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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

One-on-One with Earl Hall of Earl Hall Studio

 by Cyrus Webb

Earl Hall is a man of many talents. Having known him for a decade now, it's been great watching his brand grow and him use the skills that he possesses. Many have gotten to know him as a voice over artist and VO coach, but he is so much more than that. In 2023 alone he has had a bestselling book BECOMING A VOICE ACTOR and launched a brand new show called The Earl Hall Show which combines his work as a coach and as an interviewer, sharing the stories of others. 

Earl, you have already had quite the 2023. What has it been like for you to see what you’ve done both personally and professionally?

Personally and professionally, I have definitely grown.  I see 2023 as the culmination of what I began as an entrepreneur back in 1999.  The journey has had many twists and turns for my businesses and my family.  It has been a long journey, but when I look back over it I don’t see failure.  I see preparation, determination, and a lot of luck sprinkled into it all.

You have said many times that at your core you are a teacher. How does it feel to share what you have learned over the years with others?

As a teacher it always makes me smile when I see people grab hold to what I teach and actually execute on it.  Seeing them succeed with what I have taught is a great joy for me.  I tell them all I did was give you a tool.  They are the ones that actually make it happen.

Content creation is a big part of your work. When did you realize the importance of not just creating content but finding your audience for that content?

Finding the audience is simple not easy.  All we can do is create the content and hopefully people will consume it.  In the world we live in, creating content is a must for any small business owner.  When you do find your audience, you have a responsibility to stay loyal to them if you expect them to stay loyal to you.

Already in 2023 you’ve released a book and started a new show, The Earl Hall Show. Tell us about the show.

The Earl Hall Show is about building your brand by sharing your story.  Regardless of the industry, social media is essential if you want to build a successful brand and thriving business.  The guests that will be on The Earl Hall Show will be sharing their own journey to success with the products and services they offer.

As someone who has many interests and abilities how do you decide what you want to focus on?

This has always been a challenge for me.  When you have a lot of interests and talents as I do, I have had a tendency to chase shiny objects and opportunities.  What I have learned over time is that I needed to pick a lane and stick with it.

You recently said in an interview with Cyrus Webb Presents that work-life balance doesn’t exist. Tell us why you feel that way?

It is impossible to give 100% to 2 or more things at a time.  When I work, I am 100% focused on that, and I do not allow distractions.  When I am with family, I put 100% focus there. 

What are you excited about as we continue into the second half of the year?

What excites me the most is what will happen with The Earl Hall Show and my ability through Earl Hall Studio to extend the reach and influence of the clients that I help.  For all intents and purposes this is a relaunch of my entire brand, and I am really excited about the potential that I already see coming to fruition.

Any advice you want to share for those looking to start a new business or redefine their brand?

It all starts with a real plan that is not short-sighted.  Having the long game in mind is essential.  Quick wins will happen, but the real results require patience.  

Thanks again for the time, Earl, and congratulations again. How can our readers stay connected with you?

Thank you. The best way to stay connected is at, and I can be found an Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube with the handle @earlhallstudio.

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