Click below to order Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2024

Click below to order Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2024
Click above to order your copy on Amazon for $8.99!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Conversations' 25 Men Changing the World, 2024

Since 2007 Conversations Magazine has been shining a light on the extraordinary contributions of women with its 25 Women Changing the World series. Now we spotlight the extraordinary men we have seen doing amazing things in their area, reminding us all of what is possible. 

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief of Conversations Magazine, proudly presents...

 Conversations' 25 Men Changing the World, 2024 

 (listed in alphabetical order in their categories)

Through Music

Damien Escobar

DJ Khaled

Justin Timberlake

Niko Moon

Stephen Voyce

Through Books

David Baldacci

Jeffery Deaver


Kevin Hart

Larry Tye

Through Media/Television/Entertainment

Cedric The Entertainer

Steve Harvey

Tyler Perry

Tavis Smiley

Brandon "Writerboy" Washington

Through Business

Mario Armstrong

Derek Blanks 

J. Bolin

Angelo Ellerbee 

Gary Vaynerchuk

Through Missions/ Purpose

Sean Cannell


Bill Duke

Suga Ray

R. K. Russell

Sunday, July 21, 2024

[To You, From Me] Why I Know You Can Change the World

Crafting this year's 25 Women Changing the World for you has not been without some difficulty. I have to be honest with you about that. 

This issue was originally scheduled to come out in March, however, due to our busy schedule with the radio show and our Amazon programming it was delayed. For that, I personally apologize. 

I'm telling you this because even with the delay, you are now reading the issue that I know will be one of our best of the year. Why do I say that? Because it was birthed through challenges, hard work and persistence. In fact, that is the message I want you to take away from the women we have featured in this issue. They are changing the world, and they are reminding us all that it is possible to do the same. 

I was raised by two strong women, my grandmother Quattie Webb and my mother Zattie Webb Sims. I saw firsthand the challenges they faced, the difficulties they had to overcome---but I also saw the joy they had for doing their best. That is why I choose to honor them in the work I do everyday. I wouldn't be who I am without them.

For you there might be things you have had to overcome. Maybe there are hills you are currently climbing. I want this issue to remind you that regardless of all that, you can change the world. You can make a difference. You can show others what is possible. 

As you read the features here think about ways you can emulate their courage, tenacity and grit. I also want you to think of ways you have already demonstrated your ability to keep moving, even in spite of challenges. This message is a celebration for us all, because each of us have the power to do something amazing. 

Feel free to let me know what you think of our list. Also let me know about those who have impacted your own life. 

As always, thank you for your support of Conversations Magazine. Happy reading! 

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief

Conversations Magazine/ Mississippi Success Magazine 

DOLLY PARTON: Changing the World by Changing Minds about Music and Life

 by Cyrus Webb

I think it's safe to say that in 2024 Dolly Parton has been everywhere. From new music to new business partnerships, she has continued to show us that when you love what you do there are no limits. That is a message that is not accepted by all, but anyone who has followed Dolly Parton's career knows that she is not one to color safely inside the lines. She loves to stir things up.

Whether you know Ms. Parton from acting, singing or her business dealings, you are well aware that everything comes from her heart---and she doesn't care too much what you have to say about it. At a time where so many people want you to just fall in line, she goes where she feels led, and that has empowered others as well. 

I haven't had the chance to interview Ms. Parton (yet), but I have to say one thing I am looking forward to discussing with her is not the why but the HOW. She has been a part of the music landscape for DECADES, and still manages to surprise us with new collaborations. That takes a lot of courage as well as believe in oneself. That is also a great reminder for us all.

No matter what others say or do, Ms. Parton is proof that you have to dance to the beat of your own drum, trusting that those who are supposed to join you on the dance floor will find their way to you eventually. 

Omegia Keeys and Kathy Taylor: Changing the World through Entertainment and Collaboration

by Cyrus Webb

10 years ago when Conversations Magazine began its 25 Women Changing the World series, it was with the hope of recognizing those who have made an impact on the world and led by example, showing what is possible. 2024's choices are examples of that, and our cover features---Omegia Keeys and Kathy Taylor---exemplify it.

I've known Omegia for years, and it's been great watching her rise and success. Through her I met Kathy, another powerful force. Individually they have done amazing work. Together they have partnered to create some great projects, some of which are in the works as this issue goes to print. 

In this exclusive conversation we discuss what has been the year 2024, the success of their film FRACTURED and their advice for others when it comes to following your goals and dreams. 

 Thanks to the two of you for the time, and congratulations on the successes you have had already in 2024. Omegia, I want to start off with you. What has it been like for you to look at this year and the wins you have experienced with KEEPING SECRETS and FRACTURED?

Keeping Secrets and Fractured have pushed us to another level. Looking back at it just solidifies me as a director and owner of a production company. The conversations I’m having are different and the people are different. It’s as if I have earned a new level of respect, and I’m taking it all in stride.

Kathy, it’s great to have you join us for the first time. What about for you? What has it been like for you to see the way the current projects have been received?

 It has been truly inspiring to witness the overwhelming support and appreciation for our work. It motivates us to continue pushing boundaries and creating impactful stories that resonate with audiences.

Kathy, for those that are just not discovering you, tell them when your own love of creating began?

My love of creating began at a young age when I would spend hours drawing outfits for my Barbie dolls, designing what her house would look like, and accompanying my Mom at home decor parties for Home Interiors. Her clients loved asking me my opinion on what I thought would look best in their home. I was always fascinated by the process of bringing of creating awesomess, and that passion has only grown stronger over the years.

Omegia, we have talked about your journey from bestselling author to filmmaker. Has creating always been something you wanted to do?
Creating has always been a part of me whether I wanted to or not. I have been this way since I was three years old. Even when I served in the military, I always found myself writing. Putting the writing to film was the next step in the evolution chain. I’m thankful to be able to follow my childhood dreams, even if I had to take the long way to here. 

Omegia, the last time we featured you in Conversations we were talking about your business book. Let’s talk about business. What has it been like for you to balance your love of creating with understanding the importance of the business aspect of it all?
The business side is there from the first strokes of my pen or keyboard. I’m always thinking about writing as a product. I have lots of ideas, but all ideas don’t need to be told. I’m very realistic and constantly looking at the film market. Are people going to want to see what I’m writing? How do we market it? If I can’t answer those questions, then it doesn’t make business sense. The balance comes in the form of not wasting any funding because as indie filmmakers we can’t afford to. 

