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Click below to order Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2024
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Monday, August 5, 2024

Conversations' 25 Men Changing the World, 2024

Since 2007 Conversations Magazine has been shining a light on the extraordinary contributions of women with its 25 Women Changing the World series. Now we spotlight the extraordinary men we have seen doing amazing things in their area, reminding us all of what is possible. 

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief of Conversations Magazine, proudly presents...

 Conversations' 25 Men Changing the World, 2024 

 (listed in alphabetical order in their categories)

Through Music

Damien Escobar

DJ Khaled

Justin Timberlake

Niko Moon

Stephen Voyce

Through Books

David Baldacci

Jeffery Deaver


Kevin Hart

Larry Tye

Through Media/Television/Entertainment

Cedric The Entertainer

Steve Harvey

Tyler Perry

Tavis Smiley

Brandon "Writerboy" Washington

Through Business

Mario Armstrong

Derek Blanks 

J. Bolin

Angelo Ellerbee 

Gary Vaynerchuk

Through Missions/ Purpose

Sean Cannell


Bill Duke

Suga Ray

R. K. Russell

Sunday, July 21, 2024

[To You, From Me] Why I Know You Can Change the World

Crafting this year's 25 Women Changing the World for you has not been without some difficulty. I have to be honest with you about that. 

This issue was originally scheduled to come out in March, however, due to our busy schedule with the radio show and our Amazon programming it was delayed. For that, I personally apologize. 

I'm telling you this because even with the delay, you are now reading the issue that I know will be one of our best of the year. Why do I say that? Because it was birthed through challenges, hard work and persistence. In fact, that is the message I want you to take away from the women we have featured in this issue. They are changing the world, and they are reminding us all that it is possible to do the same. 

I was raised by two strong women, my grandmother Quattie Webb and my mother Zattie Webb Sims. I saw firsthand the challenges they faced, the difficulties they had to overcome---but I also saw the joy they had for doing their best. That is why I choose to honor them in the work I do everyday. I wouldn't be who I am without them.

For you there might be things you have had to overcome. Maybe there are hills you are currently climbing. I want this issue to remind you that regardless of all that, you can change the world. You can make a difference. You can show others what is possible. 

As you read the features here think about ways you can emulate their courage, tenacity and grit. I also want you to think of ways you have already demonstrated your ability to keep moving, even in spite of challenges. This message is a celebration for us all, because each of us have the power to do something amazing. 

Feel free to let me know what you think of our list. Also let me know about those who have impacted your own life. 

As always, thank you for your support of Conversations Magazine. Happy reading! 

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief

Conversations Magazine/ Mississippi Success Magazine 

DOLLY PARTON: Changing the World by Changing Minds about Music and Life

 by Cyrus Webb

I think it's safe to say that in 2024 Dolly Parton has been everywhere. From new music to new business partnerships, she has continued to show us that when you love what you do there are no limits. That is a message that is not accepted by all, but anyone who has followed Dolly Parton's career knows that she is not one to color safely inside the lines. She loves to stir things up.

Whether you know Ms. Parton from acting, singing or her business dealings, you are well aware that everything comes from her heart---and she doesn't care too much what you have to say about it. At a time where so many people want you to just fall in line, she goes where she feels led, and that has empowered others as well. 

I haven't had the chance to interview Ms. Parton (yet), but I have to say one thing I am looking forward to discussing with her is not the why but the HOW. She has been a part of the music landscape for DECADES, and still manages to surprise us with new collaborations. That takes a lot of courage as well as believe in oneself. That is also a great reminder for us all.

No matter what others say or do, Ms. Parton is proof that you have to dance to the beat of your own drum, trusting that those who are supposed to join you on the dance floor will find their way to you eventually. 

Omegia Keeys and Kathy Taylor: Changing the World through Entertainment and Collaboration

by Cyrus Webb

10 years ago when Conversations Magazine began its 25 Women Changing the World series, it was with the hope of recognizing those who have made an impact on the world and led by example, showing what is possible. 2024's choices are examples of that, and our cover features---Omegia Keeys and Kathy Taylor---exemplify it.

I've known Omegia for years, and it's been great watching her rise and success. Through her I met Kathy, another powerful force. Individually they have done amazing work. Together they have partnered to create some great projects, some of which are in the works as this issue goes to print. 

