Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Conversations Magazine Feb./March 2025

Saturday, June 8, 2019

20 Books That Should Be On Oprah's Reading List

by Cyrus Webb

As a media personality and Top Reviewer who reads hundreds of books a year I am often asked for recommendations for those with particular interests.

I find myself lately being asked a lot about books that fellow Mississippi native and media powerhouse Oprah Winfrey might be interested in, and that led me to think about selections that might fit her interest. Like myself, Oprah enjoys both fiction and non-fiction reads that are entertaining, inspiring and have a message that we can’t wait to share with others.

As the summer is approaching and people are thinking about books that might appeal to Oprah and her audience I am compiled “20 Books Oprah Should Read in 2019” that I have enjoyed, and I feel confident recommending to her and the O team. Enjoy!

  1. The Honey Bus by Meredith May
  2. Stronger by Dr. Teresa Smith
  3. Yes, I'm That Guy by William Sanderson
  4. The Gifts of Acceptance by Daniel A. Miller
  5. T.R.U.T.H. by Mary Ellen Ciganovich
  6. Bill Duke: My 40-Year Career On Screen and Behind the Camera by Bill Duke
  7. Silent Voices by Debbie Nau Redmond
  8. Waisted by Randy Susan Meyers
  9. Trophy Life by Lea Geller
  10. Trespassed by Sonya Visor
  11. An Unspeakable Secret by Glenda L. Hunter
  12. The Life and Times of Clyde Kennard by Derek R. King
  13. Food For L.I.F.E. by Lisa W. Beckwith
  14. Daughters Betrayed by Their Mothers by Holli Kenley
  15. #SpeakLife: A 100 Day Devotional by La'Ticia Nicole
  16. When the Owl Sings by David C. Maloney
  17. Blindsided and Ambushed by Lisa Y. Sparrow
  18. Break Every Chain by Jonathan E. Hickory
  19. Addicted to Hate by Lucia Mann
  20. Called to Forgive by Anthony B. Thompson

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