Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Model Citizen: Model/Actor Talen Marshall

by Cyrus Webb

It is so easy for people to talk about what they want out of life, but it is another thing entirely to actually do the work necessary to see the results. Just ask Talen Marshall.

At the age of 22 this model and actor in Wisconsin is not just recognizing what he loves to do, but is taking the steps necessary to see his goals and dreams become a reality. And he is only just getting started.

Talen, what is it that keeps you inspired towards pursuing your goals and dreams?
The chance to give back to my Mother 10 times the amount she has given me and also the look on anybody's face who said I couldn't do it.

When did you first realize that model and acting were things you were interested in?
Ever since  I got my chance to do improv in front of a audience at the age of 10 in Detroit, MI. I was always a class clown and would entertain the class from 3rd grade to college. There was nothing I wanted more to do than just this.

(Listen to model/actor Talen Marshall on #ConversationsLIVE radio show below)
How has social media helped you in sharing your gifts and talents with the world?
It's shown the people I grew up with what I have been doing with my life, and they have seen how far I've gotten----and hushed up the haters. Also I would add it's an amazing network and marketing tool. With Facebook alone I got the chance to be in 5 Short Films and 2 features films with a SAG eligibility.

With all you have been able to do, Talen, what are some of the goals you have for yourself in 2017?
To actually get my foot in the door with a project I'm in but if I had to look smaller be in 3 feature films with a lead role, which actually looks promising for me. (smiles)

Congratulations on all you have been able to achieve so far. Last question: What advice would have you have for anyone regardless of their profession when it comes to pursuing their own goals?
Be patient and passionate. If you bombed 500 auditions or you always mess up the order in that drive thru window and get cussed out 500 times a week but at the end of the day still love your job, you will go far!

Follow Talen on Instagram at and stay connected with him on Facebook at

*     Photo: John Casablanca

1 comment:

  1. Talen, I'm proud of you and lm looking for bigger and better things for you in 2017! Love You �� Nephew!