In this exclusive conversation we discuss what has been the year 2024, the success of their film FRACTURED and their advice for others when it comes to following your goals and dreams. 

 Thanks to the two of you for the time, and congratulations on the successes you have had already in 2024. Omegia, I want to start off with you. What has it been like for you to look at this year and the wins you have experienced with KEEPING SECRETS and FRACTURED?

Keeping Secrets and Fractured have pushed us to another level. Looking back at it just solidifies me as a director and owner of a production company. The conversations I’m having are different and the people are different. It’s as if I have earned a new level of respect, and I’m taking it all in stride.

Kathy, it’s great to have you join us for the first time. What about for you? What has it been like for you to see the way the current projects have been received?

 It has been truly inspiring to witness the overwhelming support and appreciation for our work. It motivates us to continue pushing boundaries and creating impactful stories that resonate with audiences.

Kathy, for those that are just not discovering you, tell them when your own love of creating began?

My love of creating began at a young age when I would spend hours drawing outfits for my Barbie dolls, designing what her house would look like, and accompanying my Mom at home decor parties for Home Interiors. Her clients loved asking me my opinion on what I thought would look best in their home. I was always fascinated by the process of bringing of creating awesomess, and that passion has only grown stronger over the years.

Omegia, we have talked about your journey from bestselling author to filmmaker. Has creating always been something you wanted to do?
Creating has always been a part of me whether I wanted to or not. I have been this way since I was three years old. Even when I served in the military, I always found myself writing. Putting the writing to film was the next step in the evolution chain. I’m thankful to be able to follow my childhood dreams, even if I had to take the long way to here. 

Omegia, the last time we featured you in Conversations we were talking about your business book. Let’s talk about business. What has it been like for you to balance your love of creating with understanding the importance of the business aspect of it all?
The business side is there from the first strokes of my pen or keyboard. I’m always thinking about writing as a product. I have lots of ideas, but all ideas don’t need to be told. I’m very realistic and constantly looking at the film market. Are people going to want to see what I’m writing? How do we market it? If I can’t answer those questions, then it doesn’t make business sense. The balance comes in the form of not wasting any funding because as indie filmmakers we can’t afford to. 

Kathy, Omegia and you have worked together on different projects, including a podcast. What has it been like to have someone that you can relate to as well as learn from? 

Having a collaborator like Omegia has been a game-changer! I have the best of both worlds. I have a great business partner and a sister/friend to do life with. It's been such a joy to have someone to share ideas with, bounce off creative energy, and learn from each other throughout our projects. We understand each others gifts and talents and are able to let them truly shine. It's truly been a fulfilling and enriching experience. She inspires me to be better. She is awesome.

Omegia, same question for you. What has it been like for you to have someone like Kathy in your corner that you can collaborate with?
For me it is like filling in that last piece of a puzzle. Working with Kathy is the completion. I feel like we enhance each other. I get to take the reins off because I know she will help to fill in the gaps and vice versa.  She elevates me.

FRACTURED is the film that really has people talking right now. Omegia, talk to us about the basis of the film?

The basis of Fractured is how much can a person take on of always being the strong person before they snap. Nobody is perfect. You can’t have trauma without some fallout.

Kathy, seeing the pictures from the premiere of FRACTURED was amazing. What was it like for you to have people respond so well to a project with so many messages?

Seeing the pictures from our Premiere was overwhelming in a good way. Our premieres allow my creativity to shine. I spend time thinking of different ideas to create an experience to remember. My passion for creating is fueled by the joy and fulfillment it brings me, as well as the connection it allows me to make with others. There is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing someone connect with my art on a deep level, and that is what drives me to continue sharing my creations with the world.

Omegia, trauma is a big part of FRACTURED, and it shows up in so many ways. What do you hope viewers realize about the importance of addressing trauma in life?
I hope people will realize it is okay to get the help you need. You aren’t weak if you say, 'You know what? I don’t have it all together.' Set those boundaries and stop trying to carry the world on your shoulders. 

Kathy, do you hope that FRACTURED not only entertains but also opens dialogue about some of the issues that can be taboo?

