Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Saturday, November 3, 2012

(Opinion) God’s Purpose and Order for Family

by Jerome Cooper
            Webster Dictionary defines family as a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group whether dwelling together or not.  One of the first two institutions that God established on earth was family and marriage.  Of course, marriage was first.  It was between a man and a woman.  It can be referenced in the Old Testament in the book of Genesis 2:18-24.  Out of marriage came the second institution called family.  God instructed the first married couple “to be fruitful and multiply”.  It can’t be done in same-sex marriage will is against the will and word of God.  The purpose of God establishing families is to fill the earth with God-like kingdoms.  Each family should be representing a picture of Christ.

            God is our provider.  When it comes to family, the man of the house is the head of that kingdom.  He is also the provider.  The wife is the sustainer of the house and children.  In the family establishment, God has placed position and order.  God birth out man, man birth out woman, and woman birth out child. God is the ultimate head of the family but physically He place man in charge as the over-seer and provider.  It can even be seen it if you reverse the order.  You put the child back in the woman, the woman back in the man, and the man back in God. It all starts with God and then man.  When you mess with God’s divine order, it is then when things become a mess.  Again, it is why God is and always will be against same sex marriages.

            God designed the family also to be unified.  He is a God of unity Psalm 133:1 says “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony”.  Harmony represents peace.  It is an attribute of God.  When people see your family living in unity, they should see God.  Your family can have affect on a person just by living according to God’s word and ways. 

            He (God) also designed the family to be an example of love.  The scripture tells us that people will know us by our love.  If you have a problem with your brother or sister, you should be willing to work it out.  The scripture tells us that   God doesn’t want your giving (offering, prayers, worship, etc) if you can’t restore your relationship with your love one.  When you operation in love, you are forgiving what a family member has done to you.  God want the family to be an example in love.  

Jerome Cooper is the author of the books A DUAL BLESSING: Body and Success, Battle with Self: Inner Struggle and  A Spiritual Compilation: Body, Success, and Love. As a contributor to Conversations Magazine the views expressed here are not necessarily those of the magazine, its staff or parent company Conversations Media Group. He can be reached at and on Facebook at .                                                                                                                                                                                    

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