Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Author/Coach Lisa W. Beckwith: Sharing How the Teacher Also Can Learn From Life Experiences

by Cyrus Webb

Just because you have found yourself in a position where you have been able to help others doesn't mean you won't at times need help yourself. If you find yourself in that situation, know that it's okay. Lisa W. Beckwith is someone who knows this firsthand. With her first book FOOD FOR L.I.F.E. she shared with the world how her life experiences had taught her lessons that she could share with others. 

In her book GOD IS CARRYING ME: I am His Warrior she is reminded of the importance of using those lessons learned to stay strong in spite of  what life throws her way. 

May this conversation inspire you as you deal with your own challenges. 

Great to catch up with you again, Lisa. Let's go back a bit. What has it been like to see the response from your first book FOOD FOR L.I.F.E. to the newest book GOD IS CARRYING ME?

The response has been interesting. My book Food for L.I.F.E. is about developmental stages that we face as we grow and mature. God is Carrying Me is a personal experience that causes you to exercise your faith in a situation.  

2020 was a year of challenges for many. How did you personally navigate it?

The year was challenging, and I learned how to understand that life will happen and I must be prepared for it by doing what I can do and allowing God to do what He has to do.  I had to put all of my hope and faith in God, because there was nothing that I could do about something I did not cause.

You have told me that your book GOD IS CARRYING ME is more personal for you. Explain that to our readers.

This book is personal because it was written to share my experience with a medical condition that I was totally shocked that I had.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January 2020. The book was my personal diary that I shared with the world because even though it was personal for me I know that it happened to thousands of women in the world.  I was not alone and wanted to share how I handled the condition.  I have a movement  and product line called Be Courageous (B.C) and it replaces the words that are hard for any woman to hear. 

Thanks for sharing that with us, Lisa. How has social media helped you to share the message of your book and platform during the pandemic?

Social media is a great platform because I can reach people all over the world to share my story and hopefully inspire others

What has it been like for you to be a source of inspiration for others?

It is a great feel to know I am a part of other's inspiration as it relates to life and finding a way to deal with it in peaceful way

Not only are you an author, Lisa. You also serve others as a life coach. When did you realize that gift, being able to help others? 

I discovered it when I paid attention to the feedback others were giving me after they shared their feelings with me. I knew then I was able to gain people's trust just by me being an active listener.  As a Life Coach I help people not to allow their minds to get in the way of their desires. I help them to change their thinking and actions. Then their world transforms; because of the results they set.  

Mindset is the first step toward the results people are seeking. The Result in L.I.F.E. is based on the action that you take. Life Coaching helps people to get from where they are and find a way to get to what they want. It’s a place for someone to be heard and seen. My technique is to listen and be present in all of my sessions. The highest good thing to say is asking my clients questions about themselves. That allows them to share more with me. When I show curiosity, it builds a stronger conversation with my clients. A Life Coach must be courageous in order to direct their clients into uncertainty without causing them to be fearful of the unknown. I have to led my clients on a path that they typically want go themselves 

What would you say to people who might feel shellshock by what has been happening in the world?

I would tell those people it is a natural reaction and it's okay to be shocked about a sudden unpredictable situation. The quick shift could traumatic anyone, but we must find a way to calm our spirits.  I would also tell them that without darkness light can not appear.  

How do you plan to continue to use your platform?

I plan on walking with humility and grace.  My focus this year is to understand  that the result in L.I.F.E. is knowing that it may cause us to wait patiently for the outcome. 2021 has an even and odd number, so we have to make sure that when negative energy is around we have to take those two negatives and turn them into a positive. 

What advice do you have for others about not allowing fear to stop them as they move forward?

The advice I want to give to others is understand that fear is a part of our nature, and its okay to have that emotion, but don’t allow it to overtake their life goals. 

Thanks for the time, Lisa. Excited to see what you do this year. How can our readers stay connected with you?

It has truly been my pleasure and I appreciate you so much.  My website  is and there they can find my other media handles there as well.

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