Kathy, Omegia and you have worked together on different projects, including a podcast. What has it been like to have someone that you can relate to as well as learn from? 

Having a collaborator like Omegia has been a game-changer! I have the best of both worlds. I have a great business partner and a sister/friend to do life with. It's been such a joy to have someone to share ideas with, bounce off creative energy, and learn from each other throughout our projects. We understand each others gifts and talents and are able to let them truly shine. It's truly been a fulfilling and enriching experience. She inspires me to be better. She is awesome.

Omegia, same question for you. What has it been like for you to have someone like Kathy in your corner that you can collaborate with?
For me it is like filling in that last piece of a puzzle. Working with Kathy is the completion. I feel like we enhance each other. I get to take the reins off because I know she will help to fill in the gaps and vice versa.  She elevates me.

FRACTURED is the film that really has people talking right now. Omegia, talk to us about the basis of the film?

The basis of Fractured is how much can a person take on of always being the strong person before they snap. Nobody is perfect. You can’t have trauma without some fallout.

Kathy, seeing the pictures from the premiere of FRACTURED was amazing. What was it like for you to have people respond so well to a project with so many messages?

Seeing the pictures from our Premiere was overwhelming in a good way. Our premieres allow my creativity to shine. I spend time thinking of different ideas to create an experience to remember. My passion for creating is fueled by the joy and fulfillment it brings me, as well as the connection it allows me to make with others. There is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing someone connect with my art on a deep level, and that is what drives me to continue sharing my creations with the world.

Omegia, trauma is a big part of FRACTURED, and it shows up in so many ways. What do you hope viewers realize about the importance of addressing trauma in life?
I hope people will realize it is okay to get the help you need. You aren’t weak if you say, 'You know what? I don’t have it all together.' Set those boundaries and stop trying to carry the world on your shoulders. 

Kathy, do you hope that FRACTURED not only entertains but also opens dialogue about some of the issues that can be taboo?

 I hope that by shedding light on these taboo subjects, the film FRACTURED will challenge societal norms and misconceptions, ultimately leading to greater understanding, empathy, and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues and those who have been victims of sex trafficking. Our wish is not only to entertain but spark conversations and encourage the viewers to educate themselves and take action.

Both of you are able to show through your individual endeavors what is possible. Kathy, what has it been like for you to let others, especially women, see what is possible?

I pray my journey has shown that with determination, hard work, and belief in oneself, anything is possible. I want women to understand that it is ok to not be ok every day so you deserve a self care day. By sharing my story and accomplishments, I hope to inspire others, especially women, to break barriers, defy expectations, and chase their dreams with unwavering passion.

What about for you, Omegia?
I’m humbled every time someone says they have learned from me or I inspired them. It also gives me the energy boost to keep going. If I can give just one person hope, I feel like I completed the mission. 

Omegia, what advice would you have for those with a dream about the importance of not giving up on it?

First, I want to clarify is it just a dream, meaning there’s no plan or action behind it. If there is then keep at it. It’s okay to revise your plan. If it is truly something you want to do, then put in the effort to do it. People always say they don’t have time. No, you just don’t want it bad enough. Your dream path will not look like anyone else’s so don’t compare your start to someone else’s middle. 

Kathy, what about you?
I want to encourage women to believe in themselves, trust their instincts, and never underestimate their own potential. Remember that every great achievement starts with a single step, and with perseverance and dedication, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your wildest dreams. Let my journey be a reminder that you are capable of greatness, and the world is waiting for you to shine, so don't give up.

Thanks to the two of you for the time. Really glad to have you all headlining this issue. How can our audience stay connected with you? 

Omegia: Thank you so much for having us. Once again it is an honor. Follow me on @memekeeys on all the socials as well as @likeabossstudios and @afmedia1922. 

Kathy:You can connect on all social media at tellallinc or

Saturday, July 20, 2024

JASMINE STAR: Changing the World through Authenticity and Her Brand

by Cyrus Webb

I have been following Jasmine Star for some time, and I can honestly say she is the real deal.

As the founder of Social Curator, a Brand Strategist, podcast host and more, she has showed her audience the importance of showing up for themselves and their audience---making an impact all over the world. She is no-nonsense, a fireball full of energy and knowledge as well as someone who is passionate about her goals and those who trust her to help grow their businesses. 

When I was compiling the 25 Women Changing the World for 2024 I knew that Jasmine had to be on the list again. She is an individual who is changing the world through authenticity and her own personal brand and style. She isn't trying to be anyone other than Jasmine Star---and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

BILLIE EILISH: Changing the World One Melody at a Time

by Cyrus Webb

"Who is that?"

Like many, this was my first reaction when I heard WHEN THE PARTY'S OVER for the first time. That lyrics connected with me on such a deep level, and I headed to Google to discover the force behind the song. It was, of course, Billie Eilish. 

Since she burst on the musical scene she has been able to make her mark, giving us songs that make you move, make you think and make you connect with your feelings in ways few artists can do. This happened again for me when I heard BURY A FRIEND. 

For many their introduction to Eilish was with the hit song WHAT WAS I MADE FOR? from Barbie. Regardless of what era you came in on, I think it's safe to say that Billie Eilish is a force that is changing the world one melody at a time--and I can't wait to see what she has in store forr us next. 

[BOOK REVIEW] NIGHT OF THE HAWK by Lauren Martin speaks to life, good and bad, and how we handle it

 by Cyrus Webb

I loved Lauren Martin's NIGHT OF THE HAWK as soon as I started reading it.

Through poetry she is able to chronicle her own personal reflections about relationships, our own mortality, how we deal with the changes that time brings---and even getting to know ourselves better. 

The cool thing is that you'll find yourself thnking about your own life, how you deal with challenges and what you can do if you choose not to give up on yourself. 

The book touches on all aspects of life, and that is what makes it such a great collection of poetry. You're able to find something you will either connect with or know someone who can. You'll see how even when it comes to different perspectives we can empathize with the experiences of others, finding something we can connect with.

Writing about life, the good and the bad, NIGHT OF THE HAWK shows the importance of how you handle every situation you face and what it can do for you moving forward. 

Get your copy of NIGHT OF THE HAWK on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] For anyone who has ever felt doubted or counted out YOU'LL SEE is for you

by Cyrus Webb

 It's fascinating to me how a story that might seem so personal and specific to one person can be universally accepted and embraced. That is what YOU'LL SEE by Suzanne Groves does. 

