Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Visionary Iris Bolling, Author/Publisher/Producer (2024)

 by Cyrus Webb

Iris Bolling is a TRUE VISIONARY. 

Over the years I have watched her embraces her creativity and use it in creating bestselling books, a television series, producing movies and pushing the boundaries of the literary world. As a friend she has shown herself to be generous with her time, encouraging and ready to inspire and empower others along their own paths. 

In 2024 she has continued to expand on her brand and showcase her ability to keep elevating in everything she does. Releasing her beloved LASSITER WEDDING SERIES in audiobook, she is allowing you to enjoy the stories in a new way. And as the summer begins she gives us a new book PANTHER, kicking of THE NEXT GENERATION series for her fans. 

In this conversation we discuss her success and her advice for all when it comes to embracing your gifts. 

Iris, first of all congratulations on your continued success. What has it been like for you to reflect on your literary career?

Hi Cyrus and thank you for having me. It has honestly been a blessing. Discovering a gift at any age is a wonderful experience. Finding it later in life is like a new beginning. I wake up grateful for this gift. Because of it, I get to visit different places, times, and people whenever the mood strikes me. Each day I am excited to see what the next chapter will bring.  

Storytelling seems to be something that comes naturally to you. Have you always known that you were going to be a storyteller in some form?

No, not at all. My first love was teaching. I grew up wanting to teach, but my mother suggested I go into business. I did not begin writing until I was 50 years old. That is when my love for reading mushroomed into my love for writing. Now I cannot imagine going a day my life without writing a line or two of a story.  Looking back, I can say my mother was halfway right on my career choice. As an independent author, that business degree certainly has come in handy. 

You have had the privilege of not just having bestselling books but had books turned into a television series and produced movies. What has that been like to see your stories brought to life?

Seeing my stories come to life is magical. However, watching others enjoy the stories that were first introduced to them through the pages of a book, then seeing it come to life is like an adrenaline rush that you want to experience over and over again. When I take time to watch movies I’ve produced, I find myself getting caught up in the story as if I wasn’t the one who wrote it. LOL. I would love to see other authors have that experience and I can’t wait to work on another book to film project. 

One of the things you have also enjoyed, Iris, is a loyal following. What do you contribute that to?

First and foremost, writing good stories. Introducing them to characters that are relatable or families the readers want to be a part of. I would like to think some of it has to do with my sparkling personality, LOL. However, I spend so much time in my writing cave, that it’s rare that I get a chance to meet readers face to face. But when I do, I hope my appreciation for them spending time with my stories shines through.  

I’ve used the word success in this conversation with you, but that is such a personal thing. What does success look like for you?

Wow, that is not easy for me to explain, but here you go. Success for me is not necessarily a monetary amount earned each year, or accomplishment stemming from my novels. Those things are nice and by all means, welcomed. But what really fills my heart is when I see others who I’ve touched in some way through an encouraging word or propelled them in their career, that is the ultimate sign of success. It means I left my mark on this world. 

Do you feel any pressure at this point when it comes to releasing new books?

(laughs) YES! Every time I sit down to write a story the pressure is on. However, once the characters begin talking to me, (no I am not crazy) they take over and the story begins telling itself. Here is the funny thing about writing for me, if I attempted to force something on one of my characters that does not fit their personality, the story would begin screaming that something is wrong. It will continue to do that until I go in to fix it. I’ve had times when I was halfway through a story when it begins screaming. I would have to delete all that had been written to start over to get it right. However, in the end, the story felt right. So, for me, the release of a story is just like getting on stage as a performer. The butterflies are in you stomach until that first review hits and you realize…hey, you got this. That’s when your belief in yourself kicks in, the pressure dissipates, and you can see your way to the next story.

Social media has helped us all stay connected. How has it factored into your marketing strategy?

Social media is my second priority in my marketing strategy. Ensuring my brand is strong and consistent is number one. My base, which is my website, is where all my social media is directed. Therefore, my second priority is to use social media in the most efficient way to drive organic customers to my home. I’m somewhat selective with social media sites I regularly use. I follow the data received from each to determine what information works best for that site. Then I strategically post or share information based on those findings. While social media is very helpful, their algorithms are not in your control. How helpful they are should be monitored often because they will vary from time to time. This is why it is important to always…ALWAYS have your home base. Yo control what happens or doesn’t happen there.

Any advice you want to share when it comes to others pursuing their own goals and dreams?

My advice would be to stay true to who you are. People can tell when you are not being authentic with them. In addition, it’s hard to keep up with different personas. It better to just be you. Second, I would advise to believe in you, your goals, and your dreams. You are unique. Others can be doing the exact same thing as you, however, not one of them can do it like you. 

Thanks again for the time, Iris. How can our audience stay connected with you?

It is always a pleasure to speak with you, Cyrus, in any format. The main place to stay connected is through my website:  where they can subscribe to my newsletter. I can also be found on Instagram and Facebook as Iris Bolling. 


  1. Absolutely love her stories and look forward to every new read.

  2. I discovered Iris Bolling during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Her work kept me sane and entertained. I'm looking forward to the Next Generation series.

  3. Wonderful interview!! Congrats to Iris Bolling on her success as an author.

  4. An informative and personable interview. Thank you for insight into this awesome Visionary and Writer!
