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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Felice Cantatore's ROCKY SPIRIT

by Cyrus Webb

All of us know what it's like to have that moment in our lives where things just make sense to us. It's like a light switch going off in our hearts and mind, telling us that we have connected with something real and long-lasting. It is in that moment that we learn what it means to become a part of something larger than just us, and it's an experience we just can't keep to ourselves. Just ask Felice Cantatore.

I was introduced to Felice through a mutual friend named Donna Martini (author of THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF DIVORCE) months ago, and it was at that time that I learned about his book ROCKY SPIRIT and the experiences that led him to write it. During our conversation Felice told me that "sharing what I have learned has empowered me in a way that I know I am on the right track with my journey. It has allowed me to really motivate others to follow their dreams." What an amazing result that began with something as simple as the Rocky movies.

For Felice, however, it is more than just a movie franchise. It is a visual representation of what is possible when you go against the odds. "The difference that Rocky has made in your life goes beyond just a movie," he told me during our interview on Conversations LIVE radio show. "I have always had a connection to the story, but in the beginning I didn't realize what it was. At 11 years old it made such an impact on me." Part of the connection was rooting for the underdog. "I found myself doing just that through my life. I took the lessons and utilized them to always succeed."

Felice personalized it more as we talked about how the book ROCKY SPIRIT shared his own challenges and what helped him keep moving forward. "In all of our lives we are always going to have ups and downs," he says. "I experienced some down years." Helping him through that time was his wife Chrissy. "Having that person by your side who is always motivating you makes a difference. I was able to overcome some of my challenges." One powerful moment in the book is when Felice discusses running the steps that Rocky Balboa did in the movie. "It is one of the most energizing places in the world," Felice says when discussing those steps. "It's a piece of the movie that you can put yourself into. You can do it and feel what it's like."

It was at that place that Chrissy also captured what Felice calls "energy on film" while taking a photo of him six years ago. He calls it the "spiritual energy that comes out of me."

Because of what he has experienced, Felice knew that through his book ROCKY SPIRIT he could not just tell his story but help someone else on their path as well. "My original statement when I first wrote the book was if I could just change one life I would consider it a success. Ironically my first email came from an 11 year old boy reading the book and saying I HAD changed his life. Other emails have shared how others have turned their lives around as well." Because of this he sees the book already as achieving his goal.

In our conversation together Felice was able to share how he is able to still draw strength today when the times get dark and things seem impossible. "In each movie Rocky has put himself in different settings, facing down his challenges wherever he went," he told me. "When I was down and out I said to myself I can either stay down and go the wrong way or get up and go the right way. I really have to pick myself up and use my circle of influence to help me make the right decisions. Any time I get knocked down I hear that voice saying 'Get up. One more round.''"

That is Felice's hope for you as well. No matter what you are going through, no matter how many times you feel knocked down, don't give up! That is the sign of a true winner: always getting back up.

"The book is a lot about the Law of Attraction," Felice says. "When you read it I want you to say here's my opportunity to step up and do good, to do the best I can. Yes you can accomplish anything. You have the power and the passion and purpose to accomplish anything your heart desires. Win or lose, it doesn't matter. It's taking the chance that makes you a winner no matter what the outcome."

His advice to you? "Some time people don't take the chance out of fear. Once you let fear get in the way you'll never accomplish your dreams. You can't have that fear. You have to move it out of the way and take the chance. Success is defined in many ways. For me it was finding my passion. Good things will happen for you if you begin there."

Find out more about Felice Cantatore's story and book ROCKY SPIRIT at

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