It's HER story but in many ways it is OUR story. It's the story of anyone who has felt doubted or counted out by loved ones, friends or even those we might encounter. It's the story of those who might have neer felt enough or capable of achieving great things. Suzanne shares what she had to encounter not just with her father but with others who might have wanted to push her aside or discount what she could do.

Whether it was in the personal challenges she experienced with her parents or feeling good enough while navigating her education and employment Suzanne was able to say "You'll see" when she was counted out. She was able ot believe in herself and do some things afraid. Something all of us can do as well. 

A look at someone who was able to find peace among the pieces she was given and thrive, YOU'LL SEE is all about not letting others or circumstances define you. Realize who you are and walk in that. 

Get YOU'LL SEE on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] With THE DAUGHTER BETWEEN THEM author Alretha Thomas delivers another suspenseful read

by Cyrus Webb

 Author Alretha Thomas is no stranger to great storytelling, and her newest novel THE DAUGHTER BETWEEN THEM is another example of that. 

We're able to meet two women, Leslie and Barbara, and see how events in their lives contributed to not just a mystery for once but secrets and regrets for the other. Allowing the reader to experience their worlds individually, we're able to understand not just some of what led them to the decisions they make but also what contributed to who they have become.

As the story goes on we're able to peel back the layers and realize the importance and power of the truth---as well as addressing things that have been unresolved by both women.

Outside of the mystery and drama, this book also tackles some important topics like mental health awareness, abuse and the dangers of manipulation. 

By the end you find yourself not only understanding BOTH WOMEN BETTER but split as to who might be the most sympathetic. 

Wonderfully crafted and a thrilling read from the very beginning, THE DAUGHTER BETWEEN THEM deals with the consequences of our actions and those who have to pay the price for our decisions and deceptions. 

Get your copy of THE DAUGHTER BETWEEN THEM on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] Author Gail Priest's SOUL DANCING shows the power of not giving up on life


by Cyrus Webb

SOUL DANCING is a book that will leave you with so many emotions. Author Gail Priest has written a book that allows us to see how two individuals---Shirlene and Cameron---navigate a world that is full of longing as well as the unknown. 

When Shirlene finds herself in an interesting situation, living the life of someone full of pain and anxiety, she is both excited and scared about what's to come. Throw into the situation Cameron, and we are able to realize not only the challenges that this life can bring---but the decisions that can have lasting ramifications. 

I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't read it, but I will say that I love how Gail shows that what we see on the outside doesn't tell the full story of what people are experiencing or enduring. The book also shows that there are good guys out there who want to do the right thing and want to live the right way, if only they are given the chance. 

SOUL DANCING is a book that shows the power of not giving up on life and the importance of making the most of every moment you have. 

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] Using life lessons as a guide, Ally Dalsimer reminds us IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE FABULOUS EVERY DAY!

by Cyrus Webb

There is so much pressure on us at times to get everything "right". In IT'S OKAY NOT TO BE FABULOUS EVERY DAY! author Ally Dalsimer is giving us permission to re-evaluable what we are doing, what we are doing and what we really want as a result.

I love this book because it is full of messages that we can just pick up, digest, think about and then try to take action on. Ally uses some of her own experiences as a guide, but there is also the reminder that everyone has a different path. In fact, sometimes the reason why things aren't working out for us is because we have stopped listening to that inner voice and exchanged it for that of someone else.

When we're able to be honest about what we want and make a concerted effort to do it, we can be a lot more fulfilled and less judgemental when it comes to ourselves. That means we have to give ourselves some grace and remember that as the title of the book alludes to not every day is going to be a slam dunk.

Authentic, bold and presented in love, Ally Dalsimer was the perfect author for this book---and you will do well to pick it up for yourself. 

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] No one tells a story like Tess Gerritsen. THE SPY COAST is yet another example.

by Cyrus Webb

When it comes to master storytellers that are changing the world with their gifts, Tess Gerritsen is easily one of my favorites. I've been a fan of hers for years and had the privilege of interviewing her on Conversations LIVE radio show as well as Cyrus Webb Presents on Amazon. 

Tess brings you into the lives of her characters and takes you on a ride that will leave you both exhilarated and anxious for what's next. Her 2023 release THE SPY COAST is another example of that. 

Through the main character Maggie Ward we see what happens when the past comes back for us. The choices Maggie has to make are not just for herself but those she cares about. We also meet The Martini Club, a group of friends that join her on the journey of the truth while revealing secrets that have real-world consequences for them all.

I love the pace of the story, the layers that include the decisions and the consequences that follow---as well as the urge we all have not to make the same mistake twice. Maggie and the others have to contend with this and more as they try to maintain a sense of peace for those they care about. 

If you're looking for an adventure that pulls you in and keeps you flipping the pages, THE SPY COAST is the book for you. Definitely Tess Gerritsen at her best. Book 2 in the series THE SUMMER GUESTS will be out in early 2025.  

Get your copy of THE SPY COAST on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] With AUTHENTIC TRANSPARENCY Shatoria Christian heals and inspires with every chapter

by Cyrus Webb

It takes a lot of courage to share your truth in a way that leaves you vulnerable. This is something that Shatoria Christian has done with her book AUTHENTIC TRANSPARENCY, and by doing so is helping others to find healing as well. 

In the book she chronicles how she has gone from being a victim to a survivor, and now she is able to help others rise and thrive through the things that could have destroyed them. The subtitle of the book "Forgiveness to Freedom" is as much about her forgiving herself as well as others and realizing that by doing so she can claim the freedom and power that is meant for her. 

This is the kind of book you can read and not just root for her but find ways to root for yourself as well. Healing, happiness and joy can be yours if you're willing to do the work. Shatoria is an example for us all of what faith and moving forward can do. All we have to do is open ourselves up to receive it. 

Since I first was introduced to Shatoria she has expanded on her brand, doing more speaking engagements, starting her own podcast and even her own magazine. She is definitely changing the world around her one purpose-driven day at a time. 


[BOOK REVIEW] Tabitha Brown continues to inspire with I DID A NEW THING

by Cyrus Webb 

Anyone who follows Tabitha Brown knows she is all about inspiring others to be their best self. With her book I DID A NEW THING she continues that message, sharing how trying new things has benefited her and can have the same effect on you.

