This issue of Conversations Magazine is all about Inspiration.
For 16 years now I have had the privilege of sharing a message of inspiration, motivation and hope through the radio airwaves, online as well as offline and in the pages of this publication. Why is it important? Because without being inspired there is no way you are going to want to put your best foot forward.
Every day I wake up excited about the day ahead and the possibilities that can come from it. I'm able to do work that I love and share that work with people in the hopes of sparking something within them that says "I can do that too". I devote long hours to my work and my mission, and though it's not always easy I am always so fulfilled by the outcome.
What about you? Did you wake up this morning thinking that this is going to be an amazing day? Do you see your path as one that will lead to something bigger for yourself and others? If not, don't worry. It's not too late. Today can be the start of something amazing, but it begins with you.
In this issue I hope you find individuals in the arts and entertainment world as well as in business that will spark something in you that gets you excited about your own life. As you enjoy the articles look in the proverbial mirror and see how you can better reflect the qualities that have made these individuals and their accomplishments possible. And remember: it's not about doing what they do. It's about being who you can be. That's the key to not just being inspired but committed to the process.
Would love to know who inspires you to keep going and bringing your best to the day ahead. Feel free to comment on this post online at and let me know.
Happy reading!
Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine
Created by Cyrus Webb for Shadow Play Entertainment in April 2006, Conversations Magazine is a colorful combination of the arts, entertainment, fashion, food and health. Get exclusive interviews, great tips and suggestions for the entire family. To see how you can be featured or to advertise with Conversations, contact Cyrus Webb at or 601.896.5616.
Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025
Sunday, July 28, 2019
[Book Chat] Author Deliah "Dee" Lawrence Returns with GOTTA GET IT BACK
by Cyrus Webb
It's hard to believe that before 2018's radio interview with award-winning author Deliah "Dee" Lawrence we hadn't talked books on the air for 5 years. The author who brought us GOTTA LET IT GO has returned with GOTTA GET IT BACK. Though it continues the story in many ways of the characters we got to know in her debut, this is definitely a book that readers can begin with and get a full story.
When I asked her about the response to the new book Dee gives the credit to her fans. "I have to say I have some very loyal readers and appreciate the love and support they have given me over the years," she told me.
Though we are able to meet some familiar characters with the new book and get introduced to new ones, writing a sequel wasn't something that Dee initially had in mind.
"When I wrote GOTTA LET IT GO I thought it was a one-off," she admits. Her plan was to "move on" to another creative project. Then she started hearing from her fans. "It was the clamoring of my readers that pushed me into saying definitely there is growth that the character could expand into something else," she says. "That's what prompted me to develop a series. It just took a life of its own. You'll see Deidre grow and get into some very sticky spots."
That is definitely the case with GOTTA GET IT BACK as we are able to literally travel with the main characters since it's written in first person. "When you write in first person it's more personal," Dee explains. "You're right there in the character's head. I wanted to be so close and tethered to my character, forcing the reader to be in each and every one of those scenes." She went on to tell me that "grabs the reader and places you right front and center with the character."
Dee is quick to remind readers that her main character Deidre is not her, but the two definitely can feed off of each other. I asked Dee if she shares her character's curiosity. "I think I do in some respects," she told me. "She can at times be larger than life, but she's human. She's very passionate about things. Friends that know me will say the same about me. I can see through her eyes. She's very driven in the pursuit of justice. In that regard I'm one with her."
Get your copy of GOTTA GET IT BACK on Stay connected with all things Dee Lawrence at
It's hard to believe that before 2018's radio interview with award-winning author Deliah "Dee" Lawrence we hadn't talked books on the air for 5 years. The author who brought us GOTTA LET IT GO has returned with GOTTA GET IT BACK. Though it continues the story in many ways of the characters we got to know in her debut, this is definitely a book that readers can begin with and get a full story.
When I asked her about the response to the new book Dee gives the credit to her fans. "I have to say I have some very loyal readers and appreciate the love and support they have given me over the years," she told me.
Though we are able to meet some familiar characters with the new book and get introduced to new ones, writing a sequel wasn't something that Dee initially had in mind.
"When I wrote GOTTA LET IT GO I thought it was a one-off," she admits. Her plan was to "move on" to another creative project. Then she started hearing from her fans. "It was the clamoring of my readers that pushed me into saying definitely there is growth that the character could expand into something else," she says. "That's what prompted me to develop a series. It just took a life of its own. You'll see Deidre grow and get into some very sticky spots."
That is definitely the case with GOTTA GET IT BACK as we are able to literally travel with the main characters since it's written in first person. "When you write in first person it's more personal," Dee explains. "You're right there in the character's head. I wanted to be so close and tethered to my character, forcing the reader to be in each and every one of those scenes." She went on to tell me that "grabs the reader and places you right front and center with the character."
