Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Saturday, July 27, 2013

[To You, From Me] Recognizing Your Season

It was about 10 years ago that I embarked on what would be a life-changing event in my life: the hosting of a radio show.

Before that I was known in Mississippi and in other parts of the South for my art work, poetry and speaking engagements. Coming to radio in July 2003 I didn't know what I was going to do or what impact it would have or what would come of it, but I knew I wanted to bring my best to it.

Ten years later that step has led me to not just hosting a radio show with literally millions of listeners around the world but led to the creation of this magazine as well as a global co-ed book club. Again, I didn't know all of this would happen, and if you had told me, I probably wouldn't have believed you. What I did know, however, is something that I had been taught early in life: hard work pays off.

This anniversary issue of Conversations Magazine is not just a reflection of the past decade. For me it is a reminder of what I attempt to represent as well as the importance of sharing something that will inspire others along their journey.

It's not easy to blaze a trail of your own. Being a follower is definitely less of a test of your dedication, perseverance and commitment to a task, but it leads to your fulfilling someone else's dream. Your time on this earth is precious, and it should be spent bringing to fruition your own dreams and passion. Is it scary? Without a doubt. Will there be naysayers? I can answer yes! But the question that you have to ask yourself each and every day is this: Is the fear of failure worth the cost of giving up on yourself? If you can say that fear will not stop you, then I can guarantee that in time success will be yours.

My mother and step-father love the outdoors. I didn't inherit that from them, but I have marveled at how their persistence when it comes to gardening and planting has yielded amazing results. They labor, they nurture and then enjoy the increase that comes in. I call it their season.

Are your ready to do the same? As I continue each and every day to nurture this brand, I knew that great things are going to come my way. I want that for you as well. Discover your passion. Feed it. Work at it diligently, and then watch the increase.

Thank you for being a part of our season. We look forward to many more years of feeding your love of life.

Happy Reading!

Cyrus A. Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, Cyrus! Continued success as your brand grows.
