Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


by Cyrus Webb

The description on her Instagram page says it all: Jada Porter is "destined for greatness".

At the age of 15 she is doing what some girls twice her age are available of: going for her goals and dreams. An aspiring model from Mississippi, Jada is not allowing anything to stop her from doing what she loves---and she has the support and guidance of her mother Shyrondia Parker to keep her going along the way.

"I realized I wanted to model when I would look through magazine and saw girls my ages and models like Tyra Banks," Jada told me during our phone conversation. She also knew that her mother---the woman who is her greatest inspiration---had modeled as well. 

"It's a blessing that she wants to follow in my footsteps," Ms. Parker says about her daughter's decision. "Modeling is a great experience. It helps you to focus on building your self esteem." She says that she has passed on to her children the importance of believing in God and themselves and their abilities. "I told [Jada] she can be the next super model."

The example of Tyra Banks is one that Jada and her mother both appreciate. The fact that the super model and entrepreneur has been able to accomplish her goals and inspire others in spite of her challenges shows reminds them of what is possible. Challenges are something they know all about. When she was 7 years old Jada was diagnosed with ADHD. She has not allowed that diagnosis or what people may say about her to stop her.

"My daughter has built herself into this phenomenal person," Ms. Parker says. "She wants to do better and wants better out of life." She says what she shares with her daughter the most is the importance of treating people the way you want to be treated, be ready and focused on anything that comes her way and always trust in God. That advice is helping Jada to also encourage others.

"I have younger cousins that have goals that they want to accomplish, and I want them to know that they can do it," Jada says. Her advice to others? "Don't try to be anybody else but yourself."

Stay connected with Jada on Instagram at and on Twitter at

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