to keep a balanced view of fear in mind. "My outlook on fear is totally different," he says. "I've found that for me fear is more of a motivator. When I get scared it makes me want to do it more just to not feel that way. I know that if I don't take the step to get past the fear I'm going to always go to the edge and not look over. Eventually you have to at least look over. For me fear can be motivating or crippling, and I don't want to be crippled by the possibility of what if."

Greene says he tries to encourage others to surround themselves with individuals that will push you and encourage you to use your own passion. If you can do that, he says, fear will be more of an obstacle you go over instead of a roadblock.

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