Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Saturday, July 20, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] With AUTHENTIC TRANSPARENCY Shatoria Christian heals and inspires with every chapter

by Cyrus Webb

It takes a lot of courage to share your truth in a way that leaves you vulnerable. This is something that Shatoria Christian has done with her book AUTHENTIC TRANSPARENCY, and by doing so is helping others to find healing as well. 

In the book she chronicles how she has gone from being a victim to a survivor, and now she is able to help others rise and thrive through the things that could have destroyed them. The subtitle of the book "Forgiveness to Freedom" is as much about her forgiving herself as well as others and realizing that by doing so she can claim the freedom and power that is meant for her. 

This is the kind of book you can read and not just root for her but find ways to root for yourself as well. Healing, happiness and joy can be yours if you're willing to do the work. Shatoria is an example for us all of what faith and moving forward can do. All we have to do is open ourselves up to receive it. 

Since I first was introduced to Shatoria she has expanded on her brand, doing more speaking engagements, starting her own podcast and even her own magazine. She is definitely changing the world around her one purpose-driven day at a time. 


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