Conversations Magazine's The Year That Was 2024

Conversations Magazine's The Year That Was 2024

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Creating Time: Lessons From Marney Makridakis

by Cyrus Webb

24 hours.

That's all any of us have each day that we are on this life. The question becomes how are you using that time? Are you really doing all you can to make it count?

These are all questions that I considered as I read CREATING TIME by Marney Makridakis. The book takes you into not only how many of us might be wasting the precious moments we have but how we can also change our perception about what is really worthy of our time.

As with many of the features in this magazine I was able to interview Marney on Conversations LIVE radio show and was instantly struck by not only her love of life but what she was doing to help others better enjoy their own! She uses not just her personal experiences but her observations from others to shape what is one of the most fascinating looks at what we can do with our lives, even when we feel we might not be able to really achieve anything. It all begins with what we choose to focus on, and what it really means to live. Marney shows that we are worthy of a life full of blessings and gratitude, and that can be our lot in life if we are willing to accept it.

"It is the challenges in our life that provide us with the richest opportunities to come alive, to be alive ultimately means to be moving in time," Marney writes in CREATING TIME. "We can meet our challenging times with fierce courage and sometimes even fierce stillness and joy, as we face them with a truly brace heart and a child's spirit of wonder. We can boldly meet our our hard time head-on and walk away from them even more alive, ever more vivid in time."

It's not easy, even though you would think it would be. It means shutting out all of the clutter that can fall along our way. This will require work, but we can see that the end result if more than worth it.  Marney calls the process giving ourselves PERMISSION to "set our time right." She writes on page 200: "To make time our own, the first step is to give ourselves permission to liberate ourselves from the perceived pressures that control our time. When we do this, we open ourselves up to freedom." 

Enjoyable to read and explore from beginning to end, CREATING TIME reminds us of what is really important. "This book represents my journey from time management to time metamorphosis," says Marney. "Now you (the reader) can control your perception of time and experience it in a way that truly supports you and the highest vision of your life. Believe it or not, time is in your hands, and you can mold, craft, and create time to be just about anything you would like it to be."

To find out more about Marney and her book CREATING TIME visit

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT! I read and reviewed Marney's brilliant, bodacious book too. It accompanied me to a Chinese buffet a few weeks ago and I perused again in mid-munch while in chopstick heaven. We are all such creative geniuses <3