Dee is quick to remind readers that her main character Deidre is not her, but the two definitely can feed off of each other. I asked Dee if she shares her character's curiosity. "I think I do in some respects," she told me. "She can at times be larger than life, but she's human. She's very passionate about things. Friends that know me will say the same about me. I can see through her eyes. She's very driven in the pursuit of justice. In that regard I'm one with her."
Get your copy of GOTTA GET IT BACK on Stay connected with all things Dee Lawrence at
LeRon Barton: Using His Gifts to Make a Difference One Milestone at a Time
by Cyrus Webb
It's hard to believe I first
interviewed LeRon Barton some six years ago, and in the years that have
passed we both have grown and expanded in our work. As an author, contributing
writer and motivational speaker he is able to use his platform to not just
inspire others but get them to thinking about issues that matter to him and affect individuals around the world.
In 2018 he was able to fulfill a
long-time dream: deliver his own Ted Talk. In this conversation we talked not just
about that experience what’s to come.
LeRon could you have imagined when you
began this journey as an author in 2013 that you would be where you are today,
achieving the things that you have?
No! I mean it's funny how like life
sort of takes you right? I mean I started out with my first book. I wanted to
write something, as I said in the first interview, that was really impactful.
And Straight Dope was a labor of love. I learned how to write a book, then
going on to becoming a contributing writer to a lot of sites.
And it's just been like everything just
seems to be building up to this moment and it's going to build further. I am
just truly grateful. God has really blessed me, and I love the movement, I love
the struggle. I love how far I have come, and because I am so busy, Cyrus, and
because I am moving all of the time, I don't really get a chance to step back
and look at okay what have I done before. I am not really that kind of person
to brag on myself, but like when you brought it up like when we first talked in
2013 I was like wow it's been awhile.
And I think the consistency is
important. I can definitely appreciate that about you, LeRon. You have been consistent over the years as
well as dedicated. Even for those who don't know about Straight Dope I think we
should tell them even from the very beginning when you introduced yourself to
the world as an author you were bringing attention to causes even then. Do you
feel as though now some six years later that your voice has just become more amplified
and that you are able to do that in such a bigger way?
Absolutely. I am constantly talking
about social issues, whether it be drug abuse, racism or others. At the end of
the day I am just being of service, and I am speaking for people who do not
have a voice. I think that's so important. As many accolades as I get or as I
may get in the future, at the end of the day everything stems from the writing
and also giving people a platform and speaking for those who may not be able to
speak for themselves.
An obvious question would be then for those who are looking at this path that you have been on is how does it begin? When did you first realize that you had a message you wanted to share in some form or fashion, because even though the methods have evolved, whether it's going from books to contributing writing to now speaking you've known that you have this platform. When did that become clear to you that you had something that you wanted to share?
It's crazy. At my basis I am a writer
and a poet. It just comes from my mother. She always said if you are not helping
out you are not doing anything. I love to talk about things that are going on
around me. I am very fascinated with people. I am pretty sure you know this, I
am a pretty inquisitive dude. I just like hearing what people have to say.
So my being a writer, I also know it's
a responsibility for me to talk about what's going on. I love writing fiction,
but I kind of got away from that so now I just write about social causes,
things that are happening. I write about being a young black man in America in
addition to speaking for those who can't quite articulate what's going on but want
to express themselves.
So it's all about telling a story as well as giving people a peek into my life.
You did that in a very big way, LeRon,
in 2018. I was so proud of you when I first saw on Instagram about you were going
to be giving a TED Talk. You talked about even online how that had been a dream
of yours. What was it like for you to have that dream realized?
I love that question. I always was
really fascinated by TED Talks. It was one of those sort of like pie in the
sky things, and so what happened was my now fiancé and I we went to one of
her friend's house. She had a book how to give a TED Talk, and it just kind of made
it real, like okay this is actually attainable. I applied to about two or three of them, and I
got in to one in Florence, Alabama for Tedx Winston Park.
I knew that I wanted to talk about
something that was very personal. I had been putting off talking about my
stutter, but I was like you know what? Let me be as honest as I possibly
can. So I started to talk about it and formulated a speech, and I
delivered it, and it was truly like one of the greatest moments in my life. Being
on a Ted stage, I mean, the name is just synonymous with just brilliant ideas.
I am not saying that mine was brilliant, but just being there was an amazing
What a great example of what we can
achieve if we are willing to take the first step. Since that Tedx talk LeRon
has achieved other milestones, including walking in a fashion show! This goal is to continue to motivate and
inspire others to go after their goals and dreams, using his gift with words to
reach people online as well as offline.
Stay connected with LeRon’s journey on
Instagram at
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Producer Parisa Dunn: Motivated by Stories, Inspired by the 'Dream'
by Cyrus Webb
Sometimes when you don’t find the kind
of content or stories being told that you want to see you have to create them
yourself. That is what individuals like producer Parisa Dunn have been able to
do, and for her the result is the upcoming documentary called The Green Dream.
In it she is able to tackle the discussion around the war on drugs and the role
that race seems to play in it.
