Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

One-On-One with Tracy Hester-Glass, author of GET UP, GIRL, LET'S GO

by Cyrus Webb

 What led you to write the book Get Up, Girl, Let's Go?

Get Up, Girl, Let's Go was not initially going to be a book. The original idea was to offer a 12-week workshop in my home with a small group of women who wanted to move forward in their lives but needed the support of mentoring, coaching, and community to get unstuck. I was passionate about moving forward with these workshops, because I had some wisdom I wanted to share about how to move past obstacles after healing from a divorce. In addition, the workshops would offer practical tools and spiritual encouragement to help women overcome the challenges that were blocking them from experiencing a fulfilling, purposeful life.

Within one week of getting the idea for the workshop, I had mapped out the weekly focus, journaling exercises, homework, etc. I then got stuck. I didn't know the next steps to make my workshop idea a reality. Honestly, I felt I had bit off more than I could chew. Fear started telling me why my workshop idea wouldn't work. Then COVID shut down the concept of the small group gathering in my home. 

I forgot about the workshop idea for about two years. Then, one day I was praying, and I heard God ask me when I was planning to move forward with the idea he gave me. I responded that this workshop project was out of my comfort zone. Then, I heard God tell me to contact a woman I met who was a book-writing coach and ask for help. I contacted her, and she told me, "You still are going to need to write a book." Those words helped me refocus, and I started to work on the book. 

Was it an easy decision for you to share your story with the world?

No. It was extremely challenging to write about how my marriage failed and the areas of brokenness that I discovered on my journey to get healed. At times I felt like my pain was like an onion, some layers needed to be peeling away before I could get to the root of the issues I needed to let go of. There were times when I was writing my story, and I cried tears of sadness and joy as I reflected on how I was on the other side of some pain I never thought I would overcome. 

What has it been like to see how individuals have been encouraged by your story?

I've been amazed, humbled, and grateful. To hear the many testimonies of how my restoration story offers hope and encouragement to women walking through a divorce, stuck in relational pain, experiencing limiting beliefs about their value, or feeling like they are in a prison of discouragement. The more I hear about women being set free it encourages me to be vulnerable. As I share my scars, others will heal.

For those who are looking at where they are today, what would you say to help them see what they can do now?

I would encourage them to work on letting go of any emotional baggage they might be carrying. Emotional baggage keeps us stuck where we can't dream or see the possibilities of our future. At times we can be our worst self-critic because of mistakes we have made in the past. Possibly, those mistakes have had a negative emotional impact, and we are holding on to guilt, shame, anger, unforgiveness, or disappointment. Sometimes we are unsure where to start with letting our baggage go.

One way we can start to let go of our baggage is to face and acknowledge it. Honoring our past is a way we can accept the not-so-great parts of our life story, but at the same time, we can appreciate that our past has made us who we are today, the characteristics of us that are beautiful, gifted, and kindhearted. Taking small steps to consider the possibilities of what is ahead as we move forward can help us move beyond the pain of our past. Our past only represents a few chapters of our life's story; there are many more chapters that we can create as we start looking at our life from a perspective that is excited about the possibilities ahead.

Outside of writing the book Get Up, Girl, Let's Go, have you been able to coach individuals as well? What has that experience been like for you? 

Yes, In May of 2022, the Get Up, Girl, Let's Go Going Deeper, the 12- week course, was launched, the same month my book was released. The course uses the book but also has a companion workbook. The experience of group coaching women to overcome obstacles has been a life-changing experience for me as well as for the course participants. I also do 1:1 coaching with a niche focused on relational recovery and spiritual and personal growth.

Everyone is going through something, Tracy. What is it that keeps you motivated and focused from day to day?

As I move forward, I'm looking ahead at the good things God has for me. I strongly desire not to waste time on things that will distract me from fulfilling my purpose in life. I have this mindset because I'm getting older, and I don't want to waste time with people or things that will not support me, or the calling God has asked me to fulfill.  

What advice would you give others when writing a book or sharing one's story?

First, discover your why. What motivates you to write a book or to share your story? The best reason to write a book is that you are passionate about sharing your story or a particular truth. This passion becomes something you must do, not just an idea to give you creditability. When we write from a place of passion, it can transform our reader's thoughts and hearts. These books become best sellers because they are written with a heart of love, not with financial gain as the motivating reason. Write your story with authenticity and vulnerability.  

How can readers stay connected with you?

I would love to connect with you. I can be reached at or through Facebook or Instagram.

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