Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Friday, November 29, 2024

Stacey Thomas: Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk Towards Her Purpose (2024)


by Cyrus Webb

Sometimes we meet someone who doesn't fully see how great they are. Stacey Thomas has been one of those people in my world. I've been on this road in media for 21 years, so I know it's a marathon and not a sprint. It can be frustrating, however, when things don't happen as quickly as we would like. Stacey knows this all too well. What matters, though, is what we decide to do in those situations. 

In this honest conversation Stacey talks about what helps her to keep walking the walk and talking the talk when it comes to her purpose and using her platform for good. 

Stacey, you and I first connected because of your work as an author. What has it been like to share with the world your other gifts?

It's been a surprising journey as an author. Writing my first book stemmed from a dare by friends—they encouraged me to stop sharing stories just among them and to share them with a wider audience. To my surprise, I discovered that others, not just my friends, enjoyed reading my stories. Every time someone tells me they’ve read my book and shares their thoughts about my writing, it brings me so much happiness.  Being an author has also connected me with people I would never have met otherwise. It's incredible how writing creates connections that enrich my life in ways I never imagined.

What has given you the courage to pursue your passions, even when it’s not easy?

When it's not easy and I try to let go of pursuing my passions, God shows up with something or someone that reminds me not to give up. I have learned that nothing worth having is easily obtained. I gain motivation by learning from others and hearing their stories. I have a Publicist, Cyrus Webb, that believes in me enough to share his platform to show me that I can do more. He teaches and accepts no excuses.   Above all, I remind myself that God will do His part, and I have to do mine. Fear blocks blessings, but faith brings blessings

Thank you for the compliment. A lot of people are getting to know you from our show The Stacey Thomas show. How did it start?

Once I stopped worrying about how I looked on camera or how I should speak, I started doing Facebook Lives. As my audience grew, I decided I wanted to have conversations with others about what they were doing—not just to promote them, but also to motivate, inspire, and entertain both my audience and myself.  I reached out to people—honestly, they were individuals with larger platforms who had nothing in common with me as an author—but they said YES. I wasn’t focused on their follower count; I genuinely wanted to hear their stories.  Those "yes" made me realize I could host a talk show. Not one like the news, where you just get a summary. A platform where I could truly bring the story.

You talk a lot about your mom and ALS. Why is advocating so important for you?

When my African American mother was diagnosed with ALS, a neurodegenerative disease that affects the muscles and takes away the ability to walk, talk and eventually breathe; neither our family nor our friends had ever heard of the disease. After researching, asking questions, and navigating different agencies, I quickly realized that even the people at these agencies often don’t know the correct answers. This taught me how crucial it is to advocate for ourselves. When you don’t know about something, it’s hard to know where to turn for help, get answers to your questions, or learn how to properly care for a loved one. My goal is to ensure that others get the correct information they need—whether it’s from me directly or someone I can refer them to. The media has done little to educate African Americans and other minority groups about ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. 

You seem to love creating in lots of areas. What inspires you?

My creativity is inspired by true life events, relationships, and the dreams that run through my mind before I fall asleep at night, as well as moments of peace while sitting or driving.  The messages on my inspirational shirts and mugs, I believe, are things God shares with me—not just for myself, but to share with others as well.

Social media is something we all use to share the work we do. How has social media helped you in reaching your audience?

Social media has allowed me to reach people I never could have connected with otherwise. When others I’ve connected with share what I’m doing, it helps me grow my brand and expand my reach.  Going live on social platforms gives me the opportunity to showcase my passion for what I’m doing and what I’m advocating for. It has also become a space where I can learn from those I follow and build positive connections with others.

Has it become easier for you to say you are proud of yourself?

Yes, it has become easier to be proud of myself. I’ve realized that everything I have done, am doing, and will do are accomplishments—because I didn’t let fear or my own doubts sabotage my ability to use my gifts to bless not only myself but others as well.  Fifteen years ago, I would never have imagined I’d become an author, advocate, talk show host, and independent film producer—or that I’d know how to do these things,  connect with people who could teach me along the way and have a PR!  I can’t help but smile when I say my name and think about everything I’ve accomplished.

What has the reflection over the past year been like for you?

Reflecting on the past year, all I can say is, WOW!  Hiring Cyrus Webb as my PR has led to some amazing things. Looking back at how I was promoting and connecting with people, I’ve learned to do both much better.  My audience has grown, and I’ve had incredible guests that I never would have had the opportunity to connect with if I hadn’t hired a PR professional. My confidence has soared, and as I reflect, I feel even more determined to continue growing both as a person and as a brand.

Thank you again for the kind words. It's great to be on the journey with you, Stacey. What are you looking forward to going into the new year?

I am excited to see what God has in store for me now that I’ve decided there is no longer space in my life for fear, doubt, or procrastination. I’m thrilled about growing into being my own boss and doing what I love. I’m also looking forward to speaking at live events and sharing both my mom’s story and mine.

Thanks for all you do, Stacey. How can our audience stay connected with you?

Thank you, Cyrus Webb, for this interview.  I can be reached by email at, on Instagram @iamstaceythomas, Facebook: IamStacey Thomas, YouTube: Stacey Thomas Talk Show, and through my website at

1 comment:

  1. I am truly thankful for having a space in this magazine!!! I'm thankful for the platform and those that
    support me. Thank you @Cyrus for allowing me to share my story.
