Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Saturday, November 28, 2020

One-On-One with Recording Artist Robert Eberle

by Cyrus Webb

During 2020 I discovered recording artists Robert Eberle, Don Da Menace and Ethan from Versa the Band. They had come together to bring to life the single ENOUGH. 

It tackles the times we are living in, not just with the pandemic but what we see when it comes to racial profiling and the shooting of unarmed people of color. 

In this One-On-One I talked with Robert about his journey and the music. 

Robert,  thanks for the time, and congratulations on the single ENOUGH. Who would you say are some of your musical influences? 

Thanks for the opportunity, Cyrus. My musical influences are definitely Ruel & Finneas.

Have you always known that you were interested in creating music?

Yes I started singing when I was two years old. My grandparents got me my first acoustic guitar, and everything kinda played out from there! 

What inspired you to be apart of Enough?

What really inspired me to write this song was anger to be honest. I saw everything that had been going on with the Black Lives Matter movement, and it really opened my eyes. I wrote this song and then brought it to my two friends, Ethan & Don. They helped finalize everything, and I think we made a pretty cool song. 

With everything going on do you think music is an outlet for you?

Definitely. Music has been an outlet for me my whole life. 

How has social media helped you reach people all around the world?

Social media has definitely influenced my career, especially with the app, TikTok. I am able to share my music on there, and it has a chance to reach people all around the world!

Speaking of music, who are you currently listening to?

On my playlist right now I have Ruel, Finneas, Rex Orange County & Bazzi. 

What’s some advice to give to people just starting out with music?

Some advice I would give is to just go for it. You never know what’s gonna happen! Don’t give up, and always believe in yourself.

IG: @roberteberle1
FB: @roberteberlemusic
YT: @roberteberle 
Tik tok: @roberteberle 
TW: @eberlemusic 

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