Parisa and I met each other this year
in Los Angeles. The conversation was all about storytelling and what she wants
to convey through projects like the Green Dream.
Parisa, you’ve been able to use the
platform of film to tell stories. What has it been like for you to be able to
have something that you are passionate about and then being able to share it
with us?
I think it's a privilege really. I mean
not many people get that chance, but also you have to create that chance. It
doesn't just fall in your lap. You have to work for it. You build experience
and you build contacts, and then you find something that you really care about
and then you try and bring it to everybody else if anyone cares about it, too.
The two of us talked about motivation and you told me about the support of your family. Do you think that is one of the reasons you have had the courage to pursue your dream of filmmaking?
We are influenced by who brings us up
and people around us, Like I said my parents are both strong characters with strong
wills. They are vocal people. I think you take that as an example and say that's
how you can present yourself in the world. And I suppose it gives you courage
to know that there are people around as well who will give support when you are
taking those steps.
Ultimately, it's you taking the steps and the risk and the challenges. It's like an insatiable fire to do something that's going to help other people. Maybe you do something that then brings public awareness and then helps to shift the dial somehow, or at least start the conversation that people should be having, which is kind of how I feel about my project. It's like the conversation needs to be a bigger conversation among people.
The Green Dream has to do with the Cannabis industry and the effects of its being legalized around the country in the United States. Tell us what made you want to tell this story and explore this topic.
California legalized cannabis in January
2018. I am from London. It is still illegal where I am from, and I was just
blown away that it was even legalized in parts of the States. California is a
very well-known place on planet Earth, so it's a big deal to legalize what
essentially is a high-level illegal federal drug in a state where there is that
many people.
That first triggered my brain to go what's
going on here. How is this happening? And
then as I looked around for a story that I care about or something that I know
would be really compelling, I kept coming up against this conversation because
it was only happening in a very small corner that was about essentially people
most affected by the decades of the war on drugs in the US.
So I looked at that and I said look at
that picture and then you look at the opposite picture. Why are some able to
make a business out of it while lots of people are incarcerated for the exact
same plant. I mean it goes back to this one plant. It just quite literally didn't
add up. And I kept digging and digging, and I am like this is the only
important issue about cannabis, everything else is just a bit of fun and this
and that but this is the real thing that is happening with people in their lives.
Is your hope that you can not only address
the history of the cannabis industry but be a part of the conversation around
Yes. The interesting thing is that
since I came up on this issue and started this film, which was actually a year
ago, this topic has suddenly become more talked about. There are several Presidential
candidates especially on the Democratic side who are taking this issue as one
of their core talking points. So suddenly the public is getting to know a
little bit about this, and there are certain issues within the legalization and
the issue of inequality that is getting attention.
Look for updates coming soon about The Green Dream. Conversations will be doing an update when information is available.
'Don't Be Afraid to Adjust!' Advice from Actor/Musician/Photographer Benjamin Patterson
One of the individuals who have been a regular on Cyrus Webb Presents the web-series as well as Conversations LIVE radio show is Benjamin Patterson.
He's an individual who has been able to showcase his creativity and skills as an actor, musician and photographer.Most recently he has been thrilling fans of the hit show GREENLEAF on the Oprah Winfrey Network.
During our last chat in Los Angeles I asked him about two things: discovering his passion and defining success. What he has to say is something all of us can benefit from!
Ben on his journey: "It's been an interesting ride. On one hand I can look at the progress I've made and say 'I started off here and now look at what I've been able to do'. As a musician I listen to my own work, and now I can create stuff and say it's pretty good. Every day is about wanting to be better, wanting to be current and wanting to be unique."
Ben's idea of success: "#1 it's changed because I have a son. Wanting the big house and the nice car has been replaced with wanting a nice school and the best for my son. It shifts. It's like climbing in an airplane on a cloudy day. You have to adjust."
What I learned from our conversation was the importance of reflecting on where we were and now where we are, making sure we are headed forward and not backwards. I also appreciated the importance of realizing that success is personal and relative to the purpose. May we all keep moving forward towards our goals and not be afraid to adjust along the way.
Stay connected with Ben at on Instagram at
Jonathan E. Hickory's BREAK EVERY CHAIN is a "Message for Hurting Hearts"
by Cyrus Webb
After reading Jonathan E. Hickory's book BREAK EVERY CHAIN it's hard not to get the appreciation he has for life and what is possible for him after all he has endured and overcome.
The book takes you into his lows, the highs and the reflection of life, what really matters and how by facing your demons you are able to achieve the impossible. Hickory didn't do this on his own, and that is where the appreciation also shows itself. He is able to reflect on the fact that his Heavenly Father was there to lead the way, pick him up when he fell and to offer forgiveness and mercy as needed. What great lessons for all of us.
We all have gone through situations where we felt "bound" by sin or by our challenges. What a great reminder this book is that we can break out of the captivity we are in and live a life that is full of happiness and shows others what they can overcome.