When the book launched we saw Tab do a lot of new things, including making her first trip to Mississippi for a book event and even giving Donna new styles and techniques while on the road. 

What will that NEW THING be for you? That is the cool thing about this book and the message. Tabitha shows it doesn't have to be a HUGE DEAL to be NEW. It could just be your taking steps outside your comfort zone and allowing yourself to try something you haven't experienced before.

For those who are looking for that push to let their faith take them outside their fears, I DID A NEW THING might be just that primer you need. 

Get I DID A NEW THING on Amazon

Monday, July 15, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] Stand Up to Workplace Bullying and Discrimination by Dawn Marie Westmoreland


When I first heard about the new book by Dawn Marie Westmoreland I knew it was something I wanted to read so I could tell others about it. STAND UP TO WORKPLACE BULLYING AND DISCRIMINATION was released in June 2021 and continues to be just right for reminding people of their power in their place of employment. After I started reading it, however, I realized that it is more than a workbook for work. It's about what we deserve in life, and the importance of doing our part to make sure that everyone feels seen and respected.

Taking real examples, including her own, Dawn shows in the book what your rights are, the right and wrong ways to handle situations that arise---and the resources that can help you and those around you.

That's right: The book doesn't just address the PROBLEMS. It provides assistance to get you SOLUTIONS. This is a book for those who want to change things, for those who want to take action as well as for those who want to share what is available for those brave enough to take a stand.

STAND UP TO WORKPLACE BULLYING AND DISCRIMINATION is a great resource for those feeling invisible and treated unfairly. It reminds you that you're worthy of being seen and heard, and you're not alone.

TABITHA BROWN: Feeding Your Soul While Building a Brand

by Cyrus Webb

I, like many of you discovered the creative and inspiring force that is Tabitha Brown during the pandemic and was instantly hooked. When I heard about her book in 2021 I knew it was something I wanted to read. FEEDING THE SOUL is all about realizing that you can do it---whatever that IT is for you. For her it was being able to find success in her career and her family. For you it might be something else. What Tabitha reminds us of is that if you can get through the challenges, keep your head down and stay focused you can be a winner.

I also love her way of delivering some tough love along the way, too. We don't have to disparage others, judge others or try to destroy others for us to be successful. That is not the way to feed the soul. If anything that will starve it.

The book shows that you can stay in your line, do what you need to do---and the rest will take care of itself. FEEDING THE SOUL will make you laugh, smile and think. Above all else, though, I think it will encourage you to ACT. I know that's what it did for me.

In 2024 Brown released I DID A NEW THING: 30 Days of Living Free, once again giving us the permission to go throughout life with less regret and more appreciation for the opportunity to TRY, RISE and THRIVE. Written in her signature style, the book shows the reader that it's okay to attempt something new, in spite of what others might think.

Throughout the year she has expanded her partnership with Target, traveled the country, explored parts of the world and taken her audience on the journey with her to witness it all. 

Tabitha Brown is more than just another celebrity. She's the epitome of everything it means to LIVE FREE.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] Feeling caged in by your experiences? Jessica James Henry's TRAUMA BREAKTHROUGH shares freedom

by Cyrus Webb

For those that have felt caged in by their past hurt and experiences, Mississippi Success Honoree and bestselling author Jessica James Henry offers not just hope but keys to help you break free. 

TRAUMA BREAKTHROUGH allows you to see how Jessica has been able to recognize the events that were holding her back (some of which she contributed to), and discover why she had to learn to forgive herself and move forward. Along the way she offers strategies to help YOU as well. As she talks about in the book, it's a journey. Don't expect things to happen overnight. The important thing, however, is to do the things that will help you be the person you were created to be. 

That means sometime you have to say NO to those you love to protect your own peace and well-being. It also means you have to separate yourself to make sure that you're taking care of yourself. 

The main takeaway? No one is going through life by themselves. ALL of us can learn something from the challenges and victories of others that we can apply for ourselves. If you're able to do that then you will not just get freedom for yourself but help others do the same, too. 

TRAUMA BREAKTHOUGH is available on Amazon

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Shari Alyse: Spreading JOY While Pursuing Her Own Dreams

by Cyrus Webb

It's hard to believe I was first introduced to Shari Alyse 14 years ago. We were both competing to have shows on the Oprah Winfrey Network in 2010---and since then we have been colleagues and friends. Shari's mission then is the same as it is today: spreading joy while pursuing her own goals and dreams.

It's been great watching Shari embrace her own unique power, sharing her joys and struggles with the world---and now providing a place for people to share through her talk show GOOD MORNING JOY. That talk show has been part of Shari's dream for some time, but I have to say that whether she had the show or not, she would be pouring out joy and encouragement in one form or another. 

Having Shari Alyse as one of our 25 Women Changing the World in 2024 was a no-brainer. She is a bestselling author, speaker and true JOY MAGNET---while also being an example for others when it comes to doing it afraid and not waiting on the perfect time or situation. 

Shari's persistence and drive have gotten her where she is today, but it is also her love of people that has sustained her and kept her from giving up on her goals and dreams. She's not just a TALKER. She's a DOER---and she reminds us that the DOING is important each and every day.

Stay connected with Shari's journey on Instagram

Jennifer Holliday: Showing the Power of the DREAM Day by Day

by Cyrus Webb

I had the pleasure of interviewing Grammy award-winning singing sensation Jennifer Holliday in 2022 and was immediately won over by her talent, humility and fortitude. 

Making a mark on the world on Broadway, Ms. Holliday has gone on to showcase her skills on the stage, on shows like The Masked Singer and with her own original music like the latest single SO IN LOVE. 

There is so much we can learn from Jennifer Holliday. Outside of the awards, international recognition and the praise for her stage presence and unmistakable voice, she is someone who knows what it's like to fight through challenges and struggles and stay focused on the dream.

That was evident when we first spoke and as I have seen her continue to rise and thrive with every achievement. No matter what, she stays true to herself, her faith and the love and respect she has for her fans. That focus will continue to take her to even higher heights. 

Stay connected with Jennifer Holliday on Instagram


Friday, July 12, 2024

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World, 2024

designed by Talamieka Brice of Brice Media
There is no doubt about it: Women around the world are changing the way we look at what is possible, and they are doing it in ways that may have seemed impossible before. .

Since 2007 Conversations Magazine has worked to spotlight women who are making a difference as well as those who are showing by example what others can do if they are willing to put forth the work and not give up.

