Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Unrest In Libya Doesn't Erase The Uncertainty Still In Egypt

by Cyrus Webb

While much of the world has recently focused its attention on the chaos in Libya, for individuals like San Diego resident Samara Alexander, there are still unanswered questions and uncertainty about the future of Egypt. Alexander's parents still call Egypt home, and though many in the United States have moved away from the story, she is doing her best to make sure that no one forgets the struggles ahead. Even though Presdient Mubarak has resigned from power and the country is beginning to move forward, Samara still has concerns about the next chapter. She discusses those with Conversations Magazine in this interview.

What were your thoughts when you first learned about what was going on in Egypt?
When I first heard about the unrest in Egypt, I froze as much as I did as I heard about 9/11.

Do you think your having family there has caused you to pay closer attention to the action over the past several days?
Of course, the fact that my parents were there made the news more personal.

 In the U.S. there has been mixed reaction as to how we should see the crisis in Egypt. Why should we all care about what is going on there?
 I think of the war against terrorism and Islamists as a chess game, Egypt is the castles. If the castles fall the game becomes more dangerous.

You recently shared a different view of why the President should not have resigned. Can you tell us here?
The problem is that there is no viable alternative. For the longest time elections in Egypt had no real electoral ballots. There were two boxes Yes to Mubarak or No to Mubarak. The opposition needs to become stronger and a leader has to reveal himself.

What is your message to the people of Egypt during this time?
My message would be to think logically instead of reacting emotionally. The difference between thirty years and thirty years and nine months is safety for the people of Egypt. If this crisis is caused by poverty and the main source of income in Egypt is tourism.  Then Egyptians only hurt themselves by staying in the streets.

Find out more information about Samara and her other political commentary at To hear her discuss the crisis in Egypt on Conversations LIVE Radio, listen at

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