I had a chance to talk with Jonathan on Conversations LIVE the radio show about the book. When I asked him what it's been like to reflect on his life today he told me "The best word is redeemed. I had a very tough childhood, losing my father at the age of 12. I started to harbor a lot of anger and sadness in my heart, and it stayed with me.
"When I became a police officer at the age of 23 a few years into it I started to see the violence, death and the brokenness of man firsthand, and I wasn't prepared for it." Jonathan told me that at the time he wasn't walking with God in any capacity, and what he was seeing and experiencing took a toll on his soul and his heart.
"It led to alcoholism and deep depression," he says. "Ultimately it led me to a point where there was a battle for my soul going on, and I had to choose." Jonathan chose to live and to turn to God for help.
"My life began to change," he told me. "It was like a new light was shining within me. It changed who I am and how I look at the world and how I treat others. how much I love others. It's been really freeing. God has restored my life and the life of my family."
When I asked him was it easy to chronicle the journey in a book, he said not at all--but it was necessary. "I believe very strongly that I was called to write this book," he says. "It's a inspirational story of hope that will be a message for hurting hearts."
One of the powerful things that Jonathan deals with in his life and the book is timing. For many people when a prayer goes unanswered or something doesn't happen when they want, they are quick to throw in the towel. "So many people when they are faced with the Nos in their life they want to give up and fall into despair and pursue something else," he said to me. "If you believe that God is in control you need to give it over to him. Everything happens in God's timing. It's not always up to us."
This lesson is just one of those that Jonathan has learned, and now we can benefit from the lessons and the healing he has experienced. Written with honesty, humility and appreciation, BREAK EVERY CHAIN is sure to inspire.
Get BREAK EVERY CHAIN on Amazon. Stay connected with Jonathan at
After reading Jonathan E. Hickory's book BREAK EVERY CHAIN it's hard not to get the appreciation he has for life and what is possible for him after all he has endured and overcome.
The book takes you into his lows, the highs and the reflection of life, what really matters and how by facing your demons you are able to achieve the impossible. Hickory didn't do this on his own, and that is where the appreciation also shows itself. He is able to reflect on the fact that his Heavenly Father was there to lead the way, pick him up when he fell and to offer forgiveness and mercy as needed. What great lessons for all of us.
We all have gone through situations where we felt "bound" by sin or by our challenges. What a great reminder this book is that we can break out of the captivity we are in and live a life that is full of happiness and shows others what they can overcome.
I had a chance to talk with Jonathan on Conversations LIVE the radio show about the book. When I asked him what it's been like to reflect on his life today he told me "The best word is redeemed. I had a very tough childhood, losing my father at the age of 12. I started to harbor a lot of anger and sadness in my heart, and it stayed with me.
"When I became a police officer at the age of 23 a few years into it I started to see the violence, death and the brokenness of man firsthand, and I wasn't prepared for it." Jonathan told me that at the time he wasn't walking with God in any capacity, and what he was seeing and experiencing took a toll on his soul and his heart.
"It led to alcoholism and deep depression," he says. "Ultimately it led me to a point where there was a battle for my soul going on, and I had to choose." Jonathan chose to live and to turn to God for help.
"My life began to change," he told me. "It was like a new light was shining within me. It changed who I am and how I look at the world and how I treat others. how much I love others. It's been really freeing. God has restored my life and the life of my family."
When I asked him was it easy to chronicle the journey in a book, he said not at all--but it was necessary. "I believe very strongly that I was called to write this book," he says. "It's a inspirational story of hope that will be a message for hurting hearts."
One of the powerful things that Jonathan deals with in his life and the book is timing. For many people when a prayer goes unanswered or something doesn't happen when they want, they are quick to throw in the towel. "So many people when they are faced with the Nos in their life they want to give up and fall into despair and pursue something else," he said to me. "If you believe that God is in control you need to give it over to him. Everything happens in God's timing. It's not always up to us."
This lesson is just one of those that Jonathan has learned, and now we can benefit from the lessons and the healing he has experienced. Written with honesty, humility and appreciation, BREAK EVERY CHAIN is sure to inspire.
Get BREAK EVERY CHAIN on Amazon. Stay connected with Jonathan at
Author Sonya Visor: Writing Fiction While Sharing Our Truth
by Cyrus Webb
Ever since I was first introduced to
author Sonya Visor she easily became one of my favorite storytellers. What sets
her apart is not just her ability to tell a story. She puts you into the lives
of the characters—for the good and the bad—allows you to see them intimately, which
incidentally makes it more difficult to judge them.
In 2019 she delivered TRESPASSED, a
book that easily became an Amazon bestseller, and proved once again that she
had a gift that readers enjoyed.
Enjoy our conversation!
Sonya, let's just start off with what I
just said. TRESPASSED is already a best seller on Amazon. I think there is a
couple of things going on. I think people will see when they read the book why
this book is special, and of course your supporters have a lot to do with the
way the book has continued to rise. I also think this book will have a lot of
longevity because it is so real. You are known for writing the real in these
characters. Do you think that is one of the things that kind of set you apart
as a storyteller?