 I hope that by shedding light on these taboo subjects, the film FRACTURED will challenge societal norms and misconceptions, ultimately leading to greater understanding, empathy, and support for those who are struggling with mental health issues and those who have been victims of sex trafficking. Our wish is not only to entertain but spark conversations and encourage the viewers to educate themselves and take action.

Both of you are able to show through your individual endeavors what is possible. Kathy, what has it been like for you to let others, especially women, see what is possible?

I pray my journey has shown that with determination, hard work, and belief in oneself, anything is possible. I want women to understand that it is ok to not be ok every day so you deserve a self care day. By sharing my story and accomplishments, I hope to inspire others, especially women, to break barriers, defy expectations, and chase their dreams with unwavering passion.

What about for you, Omegia?
I’m humbled every time someone says they have learned from me or I inspired them. It also gives me the energy boost to keep going. If I can give just one person hope, I feel like I completed the mission. 

Omegia, what advice would you have for those with a dream about the importance of not giving up on it?

First, I want to clarify is it just a dream, meaning there’s no plan or action behind it. If there is then keep at it. It’s okay to revise your plan. If it is truly something you want to do, then put in the effort to do it. People always say they don’t have time. No, you just don’t want it bad enough. Your dream path will not look like anyone else’s so don’t compare your start to someone else’s middle. 

Kathy, what about you?
I want to encourage women to believe in themselves, trust their instincts, and never underestimate their own potential. Remember that every great achievement starts with a single step, and with perseverance and dedication, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your wildest dreams. Let my journey be a reminder that you are capable of greatness, and the world is waiting for you to shine, so don't give up.

Thanks to the two of you for the time. Really glad to have you all headlining this issue. How can our audience stay connected with you? 

Omegia: Thank you so much for having us. Once again it is an honor. Follow me on @memekeeys on all the socials as well as @likeabossstudios and @afmedia1922. 

Kathy:You can connect on all social media at tellallinc or

Saturday, July 20, 2024

JASMINE STAR: Changing the World through Authenticity and Her Brand

by Cyrus Webb

I have been following Jasmine Star for some time, and I can honestly say she is the real deal.

As the founder of Social Curator, a Brand Strategist, podcast host and more, she has showed her audience the importance of showing up for themselves and their audience---making an impact all over the world. She is no-nonsense, a fireball full of energy and knowledge as well as someone who is passionate about her goals and those who trust her to help grow their businesses. 

When I was compiling the 25 Women Changing the World for 2024 I knew that Jasmine had to be on the list again. She is an individual who is changing the world through authenticity and her own personal brand and style. She isn't trying to be anyone other than Jasmine Star---and we wouldn't have it any other way. 

BILLIE EILISH: Changing the World One Melody at a Time

by Cyrus Webb

"Who is that?"

Like many, this was my first reaction when I heard WHEN THE PARTY'S OVER for the first time. That lyrics connected with me on such a deep level, and I headed to Google to discover the force behind the song. It was, of course, Billie Eilish. 

Since she burst on the musical scene she has been able to make her mark, giving us songs that make you move, make you think and make you connect with your feelings in ways few artists can do. This happened again for me when I heard BURY A FRIEND. 

For many their introduction to Eilish was with the hit song WHAT WAS I MADE FOR? from Barbie. Regardless of what era you came in on, I think it's safe to say that Billie Eilish is a force that is changing the world one melody at a time--and I can't wait to see what she has in store forr us next. 

[BOOK REVIEW] NIGHT OF THE HAWK by Lauren Martin speaks to life, good and bad, and how we handle it

 by Cyrus Webb

I loved Lauren Martin's NIGHT OF THE HAWK as soon as I started reading it.

Through poetry she is able to chronicle her own personal reflections about relationships, our own mortality, how we deal with the changes that time brings---and even getting to know ourselves better. 

The cool thing is that you'll find yourself thnking about your own life, how you deal with challenges and what you can do if you choose not to give up on yourself. 

The book touches on all aspects of life, and that is what makes it such a great collection of poetry. You're able to find something you will either connect with or know someone who can. You'll see how even when it comes to different perspectives we can empathize with the experiences of others, finding something we can connect with.

Writing about life, the good and the bad, NIGHT OF THE HAWK shows the importance of how you handle every situation you face and what it can do for you moving forward. 

Get your copy of NIGHT OF THE HAWK on Amazon