Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bruce Tretter Presents... Kid-Friendly Grilled Cheese Sandwich

by Bruce Tretter

I don't know if you're aware of this but April is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich month. And now that I've known it, I sure have been celebrating by putting together all kinds of grilled cheese sandwiches with different twists and flavors that I'll sure post about periodically. But first, I'll show the quickest & easiest way to put together a grilled cheese sandwich that's entirely kid safe to make.

So, what makes this recipe so kid safe? First of all, it does NOT require the use of any kind of knife. It also doesn't require the use of a hot frying pan. Instead, the sandwich is warmed using a toaster and microwave oven.

Here's how it goes.


Grated Cheese (I'm using a Mexican cheese blend, but your favorite grated cheese will work fine. You can also substitute grated cheese with packaged sliced cheese.) 2 Pieces of Bread Microwave Oven Safe Plate Toaster Microwave Oven

1. Start by putting 2 bread slices in the toaster.

Toast the bread, and let the freshly toasted bread rest until it is cool enough to touch. Then put the toast on a plate.

2. Cover both pieces of toast with a generous layer of your favorite grated (or sliced) cheese.

Put the cheese covered toast in the microwave oven, and you're done!

To see a full picture demonstration of this recipe visit Bruce Tretter at As the resident Chef for Conversations LIVE Radio show you can also catch Bruce Tretter and his Quick and Easy Cooking Tips at 8p.m. et (7p.m. ct/5p.m. pt) at He is also one of the co-host of the talk show The Conversation each Sunday beginning @ 6:30p.m. et (5:30p.m. ct/3:30p.m. pt) at

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