Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How To Go From Broken To Your Breakthrough

To say that this year has been the most bittersweet of my life would in no way be an understatement.

As this magazine was originally going to press in the middle of May I was dealing with the declining health of my grandmother (affectionately called by most of her grandchildren as Aunt Quattie) while preparing for what was already a whirlwind of milestones for the Conversations brand. Like many of the people I have interviewed over the years I was juggling a mixed bag of emotions: celebrating my successes while aware that my grandmother's situation was not good.

How many of you know that feeling of being on a high and then having the wind sucked out of the room, leaving you feeling lost and unsure what to do next. In many ways that was where I found myself, and I can say it was one of the scariest experiences I have had.

Since nothing happens by accident, I think it is appropriate that the issue of the magazine that was next to be published by Conversations was our SURVIVAL issue. I had intended for this to be about individuals who had experienced a variety of challenges, setbacks and loss and still found ways to thrive. Little did I know at the time that I would be one of those who would be joining the group of survivors at that particular time.

On May 22, 2014 my grandmother passed away quite peacefully at home at the age of 90. Though her physical absence is profound I am surrounded by reminders of the life she lived and the lessons she taught myself and so many others. I hope that this issue of Conversations will show you that regardless of what challenge you face there is the opportunity for you to push forward and be the person you want to be.

What has happened to you doesn't have to keep you bound. You can break through your obstacle and come out better on the other side.Those who you will read about in this issue have done it, and you have the same opportunity.

What has been the key to your breakthrough? How did you emerge from your brokenness and begin to heal? Share your stories with me by email at or by posting at

Until next time, happy reading!

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine

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