Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Master Event Planner, Entrepreneur and Author Melissa Banks: Living Her Best Life, One Dream at a Time

by Cyrus Webb

Dream by Design is not just a brand for Melissa Banks. It's becoming more and more a lifestyle. 

Since she began her journey as a celebrated Master Event Planner and then added titles like bestselling author, Brand Strategist, Media Personality and more, it's becoming clear that she is moving forward with faith one dream at a time. 

As the summer of 2024 was beginning, she released her newest book DREAM BY DESIGN DREAM JOURNAL and was gearing up for the fourth season of her podcast Dream by Design with Melissa Banks.  She also has released her bestselling books DO I REALLY NEED AN EVENT PLANNER and the DREAM FOR HIM  JOURNAL.

For those out there with a dream, Melissa Banks is living proof that you CAN push past any challenge or difficulty that comes your way.

Melissa, congratulations on all of your success in 2024. What has it been like for you to reflect on this year so far?

Thank you so much, Cyrus. This year has been an absolute whirlwind. It has moved so fast and I’m so grateful for the direction it has taken me. One of the biggest things for me this year is clarity for myself and my business.

You wear many hats. What has helped you to keep all the balls in the air when it comes to your business and brand?

What really has helped me the most is to stay focused on my purpose, to operate from my lane, have a plan and get up every day ready to execute.

Social media is something you have definitely used a lot. What advice would you give to business owners about the best way to use it?

Social media is something if you have a business you must learn to do well. That means we can use it to amplify our voices and what we bring to the world. What I have learned is there’s so many things in place already to help you be successful in getting your product/service noticed. Control what you see and whose voice you hear. And don’t ever stop learning because it changes consistently. To always show up the way you want to be known.

 You are in the new season of your talk show Dream by Design. What has it been like to share the stories of other inspiring women?

This show excites me! To listen to these women and hear some of the hard stuff that they have overcome inspires me and I believe my listeners as well. Their stories show us what happens when you keep going despite the circumstances you can create the life you want and deserve. When women support women, we’re unstoppable. 

Coaching is something you have also leaned more into. Why has it been important for you to pour into others when it comes to what you have learned?

Early in my journey I asked a woman who was running a successful business to help me with certifications. She wouldn’t help me the way I wanted, but in reality she really did help me without knowing it. I did the work and the research to find what I needed. I made a commitment to myself that I would always pour into others what I have learned. Coaching others gives me the opportunity to do that. I believe that helping you win doesn’t stop me from winning. In fact, it helps me win! 

Challenges come to all of us as entrepreneurs. Tell our readers how you approach it and what helps you to not give up when things get hard.

It is important to me during these times to be grateful to God for what He has already done. It is also important to speak life into myself using affirmations. It is important not to get stuck looking at the situation. Then look at what is happening, be honest with myself about my part and then give myself some grace to move on. I lean into scriptures, or quotes that encourage me during that time.  And never make quitting an option. I have learned when challenges come this is not the time to sit down and do nothing. This is the time to dig deeper and keep moving.

Any other advice you want to share for entrepreneurs or those looking to start a business?

Everything begins with believing in yourself! It’s ok not to have it all figured out to start. Just do it! Don’t ever stop learning and growing. Get up everyday moving in the direction of your dreams.

Thanks again for your time, Melissa. How can our readers stay connected with you? 

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