by Cyrus Webb
They are two authors with the same first and last names and stories of inspiration and empowerment. Meet the two Martin Levins. I've had the opportunity to interview both authors on Conversations LIVE Radio, and now I get to introduce them and their books to you our readers.

WE WERE RELENTLESS by Martin J. Levin*
WE WERE RELENTLESS is an endearing account of one family's ability to deal with the challenges of life, especially when they literally hit home in their first child. Martin Levin gives an unfiltered look at what so many parents have to deal with, but don't have the voice to get the word out like he has in this powerful book. When their son Jordan is born not just premature but with a disability, there becomes more challenges to deal with and few options that seem to be at their disposal. What happens, though, not only showcases the importance of summoning the strength within yourself but realizing what can be impossible when the odds seem stacked against you.
The entire family unwittingly shows how we can be empowered to do so much good for others if we truly want to. It's not about the excuses we find easy to make but the decisions that are not easy but can have far-reaching effects. This book is a must-read for anyone who has family or friends with special needs or are going through a difficult moment. Reading about what the Levins had to do will showcase that with a little help we can all be victorious.
It's as Martin tells us in the book: "Miracles do happen. Perhaps some of them are a bit slower to happen than others." We just have to make up our minds that giving up is not option.
Find out more information about the book, the author and Jordan visit

We often hear that dogs are man's best friend, but friendship is something that is definitely a two-way street. That is something that 92 year old Martin Levin learned as he befriended his dog Angel, who inspired the book ALL I KNOW ABOUT MANAGEMENT I LEARNED FROM MY DOG. You see, Angel was not just a pet. Levin quickly learned that if he wanted to get anywhere with her, he was going to have to take time to understand how to best interact with her. This lead the author to his four Golden Rules that he discusses in the book: 1) Trust and Leadership, 2) Communication, 3) Problem Solving and Decision Making and 4) Perseverance.
While the author applies these lessons that he learned from his dealings with Angel to management skills needed when dealing with those we work with and who might work for us, there is a larger application that needs to be explored. How many of us don't want to benefit from good communication, whether it is a friend, a mate or someone who interact with on a regular basis. When it comes to issues that arise in the home or in a relationship, aren't problem solving and decision making something we find necessary? And for parents, how important are trust and leadership in the home when it comes to dealing with children or those in your care? Finally the big one, PERSEVERANCE. Nothing can be truly accomplished in any aspect of our life if we give us. Martin Levin surely wouldn't have been able to share with us about his dealings with Angel if he had just given up. The same is true with us. If we give up in our dealings with each other no matter where they fall in our lives, we can't get anything done.
With a little something for everyone, ALL I KNOW ABOUT MANAGEMENT I LEARNED FROM MY DOG is something you should add to your reading list and your outlook on life.
For more information visit
* Both titles can be found on sale by visiting
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