Yes, I believe it is. It's my mantle. I
have to deal with the real topics, things people don't want to talk about and
things that smack you right in the face and make you look at it and call it
what it is. It's just a part of who I have learned to become with my journey.
I think people are seeing a lot of
themselves in your characters, too. In Trespassed there is a general premise
that's there. We all know what it's like to be betrayed unfortunately, but I
think there is a lot more that happens in this book about our decisions about
betrayal, and our decisions about the one that we feel as though may have done
us wrong and how we move forward. Did you know in the beginning that you were
going to tackle these heavy topics in this one book?
No, I can say honestly I did not know, because
I did not know these people. The two main characters, Nadine and Zane, were
introduced to me after a prayer session. It was really scary to tackle, so as
it was unfolding I had my own mouth drop open as it was unfolding before me too.
All I knew was the first scene, and it
was at the laundromat. I had to go into a laundromat and stand inside of that
laundromat and say why was Nadine there. That's all I had to go on.
Let's talk about that, Sonya, because one of the ways that you've even talked about that first scene is through social media. I want to talk about the experience of becoming her, because that's what you had to do in this book because of the way the story is told, I mean the readers will see we basically have to become these characters. What was that like for you to empty yourself of Sonya and to feel this vessel that was Nadine?
Well with Nadine I saw myself all up in
Nadine. I saw ways that she responded to things and ways that she handled
situations—how I kept myself quiet too long, not speaking up so I thought I
would do the same thing. It was me. I was in pure love with her. I saw myself
in her, so becoming her it wasn't too far-fetched for me. The simple fact is that
I could relate to her.
Is that scary to admit, Sonya, that you could relate to this woman's life?
A little, but it's who I am.
There does seem to be a theme with you,
Sonya. You think about how you and I connected over your book Love Me for Who I
Am. Did it surprise you now looking back how some of those themes find
themselves in TRESPASSED?
Yes, and as I look back over it, it's
all Ministry. It’s all about how I can help somebody stand up better, do better
and to not beat yourself up. It's all entangled. It's what I do, so it's going
to be parallel across the board. It shows up in everything.
One of those things of course central
in the book is the relationship between Nadine and Zane. As you said in the
beginning you didn't know these people, and yet you said there was that
relatability that you could feel with Nadine. What was it like for you to try
to get to know Zane?
That was some kind of a ride. Typing
this thing out and his character begins to unfold, oh my, I was like wow there
is something here. I didn't know what that something was, and I just kept going.
I can say that he's my husband favorite character. Zane is something. It's
something with him that makes him want to be one of my favorite characters in
this book.
And as his character begins to unfold,
it was just amazing because he represents so many people. So many people who
continue on in life. They try to continue on in life, and I better be careful
because I don't want to reveal anything, but he just represents so many people.
I never had a story like this before.
Well there are other characters that
show themselves. We are not even going to talk about Charles in this
conversation, but I do want to mention a conversation that Nadine has with
Charles. In chapter 38 of the book there is an interesting dialogue that take
place internally with Nadine. Nadine says to herself my timing was always late, I
had to learn timing, when to speak up and when to be quiet, when to deliver
truth and when to wait. I thought about that as the scriptures talk about
there is a season for everything. What was it like for you to have Nadine
realize the things that she had to work on and the importance of timing in her
That was a lesson for me when it comes
to timing. When she said that—when those words rolled out—I was like ‘wow
that's it’. I was just thinking about a couple things in my own life. Sometimes
I jump too soon and sometimes I waited too long. People could attach to that
they waited too long or they said something out of sync when they should have
waited, when they felt the nudge to hush but they kept going.
I learned so many lessons from Nadine
and now I am trying to apply all of them, but I have learned so many things
from her—that timing thing and what she said about beating herself up, that's
what I lived. I lived that, and that's why I said I can parallel myself with
her because I would always be last. I
was quick to forgive other people, but last to forgive myself and that was the
lesson that I saw with Nadine.
Get caught up in all the drama and
lessons of TRESPASSED by Sonya Visor on Amazon. Stay connected with Sonya at
Actress/Producer Luciana Faulhaber: Telling Stories on Her Own Terms
by Cyrus Webb
As I have been traveling the country this
year one of the greatest experiences has been meeting individuals who are not
just passionate about what they do but are examples for us all as to what is
possible. A clear example of that is Luciana Faulhaber. She’s not just a talented actress and
producer. She also is someone who loves to create and inspire as well. This
year she is celebrated the release of her film DON’T LOOK.
During our conversation we will covered
not just the new film but also what it has been like for her to share this
story with the world and to see the way people are responding to it.
First of all, Luciana, congratulations to the team and you on DON’T LOOK. How does it feel now for the world to be able to enjoy the film?
