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Sunday, January 8, 2012

2011 Character Building Counts Book Award Winners

2011 Character Building Counts Book Awards

What do Kenyan orphans who yearn to attend school and learn to read have in common with the angels who live in the lowlands of heaven? Both groups are delivering character-building messages in award-winning books. Character Building Counts (CBC) Book Awards is proud to announce the winners of its 2011 Character Building Counts Book Awards contest.

Gold Seal Winners:

The Lowlands of Heaven, F.J. Dagg (Grand Prize Overall Winner)(Fantasy/Sci-Fi)

A beautiful story that illustrates commitment to duty, integrity in personal relationships, service to the unfortunate, and respect for the Creator.

When this Is Over, I Will Go to School, and I Will Learn to Read, Pam Bitterman (Children's)

A true story of hope, friendship, family, and overcoming adversity, with an eye toward inspiring a level of compassion that will lead to greater understanding and humanity.

Silver Seal Winners:

L'Mazeltov, Your Personal Guide to Jewish Childbirth Education, Pamela Nadav, NP (Family)

A value-rich framework for new families, linking generation to generation by inspiring parents to bring meaning and significance into the lives of their children.

Nuclear Undercover Kids Espionage Service (N.U.K.E.S.), Lavern Holdeman (Juvenile Fiction)

Twelve-year-old Shawn Stuckey learns to overcome small town biases by moving toward greater appreciation of gender, cultural, and ethnic diversity.

The Weaver's Loom, P.L. Reid (Historical Fiction)

This story of forgiveness and the will to live explores the struggles of two beautiful women and two beautiful cultures, all bound together by a great human tragedy, the Holocaust.

Ride to the Stars, Suzanne Gene Courtney (Children's)

A story that helps children who have experienced the death of a loved one to understand that life continues on the other side.

Bronze Seal Winners:

Giving God a Good Time, Patricia C. Campbell (Spirituality)

Life is intended to be lived fully and joyfully. We honor that gift by giving God a good time through us … as us.

When You Say 'Thank You,' Mean It, Mary O'Donohue (Parenting)

Gives busy parents fun, practical, and effective tools to teach their children lifelong values such as gratitude, compassion, respect for others, and integrity.

Princess Lydia and the Fire Breathing Dragon, Denise Byers & Danielle Gray (Children's)

Challenges can be overcome. People are handy-capable—not handicapped. Girls can be heroines, and boys can accept help! Embrace each others' differences, and strive for peace.

Take a Stand, Mike Cattolico (Autobiography/Military History)

About the capacity to endure via stamina and fortitude, as told through the eyes of a navy deep sea diver. Also about the importance of living up to your fullest potential.

It's Heart Work, Evelyn L. Polk (Memoir)

Caring for youth who are in emotional pain can bring joy and anguish; even so, it is possible and necessary to do. What it takes, most of all, is a genuine connection of the hearts.

Rented Silence, Lucia Mann (Historical Fiction)

A story of human suffering during a brutal period in British Colonial history. At the same time, this is an inspirational tale of hope and love.

Congratulations to our Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners. Character Building Counts Book Awards has been honored to host this 2011 contest. Every participant deserves praise for writing and sharing their important messages. For details about who you can be a part of this year's awards visit

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