Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Sunday, March 18, 2012

FROM ME TO YOU: To Thine Own Self Be True

I have learned the hard way the dangers that come from not being real with yourself and others--and it's not a pretty picture. The ironic thing is that we live in a world where what is imitation seems to be more relevant and accepted as the truth that we grew up hearing about.

Entertainment and sometimes those around us will try and sell us a different version of who we are and what we want than we might have even thought about for ourselves. There is also the pressure of trying to fit into a certain mold or idea, something else that leads to not just disappointment but a disillusionment of our very purpose.

What I have now come to realize and what I hope you will as well is that the best thing you can do is to resolve to be true to yourself and your own vision. It might be pleasing to others for you to put their own interests ahead of your own, however, there is no way you will not lose yourself by following that path. We've all heard the saying "To thine own self be true." Sounds easy, but it is one of those things that require work and patience.

In this issue of Conversations Magazine I wanted to capture the essence of individuals who were walking in their truth in ways many only think about. Musicians like Nick Camillo, Marla Mase and Nile Rodgers are enjoying immense happiness and personal success because they have identified the road that works for them and haven't deviated from it. Authors Alex Bledsoe and Darlene Collier are living examples of what happens when you are guided by purpose and not the ideas of others. Then there are stellar examples like Sonia Fuentes and Daved Beck that allow you not to just settle in life but go for each day with passion and gusto.

For you we all offer this encouragement: recognize that you are the person you were intended to be. Any changes that you seek should be to enhance who you are, not change it. Make sure that you are happy with the person you were created to be and that which is manufactured or conforms to the opinion of others.

If you can do this, there is no way you will be able to live any other way than inspired. Take up the challenge today!

Remember I want to hear from you. If you read something that moves you, let me know by writing me at or by calling 601.896.5616. Make sure to also bookmark and keep up with the comments on each story you see here. Together we can create the world we all want to live in, beginning with ourselves.

Until next time, happy reading!

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine

(Webb is seen here above with Chitoka Webb, author of SOMETHING INSIDE OF ME during a booksigning at the Pearl Public Library in Pearl, MS.)

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