I think it's the best part of this
process. It's so nice to be able to have it out in the world and finally
everybody can see what we have been working on for all of these years. As I
mentioned before we have over 500 Kickstarter donors that helped us make this
dream come true. And it's nice that they can finally see what we have been up
to all of these years.
You are right, and I think that's the cool thing and it's such a great story we are going to talk more about that. I want to talk about this journey for you, Luciana. Not only were you committed to the story but to know that other people were so committed. Was that one of the things that really kept you motivated along the way?
100%! Making something so hard,
especially when you are doing it with no budget. A lot of the times we joked
around saying that we were making this film with our rent money, because it
really felt like that at the end of the month. Post production is by far one of
the most expensive parts of this process, and we really had to put in all of
the resources that we could pull together, so yes, it was really great to see
it happen. As a team we just had to stay together through the process and see
it through.
I wanted to be a storyteller as a child,
and I think a lot of children are keen to tell stories and play pretend. That
was what I grew up with. I didn't have much to play with, so I would live in my
imagination, and I would create with the things that I had around me.
When I started as an actress I met my
partner in acting school. This was before we became producers, writers and
creators. We kept encountering the same issues. We would go out to audition, and
we would get the same parts over and over again—as well as parts that we really
felt were outdated. So we made a commitment to create work to showcase and
reflect what we believe, and put Latin people and other people of different
diverse backgrounds in a more accurate light, so that's how we started
Not only are you able to do something you enjoy, but how does it feel to know that people can now come up to you and thank you for being an example yourself as to what other people can do when it comes to pursuing their own goals and dreams?
It's a part of what we set out to do. We
wanted to be an example and also be a resource. I always tell people if you
have questions, if there is anything I can help you with let me know. That’s
why I do interviews like this. If there is anything that I can say that will
motivate another person to follow their dreams, then it's been worth my
For those who are just now hearing
about DON’T LOOK take us into it a bit.
DON’T LOOK is an homage to the 80s horror. My producing partner and I grew up with 80s horror movies, and we loved it. It was always a fun, exciting time of being a little scared but not too much. You know there is an absurdity part of it that's a bit satirical and the splashing of that slasher blood everywhere so it was an escape growing up.
DON’T LOOK is an homage to the 80s horror. My producing partner and I grew up with 80s horror movies, and we loved it. It was always a fun, exciting time of being a little scared but not too much. You know there is an absurdity part of it that's a bit satirical and the splashing of that slasher blood everywhere so it was an escape growing up.
So when we set up to do a horror we
kind of wanted to honor that genre and show our love for it, but at the same
time we wanted to reflect a little bit of what we believe. So in this film
you'll get all of the benchmark of the horror genre, so for those of you who
love the slasher film that's for you At the same time we try to make it a
little bit different, so we put the female relationships at the center of the
film. The friendship between the two female leads really carry the film
We try to give every character a lot of
depth and a lot of excitement. We also try to make sure that both the diverse
cast and as well as the Caucasian roles were well-represented and as important
in the picture. As creators we try to make sure that even though it is an
homage film and we love the genre that we put our own point of view in
You talked about challenges that
content creators have to deal with. What do you think kept you from giving up
and moving forward?
That's a really good question, and I
don't think I can pinpoint one exact thing that has kept me going. I mean, I
think it takes a village. When people say that I think that's so true. A part
of it is the need to do it. I come from a very traditional Latin family and the
arts was something that was viewed as it's for the rich.
I grew up with that mindset, and at the
same time my mother was always saying ‘If you want to go to acting school I
will find a way to pay for it…If you want to do ballet I will find a way to pay
for it’… But it was always viewed as a hobby. It was viewed as something that
you would do as a reward for all of the hard work that you have had. And it's
partially true. I see now as an adult that for you to do the art it's very
difficult. At the end of the day when you love something and it's a part
of who you are there is just no way that you are not going to pursue it.
Another thing that kept me going is definitely my community. My writing partner is an amazing support. We have been working together for the last 10 years. There are a lot of other people that have helped me out throughout the road. And it goes from trying to help me get a job that will help me pay for my rent, to giving me a phone call when I don't book a part to tell me it’s going to be fine.
I think the people around me have shown support in so many different ways, and that's what's important. Now if you are someone who says you want to do something but you are not really taking action towards whatever your dream is, then you should re-evaluate that. I am a big believer of if you want to do something you should at least try to find a way and at least give it your best shot.
Thank you so much, Luciana, and
congrats again on DON’T LOOK. Any last advice for our audience of dreamers?
You have to really be honest with
yourself. I think artists are better at that than most people. You have to take
a hard look at yourself and your life and say am I willing to work three jobs
and then work nights, writing and directing and putting my rent money into this
film to see this through? It comes down to action, and I am a big action
Get DON’T LOOK on Amazon or your favorite
streaming service. Stay connected with Luciana on Instagram at
Take Pleasure in Learning: Actor/Producer/TV Personality and Author LeVar Burton
by Cyrus Webb
I have been a fan of LeVar Burton since I was a kid. For me before he was a part of Star Trek he was the host of Reading Rainbow, the show that made me want to have a platform to encourage reading and meaningful conversations. To talk with him about life, his impact on others and the possibilities for us all was not just inspiring but something that I know will remind you that your life can have an impact on others.
