Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, November 8, 2020

[BOOK CHAT] Cornelius J. Maxwell, bestselling author of UNAPOLOGETICALLY: I AM A MAN

by Cyrus Webb

 There is nothing like being yourself UNAPOLOGETICALLY. It was something I had to grow into myself, but when I meet people like bestselling author Cornelius J. Maxwell it just reminds me of the importance with being happy with who you are and were created to be.

 His book UNAPOLOGETICALLY: I AM A MAN’s subtitle is “From slavery to independence, poems reflecting the transition from the past to the prosperous future- it’s a mindset”. The book is powerful and the message shared by the author is sure to inspire and motivate those who read it. In this conversation we discuss the response to UNAPOLOGETICALLY and what it all means to him.

 Congratulations again to you, Cornelius, on the success of the book. It’s already an Amazon bestseller. What has it been like for you to see how people are responding to it?

It's been an exciting. This is the first book I've ever written. It was one of those things that I prayed about and said I’m going to do it. I went for it, and people are responding to it great. It's just been humbling and empowering,

There's a lot of different messages in this book. They all give us something to think about. The thing that really struck me, though, is the reflection aspect, You're able to look backwards to where we have come from, as well as where the country has come from. Then you look at us today. How has that reflection encouraged you?

It's something that I've been inspired about pretty much my entire life. And the thing about it is the fact that even the concept of the book UNAPOLOGETICALLY: I AM A MAN was inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King jr.’s last protest I Am a Man and the history behind that. I think he was 39 years old when he was assassinated, when he gave his last protest. Four days after I turned 39 on Juneteenth is when I actually released this book. I wanted to plant the seeds that eliminates America's slave history or slave thinking, and also provide us into a prosperous future. And I think that is very important, especially moving on into the future for our next generation and the generation following them as well.

Do you think that kind of helped you to realize what you could achieve? Do you think being able to have that, positive force there behind you encouraged you as to what you could do in life?

I believe so.

My whole life people told me: ‘You'll never be successful. You're dying young. You’ll never be able to provide for your family. You'll never be a pillar of society. You'll always be a failure.’ This is what I've been told, but the fact that I've always had a strong support system—especially being that my father was a minister and my mother is a missionary—they told me to trust in God. In doing so, by leaning on my faith and what I've been taught, I can't understand the concept of what I've been told by society. It doesn't make sense to me.

 I've been told that I am more than a conqueror, and I can conquer all things. With that, no matter what society places in front of me, I can overcome that. And I share that message so that other people know they can overcome as well. It’s important to surround yourself with people who have that mentality that is positive. Iron sharpens, iron. It's just one of those things: If you want to be successful, you have to surround yourself with people who also successful.

Get your copy of UNAPOLOGETICALLY: I AM A MAN on Amazon. Stay connected with Cornelius at as well as on social media at and

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