Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Friday, November 29, 2024

William D. McCreary: Building a Legacy One Day at a Time (2024)

 by Cyrus Webb

I was introduced to William D. McCreary through a mutual Facebook friend, and I was instantly impressed with his passion for the work he was doing as well as his desire to build something for his family. 

As an entrepreneur, author and father, he is reminding us all of what is possible. 

William, first of all let me say I'm glad to be working with you in sharing your gifts with the world. What has it been like for you to reflect on this year? 

Thank you for this opportunity. 2024 has been amazing. Never would I in a million years I think I'd be where I am. I am also glad to be a part of the Conversations (Media Group) family. 

When did you know that you wanted to start a business and work for yourself? 

I wanted to start a business after serving in the Army. I also wanted to start a magazine back in 2005, but it never took off. I then used the name V.A.P (Very Awesome People) and created something for myself. 

In our interviews together you have talked about being a father. How has being a father motivated you when it comes to pursuing your goals and dreams? 

My son has become the motivation for me when it comes to creating this brand. I am doing this for him. He is definitely the reason for my drive for the dream that is the new brand V.A.P.!

Tell our readers about your books and what inspired you to write them. 

My books: "A Little Boy and a Dragon" & "My Dad is a Big Truck Driver" are something I wanted my kids to enjoy and think of after my time here is done. I wanted to share stories that could entertain but also share great lessons. 

A lot of people allow fear to stop them from pursuing their goals and dreams. What has helped you to keep going in your life in spite of the fear? 

I think about the story of "David and Goliath". I wondered how he felt going up against this giant. I then apply it to my life. If he gained the courage to slay this monster then I could gain the courage to chase my dream.

Looking forward to 2025 what are you excited about? 

Looking into the near future of 2025 I'm excited to see what it may bring when it comes to my books and my merchandise reaching a new audience. I am also looking forward to speaking engagements and doing things to motivate the youth. 

What advice do you have for others when it comes to pursuing their own goals? 

The advice I have for others is it's never too late to try. Take one step at a time. You never fail if you try.

Congratulations again, William. How can our readers stay connected with you and what's happening with your business? 

They can reach me on all platforms: Facebook, Instagram and TicTok. Also they can find out more about me and my merchandise on my website

1 comment:

  1. Andrae Ballard, Esq.December 12, 2024 at 4:14 AM

    Absolutely amazing man. I met Will a few years ago and his character and charisma moved me. So happy to read about his success.
