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Friday, March 8, 2013


Several months ago, I had one of those moments that make you say WOW. This moment occurred while sitting in a meeting observing two individuals share their apposing perspectives on various intricate issues. Their unresolved conflict was of a serious nature and its’ impact was felt by all in attendance.

Both individuals held strong in their stance and truly believed that they were “right” and the other “wrong”
Having maintained a clear understanding of each perspective, I knew without doubt each shared a responsibility in the conflict, even if each failed to recognize their contribution.

The aftermath challenged me to assess my own perceptions as they pertain to the stance I hold on various issues. In addition, I was inclined to assess the various times I misread, assumed or overreacted based on a false reality.

Many of you reading this issue’s message have been guilty of creating a false since of reality; a reality whose sole evolution was to aid in the maintaining of a distorted sense of self.

As you move into the New Year, I believe it to be vital that you invest in building a relationship with yourself. Set aside selfish time; time that will allow for you to connect with your true self and not a distortion.

I encourage you to pull back layers and reexamine who you truly are. You can start this process with asking yourself the following:
- Who am I?
- Do I truly know the person I proclaim to be?
- Are my words and actions in alignment with my values and beliefs?

It’s amazing how in the mist of ciaos, you can have a WOW moment and be challenged to revisit and challenge the soul of the person you proclaim to be.

                                                                                                                                                                        Love, Peace and Joy,                                                                                                                                                                                       Mary E. Gilder-Author                                                                                                                                                                          

Mary E. Gilder is the author of the award winning novel, A Misrepresentation of Myself. Mary Can be contacted at, or visit her website at

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