It is with great pleasure that we introduce this years 25 Women Changing the World (listed in alphabetical order):

...through Music

  1. Beyonce'
  2. Billie Eilish
  3. Dolly Parton
  4. Jennifer Holliday
  5. Taylor Swift
... through Books
  1. Shatoria Christian
  2. Reshonda Tate
  3. Tess Gerritsen
  4. Victoria Christopher Murray
  5. Zibby Owens
... through Media/Television/Entertainment
  1. Drew Barrymore
  2. Kathy Taylor
  3. Kerry Washington
  4. Omegia Keeys
  5. Tamron Hall
...through Business
  1. April Showers
  2. Courtney Adeleye
  3. Jasmine Star
  4. Martha Stewart
  5. Oprah Winfrey
...through their Missions
  1. Shari Alyse
  2. Tabitha Brown
  3. Dr. Teresa A. Smith
  4. Tina Siemens
  5. Dr. Velma Bagby

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Conversations' 31 Female Authors (and Their Books) You Should Read

 Conversations Media Group is pleased to share 31 Female Authors (and their books) You Should Read in 2024. This list was compiled by media personality and Top Amazon Reviewer Cyrus Webb and reflects titles he has enjoyed and believe you will as well.

(listed in no particular order)


  1. Dr. Velma Bagby, The Catch No One Wants
  2. Tess Gerritsen, The Spy Coast
  3. Iris Bolling, Backlash
  4. Patricia Cornwell, Unnatural Death
  5. Ann E. Burg, Force of Nature (could double as Children's Fiction)
  6. Michele Campbell, The Intern
  7. Pam Webber, Life Dust
  8. Victoria Christopher Murray, Pride
  9. Allison Winn Scotch, Take Two, Birdie Maxwell
  10. M.J. Rose, Forgetting to Remember

  1. Debra Lee, I Am Debra Lee
  2. Susannah Cahalan, Brain On Fire
  3. Sheila Johnson, Walk Through Fire
  4. Chanelle Coleman Wesley, She Said Yes to Herself Unapologetically
  5. Natasha S. Alford, American Negra
  6. Dr. Dana Sinclair, Dialed In
  7. Ally Dalsimer, It's Okay Not to Be Fabulous Every Day!
  8. Elvira Guzman, Purpose: Awaken and Succeed
  9. Dr. Lovell Brigham, From Plan B to Plan Next
  10. Julia A. Nicholson, Move Forward Stronger
  1. Hena Khan, Drawing Deena
  2. Sharon G. Flake, Once in a Blue Moon
  3. Crystal Maldonado, The Fall of Whit Rivera
  4. Bellen Woodard, More than Peach
  5. Anita Crawford Clark, The Story of Sojourner Truth
  6. Sarah Maslin Nir & Raymond White, Jr., The Jockey & Her Horse
  7. Kate DiCamillo, The Puppets of Spelhorst\
  8. Tina Siemens, The Little Sandals That Could
  9. Crystal Hubbard, Who Is LeBron James?
  10. Tami Charles, We Are Here
  11. Lid'ya C. Rivera, I Absolutely, Positively Love My Spots

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

MINDING YOUR BUSINESS Spotlight with Dr. Velma Bagby

Profession:  Bestselling/Award-Winning Author, Certified Dating-Relationship Coach, Professional Christian Speaker, CEO of Adoni Publishing, LLC

When did you know that you wanted to be an entrepreneur or business owner?
It wasn’t something I initially set out to do. It became a natural progression after becoming a first-time author. I purchased a publishing package from a hybrid publishing house for my first book. After that experience and getting to know the publishing world, I felt it was right to self-publish.

Was it an easy decision for you to start?
It required me to research and learn as much as possible about the writing business. I read self-help books and participated in workshops to determine the best course.  

What helped you in the beginning?
While reading self-help books, I ran across a recommendation to establish an LLC for writing. I began researching the requirements to move in this direction, which resulted in my establishing Adoni Publishing, LLC, obtaining my license, and completing other registration requirements.

What about your audience? How did you know who you wanted to serve, and how did you go about reaching them?
 I was always aware of my audience from the beginning. My focus is an audience of single women interested in preparing for marriage. My passion has always been to help women be the right mate, to discover the right mate. What I did not anticipate was an audience of married couples who expressed excitement learning from my stories, which helped them reset their marriage based on the tips they discovered. Also added to my audience unexpectedly were the male readers who expressed their needs.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your journey?
Hearing the response to the book or a story or receiving feedback about how someone saw themselves in a story and was able to make changes in their lives as a result. I also enjoyed hearing others purchase books for people they knew who would benefit from reading them. My favorite responses are: 1) An interviewer who responded, “Where was this book when I was dating? I dated all the fish characters in the book.” And 2) A woman who said she is now comparing the meeting she meets to the characters and asks herself, “Now, which fish are you?”

Can you share some of the challenges?
Most of my challenges involved determining what I needed to do to publish my books independently. The self-publishing world was unfamiliar territory, and I had a considerable amount of information to digest quickly.

The world is changing daily. How have you been able to keep up with the changes in your area?
Stay current by connecting with fellow authors and writers’ groups. Gain wisdom from the blogs of those you admire. Also, I’ve always written with God’s guidance. Every decision, which book to release at a given time, what topic to address and how to structure my writing activities around a business are made through prayer and guidance.

What role has social media played in helping you grow your business and reach your audience? 
 I continue to learn as much as I can about social media and its impact on my writing. It’s easy to monitor my posts and interviews, check analytics, and track sales based on these activities. The analytics and sales also help direct my focus.

What advice do you have for others looking to start their own business or become an entrepreneur?
Take your time to research your vision. Look for others in the same line of business that you can emulate or glean wisdom from. What we do is not competitive because every business is different. So, connect and establish relationships based on your goal. Business relationships are just as valuable as your audience.

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MINDING YOUR BUSINESS Spotlight with Dr. Norma McLauchlin


Meet Dr. Norma McLauchlin, a serial entrepreneur whose journey is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and community. From a young age, Norma was captivated by the world of entrepreneurship, inspired by her family's small farming business.

 This article delves into her story, highlighting her motivations, strategies, successes, and challenges. 

