Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, November 8, 2020

[MUSIC REVIEW] With MINE Madelyn Mandry shares the feelings and fears of many when they find love


You can listen to MIDNIGHT TO MORNING by Madelyn Mandry on repeat throughout the day, being swept into the stories she shares from song to song---and the emotions in each one. MINE, however, is the song that seems to get me the most.

The message is one that I have felt, and I know others have as well. It's all about being with someone that you want and wondering if they are all with you or still thinking about the one they had before. It's about appreciating what you bring to the table, but wondering if they see it.

"Do you wish you could go back in time to when she called you mine," is the line you'll find lingers with you.

And to be honest maybe we have been the one who finds ourselves trying to enjoy what we have now and the one we loved before.

Either way it's a song that is relatable and shares the feelings and fears of many when they find love.

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