Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Monday, May 29, 2023

One-on-One with Tracy Carzell, author of HEART PEACES


by Cyrus Webb

Tracy Carzell is an author that has been able to inspire readers through her words and the way she approaches life. It's been great watching her over the years and seeing the way she continues to use her gifts on behalf of others. 

In her newest book HEART PEACES we see that continue with Tracy using her love of poetry to share messages you are sure to enjoy. 

Tracy, congratulations on your latest book HEART PEACES. What has it been like for you to see

how readers are responding to it?

Thanks so much! My audience views have been different compared to my previous books. What I mean is, people haven’t really known me for my ’spoken word’ and prose.  When they’ve read Heart Peaces, they have commented that is so revealing and speaks to where they are or have been. People seem to look at this book as if I was directly peering into their heart’s mind.

Has writing always been something you wanted to do? 

As a little kid, I started writing after I read poems by Nikki Giovanni and some stories by Zora Neale Hurston. I had a creative writing class in elementary school and began to write down the stories I dreamt. I would write plays a lot and secretly wanted to write stories but didn’t really know how to go about it. As I got older, I wrote profusely. I shared it with no one. Why? Because they would see the real me. I wasn’t ready to be revealed yet! In high school my English teacher entered me into a national contest and surprisingly, I placed third! Unfortunately, my father wasn’t pleased when I revealed that was the path I wanted to take. My writing was silenced to the public but I always wrote for pleasure.

Your faith has been a guiding light for you. What’s been the response to your sharing how the

power of God and the love of God has sustained you?

My response: HALLELUJAH! The public’s response has been fan-tab-u-wonder-mous! (One of the words Tracy says she's allowed to create because she possesses dominion). Anyway, I believe the public’s response has pushed me even the more to tell of the great works of God and His son, Jesus Christ. My story, the call on my life, was revealed in my first book,’ Covered’ and from there people have been intrigued to find out more about not me, but who God really is. I have been asked many times to expound on how He/God has kept me through crisis, hardship and mental instabilities yet I have been able to sustain joy! 

 People of faith don’t always feel comfortable admitting their fears. What helps you when you

are feeling less than or afraid?

That statement is true, but what we as believers have to understand is one of my favorite scriptures, Revelation 12:11 KJV: 'And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the words of their testimony for they loved not their lives to death.'  It means we are victorious (over the devil),  over our issues and problems with the help of Christ and IF WE TELL WHAT WE WERE/ARE DEALING WITH. We cannot be afraid of saying what is the matter, but we must say it knowing that Christ is our Helper. Knowing that Christ is my succor, my support, my Helper I can move forward. No, I am not super Christ-girl. Definitely not. But I know in whom I believe. I see what He sees and what He sees is Truth. Therefore, I trust Him and move in truth. 

Has your assignment in life ever felt too great for you? If so, what’s help you to push forward


Everyday. I recognize who I am, just Tracy Michele (as my Mommy called me) But in Christ, He sees me as ‘more than a conqueror’. He sees me as ‘the head and not the tail’ so like the apostle Paul, I press toward the mark; I move forward with all the obstacles in front of me knowing that if God is before me who can be against me.

In HEART PEACES we are able to enjoy your love of poetry. When did you realize that gift?

I don’t think I ever really realized it. I write and speak from my heart. I am different and phrase things differently. At least that’s what my daughter, Mercedes tells me. 

What advice would you give to individuals who feel as though they have a story to tell?

Tell it. Regardless of the obstacles: family, rejection, money, tell your story. Write it down. Let the English people work out the grammar. You just write. I will say that everything that comes up shouldn’t come out. Your words may be lawful but not expedient. Be ready to back up what you put on paper and be ready to hear the response. 

Thanks for your time, Tracy. How can our readers stay connected with you?

Thank you for this platform. You can find me on Facebook/Tracy Carzell Elston and  my website

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