Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, August 10, 2014

[Review] HELP by Grammy Award-winnning Artist Erica Campbell

We've all been there: felt as though our backs were against the wall and not able to see how we are going to be able to move forward.

For individuals of Faith we know that God is able to do all things, and when things are looking their worse that is when we need him the most. Sometimes we don't know what to say, but thankfully He gives us just what we need at the right time. HELP, the debut album from Mary Mary's Erica Campbell, offers us the words we need in such a time as this.

The project offers not just words of encouragement but praise for all of us when it seems all hope is lost. I had a chance to talk with Erica during her promo tour about the lead single and the way it was affecting the lives of others. "It let's me know that what I'm singing about or talking about is needed right now," she told me during our phone interview. "I don't think it's ever inappropriate for anybody to call on help, especially the help of God... I feel honored to be used in that way, to sing a song that is reaching people, helping people, touching people."

For over a decade Erica and her sister Tina have been a blessing to others, sharing their gift of ministry through song with the world. In HELP Erica is able to show that being a Christian doesn't make you immune from life's trouble, but it does give you help. "I choose to live for God, and I do it proudly," she told me.

Featuring Hip Hop artist Lecrae the single HELP touches on many areas of our life that we might struggle with. I asked Erica if she went into the single knowing she was going to be that transparent about her own life. "Not necessarily," she said. "I thought I was just writing a song, and then 2013 happened with all it's fury...And all you can really say is help."

No matter who you are there comes a time when you have to surrender, knowing you can't go any further on your own. That is what Erica sings about, and it is that message that resonates through every verse of the single.

Other stand-outs on the album are LOOKING LIKE which through faith speaks that "I'm going to make it through this" and the single NOBODY ELSE which reminds us that He (God) did it for us when nobody else could.

Stay in touch with Erica on Twitter at album HELP is available wherever music is available in stores and online.

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