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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nesta Aharoni Discusses Character Building Counts Awards

by Cyrus Webb


At a time when authors are looking for attention for the work they are producing, individuals like Nesta Aharoni are ready to celebrate those who are providing a clear message that is free from some of the negativity and destructive behavior and language so prevalent today.


Through the Character Building Counts Awards (aka CBC Awards), authors are able to get attention for their work and recognition for providing a message that resonates with the world. Nesta allowed Conversations LIVE Radio to be the place where the 1st winners of the CBC Awards was announced, and Conversations Magazine is pleased to recognize the winners as well.


I talked with Nesta about the idea for the awards and what she hopes you and the authors that submit get from CBC.



How did the idea for the Character Building Counts Awards come about?

Having been an author who won three book awards, I became mindful of how helpful book awards are to book marketing. A seal on a front cover lends respectability and acceptability to the authors who win them. The press releases and Internet marketing that accompany these awards announce your presence as an author and the quality of your work. Because my book is about decency and character building, it seemed only natural for me to offer a venue for writers who deliver character-building messages to showcase their work through a one-of-a-kind Character Build Counts format.


 What do you hope the awards do to encourage and inspire authors who might enter and especially those who win?

My hope is that in this graphic, loud, and explicit world we live in, authors will learn there are publishers, other authors, readers, and media personnel who appreciate words that inspire honorable and responsible living. I hope that CBC Book Awards will be the first but not the last entity to openly appreciate these types of messages. Additionally, I hope the authors' ideas will ripple out into society and help create a kinder, safer world for all of us.


For those developing their book what advice would you give them about what they want to make sure they include if they want it to convey a real message?

An author's message need not hit the reader on the head in order to be effective. New writers should consider the following: Characters who role model decent behavior can be powerful influences. Stories that display lessons of growth and improvement can be influential and easy to connect with. Good struggling with evil can be inspiring. Overcoming odds can be moving. Protecting the innocent can stir emotions. Nonfiction messages are equally powerful, as their authors authoritatively pen messages of significance to their readers. Whether you delicately weave your message through character development or plot, or you teach your readers through nonfiction concepts, the desire to touch your fellow citizens and stir them to compassion or improvement or contribution is at the core of Character Building Counts Book Awards.


 If there are those interested in competing in the 2012 cycle what is the process?

Enrolling in Character Building Counts Book Awards is as easy as one-two-three. Visit our Web site at, go to the "enter" page, fill out the form, and make your enrollment payment. Please note that we are now in early enrollment for the 2012 contest, which means a discounted fee. We accept all genres of books.

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