by Cyrus Webb
(seen here Herschel and Erin Dixon)Anyone who has followed my work with Conversations knows that I don't see color. From the very beginning it has been important for me to offer a platform that is reflective of my own life and those in it. Because of this, I have welcomed everyone---regardless of their race,class and beliefs---to join us in discussions that I hope will get people to think and maybe even challenge themselves.
This year I read a book by author Skip Masters called HOW I BROKE MY ADDICTION TO WHITE WOMEN. It was a provocative title that discussed how as a black man his marriage to two white women failed but now in his third marriage to a woman of color he seems to have found real happiness. After interviewing the author and getting to know him a bit it became clear to me that he wasn't against interracial relationships now. It was just he had found through his experiences that they weren't for him.
This subject came up again for me in a startling way in April 2011. A poll conducted by Public Policy Polling of registered Republicans in my home state of Mississippi shared some disappointing news. When asked if they thought interracial marriage should be legal or illegal, 46% of those polled said it should be ILLEGAL while only 40% thought it should be legal.
I was disappointed not that they told the truth about the way they felt, but that in 2011 so many people still thought that we should be separated by race when it came to relationships. This led me to conduct a forum on Conversations LIVE about the topic. I invited Skip Masters to join us as well as relationship therapists Jessica Stebbins and Dr. Joyce Morley, author M. Beatryce Shaw (who writes children's book dealing with treating people different based on race and disabilities), our sports columnist Herschel Dixon (who is in an interracial marriage) and my brother Alvin Webb who dates women of all races. The conversation was lively and informative, and I felt like we presented some great positions about the complexities that still exist among interracial couples.
I also reached out to you, the readers and listeners of our radio show to get your perspective. The question: Does being against interracial marriage and relationships automatically make you racist? Had a great response to the question. Below are two of the answers I received:
"I am a married white female in my thirties and have grown up in Washington and Oregon and settled here in Southern California. I was brought up to believe that everyone was created equal in God's eyes, by a mother who grew up with a racist father. My step Dad is a black man and although they have no children together because she remarried late in life, I don't see their relationship any different than I would if he were white.
"He and his children from a previous marriage are both half black/ half white. Growing up in Texas in the 60's and 70's he did struggle with his genealogy, but I feel that it was due to racial tensions in the US and in Texas at the time. His children, my step brother and sister whom I adore, seem to have had no issues with their identity growing up in Oregon in the 80's and 90's. If they grew up in an area of the US which harbored more resentment for their genealogy, parents, or skin color then I suspect it may have been a more difficult journey.
"Due to this I DO think that if you're against interracial marriage that it means you're racist, even if you may not want to admit it. We are all children of God. We are all human beings, so why would it matter to you who couples with who if you weren't judging one person or the other by the color of their skin? I think that as Americans we forget just how diverse our genealogies are and I challenge many of these opponents to map their own genealogy and see just what it turns up; they may be surprised. Areas of the US where these anti-interracial marriage sentiments take place are what MAKES it hard for children of mixed race couples have a hard time coming to terms with their identity; and this goes for opponents of any color, not just white republicans from Mississippi. I believe if the racism wasn't present then it wouldn't matter in the slightest.
"I want to also add that God is love and if he puts you on a path where you truly find love with another human being that that is a gift from him; who can judge that as wrong??
"I hope that this discussion that you are having helps to open people's eyes to what's right in the eyes of God and the eyes of Man. We should focus on loving our neighbor and looking for our similarities that can bring us together as friends instead of looking for our differences that only serve to divide us."
Amber Pitts
I would like to focus on the complications in 2011 of immigration. The issue in our open-minded family is not color but conflicting cultural expectations and the way they can destroy a marriage and hurt and confuse the children. There was a time when differences could be mediated by common goals and expectations set by the community the couple chose to join. However, the ability to personally have global communications is game-changer. One can immigrate without emigrating, and the amount of time the immigrant spouse spends with people back in her/his country of origin can affect his/her ability to adjust to new rules.