LeVar, you have been able to touch so many lives through your work, especially through the platform that is Reading Rainbow. What has it been like for you to use your life as an example as to what is possible?
It has been truly remarkable. My mom was an English teacher, and she always had several books for her own personal pleasure. Reading for me was like breathing. It is a natural part of the human experience. All the work is because of the woman my mother is, and that has allowed me to humbly have the impact that I have.
I can definitely agree with that. Part of the great thing is that books can connect us all and share life lessons that can change our lives. Have you always understood that impact?
You know I have! Some people say you are what you eat. I genuinely believe you are what you read. I am aware of how my life has been enhanced by being a lifelong reader. I genuinely believe if you are literate in at least one language you are my definition of free. A lifelong reader has the ability to be a lifelong learner. If you are a learner for life then you are a dangerous individual, because you don’t have to take anyone’s word for anything. You can read and learn for yourself.
I know there is a link between that which we imagine and that which we manifest in this realm. It is the imagination that connects us all. It’s also our imagination that connects us to our birth right that is storytelling.
Stay connected with Levar on social media:
I have been a fan of LeVar Burton since I was a kid. For me before he was a part of Star Trek he was the host of Reading Rainbow, the show that made me want to have a platform to encourage reading and meaningful conversations. To talk with him about life, his impact on others and the possibilities for us all was not just inspiring but something that I know will remind you that your life can have an impact on others.
LeVar, you have been able to touch so many lives through your work, especially through the platform that is Reading Rainbow. What has it been like for you to use your life as an example as to what is possible?
It has been truly remarkable. My mom was an English teacher, and she always had several books for her own personal pleasure. Reading for me was like breathing. It is a natural part of the human experience. All the work is because of the woman my mother is, and that has allowed me to humbly have the impact that I have.
I can definitely agree with that. Part of the great thing is that books can connect us all and share life lessons that can change our lives. Have you always understood that impact?
You know I have! Some people say you are what you eat. I genuinely believe you are what you read. I am aware of how my life has been enhanced by being a lifelong reader. I genuinely believe if you are literate in at least one language you are my definition of free. A lifelong reader has the ability to be a lifelong learner. If you are a learner for life then you are a dangerous individual, because you don’t have to take anyone’s word for anything. You can read and learn for yourself.
I know there is a link between that which we imagine and that which we manifest in this realm. It is the imagination that connects us all. It’s also our imagination that connects us to our birth right that is storytelling.
Stay connected with Levar on social media:
[FOOD] The Perfect Egg Sandwich from Chef/Author Deborah L. Hunter
Being a Mississippi girl there is nothing more refreshing than enjoying a simple country life.
There is something absolutely peaceful about taking in the amazing sights and sounds of nature all around me that I get to enjoy daily. Imagine waking up every morning to the robust sound of a Black Australorp rooster crowing at the crack of dawn, It’s one of nature's many southern gifts, my very own personal alarm clock. And that robust sound means that it’s time for me to get my day started. And one of the many things on my to do list is to head into the backyard, feed the chicken and gathering the fresh eggs from the chicken coop. Each hen gifting me with one egg per day. It’s as fresh as eggs can get.
I love to prepare one of my favorite breakfast dishes: a simple meal of scrambled eggs, golden buttered toast with homemade strawberry jam and a hot cup of Community coffee.
Whether you gather your eggs on a farm like I do are buy them at your local grocery store or farmers market eggs are one of the most popular foods in the world US. because they are perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Did you know that the average person eats about 240 eggs per year and with so many people enjoying one of natures favorite super foods there is an endless array of recipes to prepare and I am honored to share one of my favorite recipes from childhood with you!
I call it my mother's “PERFECT EGG SANDWICH”. It was definitely something my brothers and I looked forward to! This egg sandwich is not only beautiful but it’s absolutely delicious, perfect for anytime of the day and trust me the little extra effort is well worth every bite!
Let’s get started! (This recipe is perfect for two sandwiches)
You will need;
•One medium cast iron skillet/don’t have a cast-iron skillet no problem just grab your favorite skillet
• One medium mixing bowl
• 1/2 teaspoon of softened butter to add directly into your egg mixture + 2 teaspoon for your skillet
• 2 tablespoon of warm water
• 5 eggs
• 4 slices of your favorite bread are used potato bread ( trim the brown edges from off of your bread)
• mild cheddar cheese
• 1/8 of a teaspoon of kosher salt/not a fan of kosher salt try sea salt
• a dash of pepper corn or red pepper flakes
and green onions or chives to garnish
In a mixing bowl
Crack 4 eggs add soften butter warm water and salt whisk well until there’s no streaking in your eggs and the color of your eggs is a warm bright yellow. Set to the side for just a moment.
