Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mary's Motivational Message: LETTERS OF GRATITUDE

In the past I have spoken on the subject of GRATITUDE however, recently I was encouraged to put my words into action; Actions that would transcend through me and directly impact lives.

With that said, several months ago I became affiliated with a movement called, TeamHealthMe. The vision of TeamHealthMe, is to establish a platform of encouragement as we move towards optimal health; a health balance of physical, emotional and spiritual self. The founder Tiera Gilder sums it up as, “Balancing your PESce so that you can experience true PEACE.”

Recently, she incorporated a 30-day challenge. The foundation of Day five’s challenge was focused on extending GRATITUDE. All were instructed to reflect on their individual journey while internally connecting with those who have added profoundness. That profoundness could derive from something as simplistic as a word or action that added a special something within a moment.

In addition, all were encouraged to identify three individuals who had touched their lives and forward to them a letter of heartfelt GRATITUDE.

As I sifted through my mental Rolodex, cell contacts and phone book I began to understand a reality, numerous individuals have been so good to me. Truth be told, I could write hundreds of letters acknowledging the love, kindness, generosity and mentorship that has been extended on so many levels.
In the construction of those three letters existed a power; within the core of that power housed a validation of our interconnectedness. And that connectedness is an intricate part of our identity.

As you rush through the Christmas Season and prepare for the New Year, set aside a moment to reflect on those who have stood and those who continue to stand on the front line with you. Regardless, if your act of appreciation is grand or as simplistic as a letter, continue to extend gratitude to those who have added profoundness to your journey.

Happy New Year, Love, Peace and Joy.

Mary E. Gilder

Mary E. Gilder is the author of the award winning novel, “A Misrepresentation of Myself.” Mary can be contacted at: or Also, visit her website at:

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