Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, November 8, 2020

[One-On-One] Willis Victory and Dr. Roni of Phoenix Life Sciences

by Cyrus Webb

Over the years Conversations has made it part of its mission to not just feed your love of life but keep you educated and informed along the way. 

Willis Victory is an entrepreneur and trailblazer I have known for seven years now. We first featured in him the pages of Conversations Magazine back in 2017. Since then he has continue to grow his brand and connect with amazing individuals along the way. 

This year he introduced me to his newest partnership with Phoenix Life Sciences International as well as one of his associates Dr. Roni. The three of us discuss health and wellness and the role that CBD products are playing in helping with a variety of medical condition. 

Willis, great to catch up again with you in the pages of Conversations Magazine. Tell us audience about the mission of Phoenix Life Sciences. Why was the work of Phoenix Life Sciences something that appealed to you?

Willis Victory: My mother passed away from Diabetes complications in 2007. I began researching and spending a lot of time understand Diabetes and what could potentially assist in bringing a cure to the vicious disease. I was approached about  Phoenix Life Sciences initially as an investor. I was very impressed with the vision and the idea of bringing affordable alternative health care methods to global citizens. The opportunity to enhance lived, be of service, bring value to humanity and provide a lifestyle strategy for the betterment of society and people around the world. The mission in Port Vanuatu really touched my heart & soul. I was intrigued by the opportunity of working with the Government of Port Vanuatu, Minister of Health and the beautiful people of the island. 

Along with the opportunity to provide hope and all natural products and treatments; there is a major opportunity to assist in comforting people who are dealing with pain. I believe we are all deserving of a great experience during our time on Earth. Without a healthy body or an opportunity to restore the body, it is extremely difficult to enjoy everyday life. I am committed to providing top quality products to our customers, research, education and bring value to our shareholders. I believe through research, education and awareness; Phoenix Life Sciences International will be a top company in the industry of Pharmaceuticals & Biotech. 

Dr. Roni: I was bought in to Phoenix Life sciences after Key persons involved realized that the growing Cannabis industry was a perfect complement in doing what I do with 21 Chronic Illnesses. I implement a customized approach to CBD protocols for clients. Every CBD is accurately dosed, and the delivery of CBD oils are specific to each client and their illness. CBD is distributed to treat 21 chronic illnesses, including pain, Diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, and Lyme etc. As a Naturopathic Doctor I treated Cancer for many years and used prescription grade CBD with specific Terpenes. It was phenomenally successful protocol in treating many of my clients with Inflammatory type of diseases. This led to my increasing excitement and further research. It was a natural transition for me to join Phoenix Life Sciences.

My program encompasses the following 8 pillars that create “The Dr. Roni 21 21 Experience”.

1. CBD oil

2. Education SEARCH curriculum

3. Essential Oils 

4. Innovative food as medicine, products, and supplements.

5. Advanced technology treatments to promote healing 

6. Retreats and custom health protocols

7. Membership community

8. Community engagement

Would love to hear from the two of you what you think of the changing perception of CBD based products, and how that is helping others looking for alternatives when trying to life a healthier life. 

Willis Victory: I believe people have been so miseducated about Marijuana, Hemp and Cannabis as a whole. While research and education are proving valuable insight as to the healing elements of Cannabis and CBD; there is still along way to go in regards to the evolution of the plant and implantation into the daily human regiment. People are now understanding how to digest CBD and the profound health effects it has on the body, as well as the mind. Implementing CBD into a healthy lifestyle and utilizing CBD to restore the body back to its natural essence is the goal. I truly believe the cosmetic CBD market will explode over the next 1 – 5 years. The skin being the largest organ of the human body; we have placed a focus on our product development in this area. All of our products are made from natural ingredients, superfoods, organic and are Non-GMO. 

Dr. Roni: The education about the difference between Marijuana, Hemp and Cannabis is changing the way people think and feel about the Cannabis industry. Elderly population now feel safe taking CBD oil especially if they have inflammation and pain. They are now willing to try it, they feel safer taking it on a consistent basis. The education allows them to feel safe. The other changing perception is the many ways that people can consumed the product. Drinks, oils, edibles, creams, lotions, and potions.  The changing perception is we Smoke dope, but we get well with Oil. This concept is fast changing.

Willis, you shared on Conversations LIVE the radio show that you have introduced the products to your family. What do you want the public to know about the various ways CBD-based products can be incorporated in their lives?   

Willis Victory: Yes, I have introduced several CBD products to my family. I am a firm believer that health is wealth and education around health is very important to my family. We have incorporated CBD oil into our coffee, tea and also cook with it. We mix superfoods with CBD to assure all daily nutrients are consumed and absorbed properly. We use CBD shampoo, conditioner, lotion, lip balm and also hand sanitizer. I workout 5 – 6 times per week, and the CBD products have really assisted in my recovery, reducing lactic acid during workouts and over all reduction of inflammation. Drops of CBD oil are also consumed through the day. We are currently developing dental products and feminine products for women as well. 

Dr. Roni, when you were on the radio show you talked about the various health benefits you have been able to share with those you work with. Do you mind sharing an example with us?

Dr. Roni: The most amazing and unforgettable experiences that I have had with CBD oil is when a client experience multiple vague symptoms like bugs crawling all over you feeling, extreme insomnia, extreme anxiety, and pain all over your skin with no diagnosis. I put them on 1500 mg of CBD oil with no THC, within a few weeks she had no pain, no bugs crawling feeling, slept much better. My cancer clients in general do well on chemotherapy while they are on CBD or hemp protocols. The chemotherapy causes less nausea and vomiting, less anxiety and better sleeping.

Willis, you had told me that Dr. Roni and you are working on other projects together, including a book. Can you tell us more about that?

Willis Victory: Yes, we are very excited about this book. The purpose is to educate and increase awareness about CBD, it’s health benefits and how to implement CBD into every day life. We believe this book will provide valuable insight to misconceptions around Cannabis and CBD, while highlighting the effects of the mind & body. We will also discuss CBD and its effects on CTE and May other chronic diseases; including Diabetes and Cancer. This book will serve as the Bible for Cannabis & CBD. We look forward to you reading our book and providing a review. 

Dr. Roni: We will implement education in a myriad of ways, including, but not limited to, Private consultations, by phone or email, live group classes, online education, webinars, use of online tools, such as live video, updated blog and vlog articles posted on marketing channels and website, live presentations to groups, weekly TV and radio. 

Willis and I together are writing a health book to educate on Cannabis and 21 Chronic illness. I have written a song called SEARCH and the content for the book will have a SEARCH curriculum Simple- Essential- Actionable- Relevant- Conscience -Healthy, applications, information and protocols

We will educate using recipes that are easily prepared to treat a variety of health concerns. We will use visual storytelling to share experiences and stories from people with great success with Cannabis. Every protocol for clients who seek one on one coaching receive a completely unique protocol for their situation and needs. We offer CBD for 21 Chronic illness, so anyone who seeks to improve their health, has a pathway to do so. Our goal in reaching millions around the globe, is to help all people demystify healthy living. We simplify so that the chaos in the health and CBD use industry is removed and clients become clear and focused on what they need, versus the latest trends. 

Our membership community is for clients who want exclusive content, “members only” discounts on products and services, access to online live video calls, where they can ask their questions, private door email and access to a closed Facebook community.  Members receive a monthly live online video group call, prerecorded webinars offering education and exclusive content. There is a “member only” Q and A for members to send in questions that can be addressed collectively on these members only events. 

 Thanks to the two of you for the time. How can our audience stay connected with you and keep up with updates?

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