On medium high heat add a pad of butter to your skillet and allow your butter to melt once butter starts to lightly bubble pour your egg mixture into the skillet using a silicone spatula whisk eggs without stopping in small circles until small curds start to appear at this point turn the heat completely off and continue to stir until your eggs are done.
(Note: Not only can you turn off the heat but you can completely remove the skillet from the stove while continuing to stir the eggs the skillet is hot enough to continue cooking the eggs without being on the direct heat this will aid you in not over cooking your eggs.)
Once your eggs are done equally divide the cooked eggs onto 2 slices of bread then top eggs with cheese sprinkle on a small amount of pepper and green onions now place the 2 remaining slices of bread on top and slightly press the bread together set to the side
Crack the remaining egg into your bowl add 1 tablespoon water or (milk) a dash of salt whisk well ; place egg sandwiches one at a time into your egg mixture making sure each side of the bread is completely covered.
Place a clean skillet back onto the stove on medium high heat add a small amount of butter;
Now place your egg washed sandwiches into the skillet and allow each side to sear for 1-2 minutes until a nice crisp golden brown on each side remove from the heat and serve.
I hope you enjoy this simple recipe as much as I do and that it creates as many delicious fun memories for your family as it has for mine. For more delicious egg ideas and recipes don’t forget to get your copy of MY DELICIOUS MISSISSIPPI LIFE COOKBOOK on Amazon.
Yours truly,
Chef Deborah Hunter
There is something absolutely peaceful about taking in the amazing sights and sounds of nature all around me that I get to enjoy daily. Imagine waking up every morning to the robust sound of a Black Australorp rooster crowing at the crack of dawn, It’s one of nature's many southern gifts, my very own personal alarm clock. And that robust sound means that it’s time for me to get my day started. And one of the many things on my to do list is to head into the backyard, feed the chicken and gathering the fresh eggs from the chicken coop. Each hen gifting me with one egg per day. It’s as fresh as eggs can get.
I love to prepare one of my favorite breakfast dishes: a simple meal of scrambled eggs, golden buttered toast with homemade strawberry jam and a hot cup of Community coffee.
Whether you gather your eggs on a farm like I do are buy them at your local grocery store or farmers market eggs are one of the most popular foods in the world US. because they are perfect for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Did you know that the average person eats about 240 eggs per year and with so many people enjoying one of natures favorite super foods there is an endless array of recipes to prepare and I am honored to share one of my favorite recipes from childhood with you!
I call it my mother's “PERFECT EGG SANDWICH”. It was definitely something my brothers and I looked forward to! This egg sandwich is not only beautiful but it’s absolutely delicious, perfect for anytime of the day and trust me the little extra effort is well worth every bite!
Let’s get started! (This recipe is perfect for two sandwiches)
You will need;
•One medium cast iron skillet/don’t have a cast-iron skillet no problem just grab your favorite skillet
• One medium mixing bowl
• 1/2 teaspoon of softened butter to add directly into your egg mixture + 2 teaspoon for your skillet
• 2 tablespoon of warm water
• 5 eggs
• 4 slices of your favorite bread are used potato bread ( trim the brown edges from off of your bread)
• mild cheddar cheese
• 1/8 of a teaspoon of kosher salt/not a fan of kosher salt try sea salt
• a dash of pepper corn or red pepper flakes
and green onions or chives to garnish
In a mixing bowl
Crack 4 eggs add soften butter warm water and salt whisk well until there’s no streaking in your eggs and the color of your eggs is a warm bright yellow. Set to the side for just a moment.
On medium high heat add a pad of butter to your skillet and allow your butter to melt once butter starts to lightly bubble pour your egg mixture into the skillet using a silicone spatula whisk eggs without stopping in small circles until small curds start to appear at this point turn the heat completely off and continue to stir until your eggs are done.
(Note: Not only can you turn off the heat but you can completely remove the skillet from the stove while continuing to stir the eggs the skillet is hot enough to continue cooking the eggs without being on the direct heat this will aid you in not over cooking your eggs.)
Once your eggs are done equally divide the cooked eggs onto 2 slices of bread then top eggs with cheese sprinkle on a small amount of pepper and green onions now place the 2 remaining slices of bread on top and slightly press the bread together set to the side
Crack the remaining egg into your bowl add 1 tablespoon water or (milk) a dash of salt whisk well ; place egg sandwiches one at a time into your egg mixture making sure each side of the bread is completely covered.
Place a clean skillet back onto the stove on medium high heat add a small amount of butter;
Now place your egg washed sandwiches into the skillet and allow each side to sear for 1-2 minutes until a nice crisp golden brown on each side remove from the heat and serve.
I hope you enjoy this simple recipe as much as I do and that it creates as many delicious fun memories for your family as it has for mine. For more delicious egg ideas and recipes don’t forget to get your copy of MY DELICIOUS MISSISSIPPI LIFE COOKBOOK on Amazon.
Yours truly,
Chef Deborah Hunter
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