Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, July 28, 2019

[To You, From Me] Want to Be Inspired? Start in the Mirror!

This issue of Conversations Magazine is all about Inspiration.

For 16 years now I have had the privilege of sharing a message of inspiration, motivation and hope through the radio airwaves, online as well as offline and in the pages of this publication. Why is it important? Because without being inspired there is no way you are going to want to put your best foot forward.

Every day I wake up excited about the day ahead and the possibilities that can come from it. I'm able to do work that I love and share that work with people in the hopes of sparking something within them that says "I can do that too". I devote long hours to my work and my mission, and though it's not always easy I am always so fulfilled by the outcome.

What about you? Did you wake up this morning thinking that this is going to be an amazing day? Do you see your path as one that will lead to something bigger for yourself and others? If not, don't worry. It's not too late. Today can be the start of something amazing, but it begins with you.

In this issue I hope you find individuals in the arts and entertainment world as well as in business that will spark something in you that gets you excited about your own life. As you enjoy the articles look in the proverbial mirror and see how you can better reflect the qualities that have made these individuals and their accomplishments possible. And remember: it's not about doing what they do. It's about being who you can be. That's the key to not just being inspired but committed to the process.

Would love to know who inspires you to keep going and bringing your best to the day ahead. Feel free to comment on this post online at and let me know.

Happy reading!

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine

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