Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dionne Warwick: Celebrating the Power of NOW

by Cyrus Webb

She is the Grammy-winning legend that has impacted the world through music for over half a century. Ms Dionne Warwick is a legend not just because of her voice but because of the life she has lived and continue to live. She is a perfect example of someone understanding the importance of the moment and living NOW. In fact, to celebrate her 50th anniversary in making memorable music she released a celebratory album called NOW that not only pleased her loyal fans but making new ones as well. In 2019 she announced the release of her newest project called SHE'S BACK.

I have had the privilege of interviewing Ms. Warwick several times on Conversations LIVE and twice for the magazine, and each time she was nothing but gracious and appreciative. During the first conversation I was joined by Susan Violante from Venezuela , an author who told Ms. Warwick that her music helped her to learn English! What an amazing opportunity: to be able to impact someone's life in such a dramatic way.

As I spoke with Ms. Warwick for this interview she shared some with me what this more than 50 year journey has been like for her. ""It's been a wonderful ride," she says. "I'm thankful to my supporters for 50 years. I basically thought that if I stayed true to who I am and sung the kind of songs that my audience expected of me then longevity was a given."

I asked her if she believed that what people responded to with her was the soul and the love that she puts into her music. "I think it's definitely that," she replied. "The music that I've been able to sing has grown. That is the beauty of music. It has the ability to live on and on."

Though she was confident in her gift and believed it could take her anywhere, even Ms. Warwick says she never believed she would be in the business this long. "I felt that my first 10 years would be it and I would go on to teaching," she told me. "But that 10 years turned into 10 more and on and on. Now here we are."

Because she is still here, she does understand the influence that music has in our lives. "Music generally has an amazing impact on people," she says. "I could never imagine a world without music. Artists are known as the messengers. I hope the messages that I have been sending have been effective and will continue to be."

Talking about the younger generations that are discovering her music, Ms. Warwick's says this: "I certainly hope they discover some really wonderful songs that were written before they were born. I want them to enjoy the messages I have been able to bring. " Thanks to the internet, that is exactly what is happening already, and this thrills her. "It's wonderful to hear all of the comments," she says. "I am humbled by so many young people listening to my music and enjoying it. I am glad they could jump on that train and take the ride with me."

Music is not the only way people of all generations are learning about Ms. Warwick. She is still active in her charitable work and her other businesses which include writing and even a fragrance. "As a youngster my grandfather told me that we are all on this earth to be of service to each other," she told me when I asked about the work she is doing to help others. "If my talent is the way I can do that then it's very easy to do." She then added: "I think that it's a part of what we are here to do. The messages that we send are vitally important."

Ms. Warwick continues to travel the world, sharing the gift of her voice and the inspiration of her life. Every day she reminds us that each moment is precious and should be appreciated.

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