How Dr. Norma knew she was interested in entrepreneurship: 

The answer traces back to her early years—the desire to create innovative solutions and lead ventures for herself. From the age of six, I mowed the yards in the neighborhood, worked on other farms on days off, and grew produce for the grocery store that I could not enter from the front door. Norma always had a burning desire to earn money and be the boss. Watching her parents manage their small farm business, she saw firsthand the dedication, freedom, and community impact of being bosses. This powerful early experience instilled in her the values of hard work, determination, and the transformative power of entrepreneurship. 

Starting a business is never easy, and Norma's journey was the same. "It was challenging, but her strong passion for innovation and the support from her family and mentors made it easier," she recalls. Her family drilled the sense of ownership as an absolute must for freedom and survival. From a young age, her family taught Norma to ensure her name was on all ownership documents and kept safely in a fire-retardant safe. The unwavering belief of her parents and access to a supportive entrepreneurial community played crucial roles. "The determination to solve real-world problems and create a positive impact in my community were driving forces that helped me overcome initial obstacles," she adds.

Understanding your target audience:

Norma's approach to identifying her audience involved extensive market research, drawing from personal experience, and a deep understanding of community needs. Based on her educational knowledge, Norma knew she had to have concrete data to make informed decisions about her target market.  "I conducted market research to understand demographics, preferences, and needs," she explains. Additionally, she leveraged insights from her involvement in numerous small businesses and engaged in direct conversations with community members. Norma also utilized social media, community events, and local partnerships to build brand awareness and trust. Offering pilot programs and gathering feedback allowed her to refine her offerings to better meet audience needs. 

Rewards of the journey

One of the most rewarding aspects of Norma's entrepreneurial journey has been witnessing the tangible impact of her ventures on both individuals and the community. Norma's commitment to equity in education stems from her childhood experiences. Her grandparents played a vital role in her passion for reading and education, with both strongly emphasized in her home. Norma played a significant role in her community when school integration became a priority. Following the lead of the Junior NAACP in her community, she integrated the local white high school, setting a precedence for her community.

Decades later after completing a 21/2 tour in the Women’s Army Corp, Norma's resume' reflects her commitment to quality education, as she has taught children on an Indian reservation, held a leading role in the collegial community, started New Life Christian Academy, founded Chosen Pen Publishing, and recently undertaken the adoption of two primary schools and an orphanage. She has also planted Forgiveness Gardens in South Africa and Botswana. She is conducting research on the first women of politics in Botswana for a future publication. Norma displayed her mission to support children's literary success in her recent passion for writing books for children translated into Spanish, French, and Swahili as she continues to champion education.

Dealing with challenges:

Financial Hurdles: It's essential to manage finances wisely and explore alternative funding options, such as grants and startup-specific loans. Competition.

Market Saturation: To stand out, focus on niche areas, or offer unique products/services. Norma’s niche platform is forgiveness named Forgiveness Across Borders. 

Building a Reliable Team: When hiring, emphasize cultural fit and motivation to enhance team dynamics and productivity. Norma learned that growing involves increasing human resources. Although difficult, she now manages a multifaceted organization.

Keys to adapting to a changing landscape:

Invest in continuous learning.

Attend workshops.

Use digital tools to streamline operations and improve the customer experience. 

Implement a structured work-life balance.

Set boundaries.

Delegate tasks effectively to prevent burnout and maintain healthy relationships. 

Adapting to the fast-paced changes in the business world has been essential. Norma prioritizes continuous learning and staying informed of industry trends and technological advancements. Attending workshops, participating in webinars, and networking with industry experts helps her stay ahead of the curve. Additionally, she leverages digital tools and platforms to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and maintain a competitive edge. 

Advice for others:
 The entrepreneurial journey is far from easy, but it is gratifying. Norma’s advice to those considering this path is to remain passionate and persistent. Leverage the support of your community, continuously seek knowledge, and always aim to make a positive impact. Embrace the challenges as opportunities for growth, and remember, the journey of entrepreneurship is as much about personal development as business success. 

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MINDING YOUR BUSINESS with Dr. Teresa A. Smith aka Dr. TAS


Dr. Teresa A. Smith, aka Dr. TAS

Dr. Teresa A. Smith wears many hats, including being an Assistant Professor, best-selling author, home cook, personal development coach, empowerment speaker, talk show and podcast host as well as a radio contributor.

When did you know that you wanted to be an entrepreneur or business owner? 

From a young age, I had dreams of becoming a business owner. I closely observed my dad's actions while working with him in his small convenience store. The dream became a reality in 2006.

Was it an easy decision for you to start? What helped you in the beginning? 

Completing the paperwork to incorporate my business was simple, but getting it off the ground was a struggle. In the early stages, I was fortunate to have friends who were successful business owners and acted as mentors to me.

What about your audience? How did you know who you wanted to serve, and how did you go about reaching them? 
My goal was to assist individuals seeking a unique path toward their dreams, embracing religious and non-religious approaches. Some clients came about organically through my network, while others were referred to me.

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your journey? 
The most rewarding aspect of my journey is seeing my audience grow personally, professionally, and academically.

Can you share some of the challenges?
Business owners face challenges such as limited staff, finding reliable outsourcing options, leveraging technology, fostering innovation, prioritizing customer needs, and implementing agile processes based on real-time feedback and changing market conditions.

The world is changing daily. How have you been able to keep up with the changes in your area?
To stay current in my field, I focus on training, embracing technology, assessing my metrics, analyzing trends, staying adaptable, and seeking feedback and collaboration.

What role has social media played in helping you grow your business and reach your audience? 
Social media has helped my business expand globally, beyond just my community, state, and region, thereby leveling the playing field and allowing me to reach a much larger audience. 

I've worked with and served individuals without ever meeting them in person, yet the established connections have only gotten stronger as time has passed.

What advice do you have for others looking to start their own business or become an entrepreneur?
My advice for aspiring entrepreneurs or new business owners is: First, embrace the fact that you don't know everything and commit to continuous learning in your field. Second, embrace the constant change and learn to accept it quickly. Third, seek out mentors who can guide you. Fourth, please don't underestimate the importance of marketing and social media marketing for your business; it's essential. Fifth, stay committed to your passion, mission, and values. Sixth, be ready to adjust and keep up with the changing world. Seven, embrace collaborative partnerships without fear. Eight, learn to be comfortable with making mistakes, as it is a crucial part of the learning process. Nine, be kind to yourself as you navigate the path of entrepreneurship. Then, prioritize self-care so you can effectively manage your business.


