Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Friday, January 21, 2011

Author Alean McIntyre Adams: Traveling Through Pisgah and Beyond

by Cyrus Webb for Conversations Book Club/Conversations Magazine

At the age of 75, Mississippi author Alean McIntyre Adams has seen more than her fair share of change in Mississippi and around the world. In her new book WAY BEYOND PISGAH, she takes readers into the journey that has been her life and allows us to see how the events she has lived through have shaped the woman she has become.

While talking with Adams, it is impossible to deny her excitement for life. She explained to me that she was always a person who questioned things instead of just accepting whatever she was told. "I knew there had to be a better way of life," she says. "God wouldn't want it to be that way."

"That way" growing up was in a segregated world in Mississippi. She saw alot of prejudice, but thanks to strong people like her mother around her, the young girl knew that better days were possible. "My mother told me that we could do anything," she reflects, and that was something that she never forget.

Throughout her childhood and into her adulthood, Alean Adams fought against the challenges she was faced with and realized what was possible with hard work and dedication. To her, though, she was just doing what she knew was right. "I was doing what I did for my family and to make the world a better place," she told me. She hopes her book will allow younger generations to see that progress that has been made, what it took to bring about change and realize their role in keeping it going.

An important chapter in Adams' life was her work in the Civil Rights movement. The reader gets a chance to see why some felt the need to speak up and out about the injustice they saw, and the results of such action. You are also able to see how fear of the unknown kept others from moving forward. In the end, though, it is a culmination of all of the events of her life that makes Alean who she is.

And the meaning of the book title? In the book the author tells of an experience when she was visiting a doctor and he commented on her use of correct English. In the exchange with her he made the statement that she probably hadn't been away from Pisgah. Today the author has been far from Pisgah, traveling around the world, and that is what is possible for others to attain as well.

Adams doesn't allow others to dictate the course of her life. She realizes that she has the power to bring about the life she wants. What better message than that to share with others!

For more information about Alean McIntyre Adams and her book, contact her at 601.829.2702.

In Mississippi the book can be found at Milestone Christian Bookstore in Pearl, MS and available to everyone by mail order.

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