Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Best Is Yet to Come: Actor Sam Humphrey

by Cyrus Webb

One thing I have learned over the past 16 years is that you never know what the next moment might hold. Actor Sam Humphrey is living proof of this.
He has had his share of challenges and difficulties but he wouldn’t give up and is winning big time. In 2017 we saw him make his debut in his first feature film which happens to be one of the biggest movies of the year: THE GREATEST SHOWMAN.

I’ve interviewed several cast members from THE GREATEST SHOWMAN now, but Sam was the first and one that is showcasing his talent and the importance of keeping a positive attitude about life no matter what.

For those who haven’t seen THE GREATEST SHOWMAN all I can say is that it’s one of the most inspiring films I have seen in some time. Sam and I discussed the film, his pursuit of his dreams and shares what he hopes you realize is possible for you.

“It’s been a really amazing and positive experience,” he told me, discussing the success of the movie. “Just seeing all the reactions from the public, it’s just been overwhelming.” I asked him when they were filming it if they knew it was something special at the time. He told me they hoped that the film’s “message of acceptance and that anything is possible” was something that the cast hoped the public would rally around. “Also the idea that you can decide your own destiny.”

It was at the age of 8 that Sam knew acting was something he wanted to do, and the person that inspired him in that direction is the person he is now starring with in this amazing film: Hugh Jackman. “He’s been the best teacher that I could possibly have,” Sam told me. “It’s a very surreal thing, to go from wanting it as a kid and only dreaming of attaining it to now being an actor that’s succeeding.” And it’s something he doesn’t take for granted.

Having had challenges growing up has helped Sam keep the right perspective about life and especially fear. “It’s sort of something that I’ve wanted to do,” he says when it comes to acting. “With the challenges I’ve gone through I told myself that if I went through that nothing could stop me from whatever I wanted to do in life.” He also says having positive mentors and a great support system have kept him from giving into fear.

His message to you: “We all get side-tracked. We get hung up on things that aren’t really important. The important thing is to get back aligned with what really matters and follow your dreams no matter what.”

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