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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] The Catch Book of Fools! shines a light on what to avoid and who we are to be

 No one wants to be a fool, right? Yet it can be said we either run into people with foolish behavior and tendencies or we find ourselves displaying them from time to time. With that in mind, Dr. Velma Bagby's book THE CATCH: Book of Fools! is so timely.

Whether you have read her fiction series The Catch or not, this book shares 80 scriptural examples of fools and/or foolish behavior that we do well to avoid. This can be in our personal and professional relationships or even our dealings with ourselves. 

Thankfully we don't have to wonder the kind of behavior that can be dangerous and keep us from our goals in life. The Bible lays it out for us. All we have to do is read, study and take heed. I love the layout of the book, giving us the scriptures and then the opportunity to ask the questions that need to be asked. Once we come to an answer it's about making notes and the personal reflection, giving us the opportunity to make the changes needed. 

Great for your personal use or as a family, THE CATCH: Book of Fools! shines a light on what to avoid and who we are to be. It's then up to US to take action. 

Get your copy of THE CATCH: Book of Fools! on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] The Forgiveness Game by Norma McLauchlin


Sometimes we need a little fiction to remind us of the important truths in our life. THE FORGIVENESS GAME by Norma McLauchlin is that kind of book. 

Through the lens of the character Trish readers are able to see what some are willing to endure in the name of peace and familiarity, only to be reminded of the importance of loving and valuing yourself. 

THE FORGIVENESS GAME shows how men (and some women) can use words and a façade to get what they want and expect others to deal with it---counting on the object of their abuse not to wake up and realize their value and worth. The book also shows, however, when the chips are down who is really there for you. 

The kind of read that draws you in to the story and leaves you with lessons and your own epiphanies, THE FORGIVENESS GAMES shows the power of forgiveness and the importance of peace. 

Get your copy of THE FORGIVENESS GAME on Amazon

[To You, From Me] Why NOW is the ONLY Time that Matters

It's hard to believe we are half-way through the year that is 2024. Like you, so much has happened both personally and professionally, and I am excited about what has helped me get here. But it's not the end for me or for you.

I know life gets hard at times. This issue of Conversations Magazine has been in the works for over a year, and though there was discussion about moving on from it I knew the profiles here would be an encouragement for you to do one thing: KEEP GOING.

So many times we look at the past and think things can't get any better. I am here to tell you that is just not true. You have the opportunity to take advantage of NOW, making the most of it. Those profiled in this Visionary Issue of Conversations Magazine have been able to do just that, and all are benefiting from doing so. Not only that, they are able to remind us all of what is possible. I am inspired by Iris, Robert, Tina and Ruby, and I think their profiles will do much to inspire you, too. 

Since the last issue of Conversations Magazine was in your hands or on your device I have gone through my own changes, thankfully most have been for the better. I have traveled across the country, interviewed people from around the world--but for me the main thing is I have continued to show myself and others what is possible when you don't let fear and doubt stop you. 

I hope this issue reminds you of the importance of NOW and remember that this moment in front of you is the only time that matters. You can't do anything about yesterday. You can't control the future. You can only embrace what is in your power in this moment. May you take full advantage of it, and in the process encourage others to do the same. 

Happy Reading! 

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine/ Mississippi Success Magazine/Books You Need to Read Magazine

[EXCERPT] Minding Your Business, Chapters 1-4 (Tips on Walking the Talk in Business)

Ready for some tips on walking the talk in your business? Enjoy this excerpt from MINDING YOUR BUSINESS by Cyrus Webb.

1. Know Yourself

When it comes to minding your business, one of the biggest lessons I have learned is that I have to know myself.

For some reading this it might seem obvious, but the truth is that we live in a time where what is a pretense and manufactured seems to be the norm and what’s accepted. Some will tell you to fake it until you make it. Others will try to define who you are.

What I have come to realize is that if we’re truly going to build something long-lasting that can make an impact, it must be built on authenticity. Now, the other side of that is that it also means it might take longer than you would like. The important thing, however, is that you don’t lose yourself along the way. 

I have the privilege of working with three amazing changemakers: Dr. Teresa A. Smith (aka Dr. TAS), Chanelle Coleman Wesley and C. C. Fann. Each is using her platform to not only talk about the importance of authenticity but show by example why you have to know yourself when it comes to connecting with others and making an impact. 

Was it always easy for them? Not at all! In fact, they all through their work share the journey of not only knowing they were enough but trusting that they had something to share that others could benefit from. The result of them doing so, however, has been them building a platform that includes not just books but speaking and pouring into others online and offline. 

This key will work for you in ways you might not even imagine if only you give it a chance. By knowing yourself and choosing to lead with your own authentic self, that will set you apart from others in your industry, and make sure that people don’t forget you. 

You will make an impact, and in the world of business and brand-building that is the name of the game for all of us. 

2. Know Your Why

When I began really developing my brand in 2003 it was due to my realizing what my WHY was. I can say 21 years later, that WHY has stayed the same. I have expanded on the vision, but the core of what I wanted to do has remained the same.

That just shows the importance of your WHY. It’s not enough to say you want to start a business or make a lot of money or buy this or that. This key is all about realizing that what you are doing has to be based on something REAL. For me it was giving a platform to those who didn’t have their voices heard, whether it was individuals in the artistic community, doing community work or in business. 

The same is true for another client and friend named Tina Siemens. Today she is an award-winning author of two books, SEMINOLE (Some People Never Give Up) and The Little Sandals That Could), but the path to her getting there has been through connecting with her audience through history and the importance of knowing that your story matters. 

It’s been great watching her go from appreciating the sacrifices and achievements of her own family to imparting that to others so they will realize the value they also have in the world. 

Using history and storytelling Tina runs The West Texas Living Heritage Museum and is stepping outside her comfort zone showing up in virtual and in-person events, highlighting the value we all bring to the world. 

For you it might be to solve a problem that you see around you or to offer something that you know others will need and benefit from. This is something that may take you some time to determine, but doing so is worth it because it will also keep you moving forward. 

Now, as I said, my vision and WHY have expanded. The same will probably be true for you. The important thing is to stay focused and know that if you put in the effort, great things can happen.

3. Know Your Audience.

This key is going to be challenging for some, but once you have determined your why it is the most essential.

One of the problems that I see is that individuals try to be all things to all people. Though it seems like a good idea, it’s not something that is sustainable when  it comes to building your business and establishing your brand. 

We must know who we serve and who is going to resonate with what we have to offer. If we don’t take this important step we will be meandering around blindly, jumping from thing to thing trying to find something that sticks. 

