Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Gospel Recording Artist Carol Maraj: Living Proof of God's Goodness

by Cyrus Webb

My first introduction to Carol Maraj was through her daughter,singing superstar Nicki Minaj. In her single AUTOBIOGAPHY from her mix-tape Sucka-Free Nicki says this about her mother:

She's my queen and I ain't even British
She's the only reason that I went to school and I finished
She told me that I had talent
Got on her knees and prayed for me when I started being violent
She saw something in me that, 'til this day I don't know if I could be that
But I'm a die trying...

It was obvious then that Carol Maraj was a woman of faith, and in her debut single GOD'S BEEN GOOD that officially released in April 2014 we are able to hear it from the woman herself.

"God's been good, He's always been good," she sings. The song, laced with an infectious beat that will capture audiences young and old, shares experiences that many can relate to. Whether it is getting a report from the doctor that you weren't expecting or coming out of a bad situation, knowing it wasn't through your own power. There are signs everyday that God is always looking after us, giving us reasons to praise Him each and every day.

Through faith Carol came to the United States, wanting to make a new life for her young family. As a singer, songwriter, and a playwright she is able to share not just her own experiences but show others what is possible for them as well. The single GOD'S BEEN GOOD is a reminder for all of us that God is able to bring us out of every situation that we face. All we have to do is trust and believe in His promises.

I had the opportunity to talk with Carol about the way that people were responding to the single. She told me she was "touched to see the response and the love that people have been showing."

When asked about the events in her life that got her to where she is today she says "It is a calling. I walked this path for this purpose that I am experiencing today. I know that it's going to change lives and help many people along the way."

Her overall message? Even when we are unaware of it God loves us so much. He's been good and watching over us and guiding us. When life seems the darkest God is able to brighten even the most difficult of situations. All we have to do is believe.

GOD'S BEEN GOOD is available on and iTunes. You can stay connected with her on Twitter at @carolmarajorg and her website

Listen to my interview with Carol Maraj on #ConversationsLIVE here.

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