Two great examples of individuals who have learned who they serve and stay focused on that are Robert Helm, the creator of the AllSports Headgear and Dr. Velma Bagby, the bestselling author of The Catch Series. 

For Robert the idea for AllSports came from a need that he saw, first with athletes to wipe the sweat from their face as well as give them a way to keep themselves cool. He has in the process tailored the brand so it can fit individuals of all ages and walks of life, making it fashionable, functional and something that stands out. 

The same can be said about Dr. Velma. Her Catch Series was different from her previous books, and she knew exactly the audience she wanted to reach with them. Doing her research, having conversations with her family and women that she met allowed her to craft books that speak to the heart and opened up dialogue about relationships and marriage: exactly what she wanted to achieve. 

Think about what you have to offer and then think about who needs it. As I mentioned, for me it was giving a platform to those without a voice. That means I was not at the time going after those with recognizable names and businesses. If I had I would not only have been going against my why, I would have also been shutting the door on those I hoped to serve.

Again, it might seem like a great idea to go wide from the very beginning, but if we want to be effective, we will identify those we know need what we have to offer and give them our attention. 

4. Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses

No one likes to admit there are things they can’t do, but I have found that recognizing your strengths and your weaknesses is key.

When it comes to your business you need to think of this objectively, because you will need to know the areas where you shine and where you might need help. All of us at some point WILL need help in one area or another of what we do. 

Knowing where you shine will allow you to focus your attention where it matters and bring help for the areas that might be a challenge. The other thing to think about with this key is that time also plays a role. There are things I know how to do in my business, but I CHOOSE to delegate or hire for it because it might not be the best use of my time. 

Another way to think of your weaknesses is that this is also an opportunity for you to work on becoming better. NONE of us can do everything well all the time. Be aware of where there is an area that needs some work (or maybe ask a trusted source), and then look for way to make yourself stronger.


Master Event Planner, Entrepreneur and Author Melissa Banks: Living Her Best Life, One Dream at a Time

by Cyrus Webb

Dream by Design is not just a brand for Melissa Banks. It's becoming more and more a lifestyle. 

Since she began her journey as a celebrated Master Event Planner and then added titles like bestselling author, Brand Strategist, Media Personality and more, it's becoming clear that she is moving forward with faith one dream at a time. 

As the summer of 2024 was beginning she released her newest book DREAM BY DESIGN DREAM JOURNAL and is gearing up for the fourth season of her podcast Dream by Design with Melissa Banks.  

For those out there with a dream, Melissa Banks is living proof that you CAN push past any challenge or difficulty that comes your way.

Melissa, congratulations on all of your success in 2024. What has it been like for you to reflect on this year so far?

Thank you so much, Cyrus. This year has been an absolute whirlwind. It has moved so fast and I’m so grateful for the direction it has taken me. One of the biggest things for me this year is clarity for myself and my business.

You wear many hats. What has helped you to keep all the balls in the air when it comes to your business and brand?

What really has helped me the most is to stay focused on my purpose, to operate from my lane, have a plan and get up every day ready to execute.

Social media is something you have definitely used a lot. What advice would you give to business owners about the best way to use it?

Social media is something if you have a business you must learn to do well. That means we can use it to amplify our voices and what we bring to the world. What I have learned is there’s so many things in place already to help you be successful in getting your product/service noticed. Control what you see and whose voice you hear. And don’t ever stop learning because it changes consistently. To always show up the way you want to be known.

 You are also gearing up for the fourth season of your talk show Dream by Design. What has it been like to share the stories of other inspiring women?

This show excites me! To listen to these women and hear some of the hard stuff that they have overcome inspires me and I believe my listeners as well. Their stories show us what happens when you keep going despite the circumstances you can create the life you want and deserve. When women support women, we’re unstoppable. 

Coaching is something you have also leaned more into. Why has it been important for you to pour into others when it comes to what you have learned?

Early in my journey I asked a woman who was running a successful business to help me with certifications. She wouldn’t help me the way I wanted, but in reality she really did help me without knowing it. I did the work and the research to find what I needed. I made a commitment to myself that I would always pour into others what I have learned. Coaching others gives me the opportunity to do that. I believe that helping you win doesn’t stop me from winning. In fact, it helps me win! 

Challenges come to all of us as entrepreneurs. Tell our readers how you approach it and what helps you to not give up when things get hard.

It is important to me during these times to be grateful to God for what He has already done. It is also important to speak life into myself using affirmations. It is important not to get stuck looking at the situation. Then look at what is happening, be honest with myself about my part and then give myself some grace to move on. I lean into scriptures, or quotes that encourage me during that time.  And never make quitting an option. I have learned when challenges come this is not the time to sit down and do nothing. This is the time to dig deeper and keep moving.

Any other advice you want to share for entrepreneurs or those looking to start a business?

Everything begins with believing in yourself! It’s ok not to have it all figured out to start. Just do it! Don’t ever stop learning and growing. Get up everyday moving in the direction of your dreams.

Thanks again for your time, Melissa. How can our readers stay connected with you? 

You can connect with us at 

[FOOD] Southern Banana Pudding by Dr. Teresa A. Smith, Dr. TAS


Southern Banana Pudding

by Dr. Teresa A. Smith, Dr. TAS


2 bananas, sliced (I only had 2 bananas, 4 bananas would have been better)

1 pack of JELL-O Banana Cream Sugar Free & Fat Free Instant Pudding

1 pack of JELL-O Cheesecake Sugar Free & Fat Free Instant Pudding

2 scoops of vanilla custard protein powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 cups Stevia in the raw or to taste

¼ cup vanilla flavoring

½ cup Bailey Irish Cream 2 cups of cold Fairlife® Milk

¾ cup of cold water 2 cups of animal crackers or cookie of choice 2 cups of protein probiotic cookies or cookie of choice

¼ cup of pecans

¼ cup of walnuts



Mix pudding, protein powder, Stevia, cinnamon, milk, water, flavoring, and Irish Cream in a large mixing bowl until it thickens. Then layer cookies, bananas, walnuts, cookies, bananas, and pecans in a glass casserole dish. 

Continue layering until all ingredients are used. Pour the pudding mixture over the layers after making a well in the pudding. This will ensure the pudding gets to the bottom of the dish. If you have leftover nuts, sprinkle them on the banana pudding. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours before serving.