Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Sunday, October 17, 2021

[Empowerment Spotlight] Jozie Edwards, Celebrate You Honoree

by Cyrus Webb

Things have definitely changed in the world over the past 2 years, however, one thing that has remained the same is there are amazing indivdiuals that are making a difference. One such example is Jozie Edwards. 

I met her through the online community Celebrate You that has rallied women around the world to encourage and empower them along their journey. 

Earlier this year Jozie and I connected for a chat to discuss her journey.

Jozie, it’s great to connect with you. What has it been like for you to see all of your hard work paying off?

Thank you, Cyrus. It is my pleasure.  Yes!  It sincerely warms my heart to see the fruits of my labor coming to fruition. I never doubted that the seeds I planted would come forth. I just did not know when they would.  

I connected with you through the organization Celebrate You. How did you discover them? 

LaWanna Bradford and I had been friends through Facebook for a while.  Every now and then, she would reach out and check my pulse. In doing so, she invited me to participate in her Embracing You Women’s Conference as a vendor.  I graciously accepted. In addition, they had donors offering tickets.  I won a ticket for the weekend.  It was fabulous!  Shortly after COVID-19 started, the world shut down.  So we were not able to have the conference last year, but I stayed in contact with the ladies through the group by offering healthy information on #WellnessWednesday. I go in and post smoothie recipes, health tips, and information to heal oneself.

You have been able to be a source of encouragement and motivation for others. How does that feel to see the impact you have been able to have?

It is funny you mention that.  My life has been a whirlwind since 2021 began.  With the loss of three family members within a two-week span, I searched for inspiration to stay encouraged.  I spoke with LaWanna Bradford, and she mentioned how much of an impact my posts are to other people.  I honestly had not thought about it.  I post what resonates with me.  If it just happens to help others, that is a double win. As I process these losses, I have found comfort in helping others process their lives too.

Being an entrepreneur is not easy. When did you discover that is what you were meant to be?

I worked at a natural gas transmission company in Birmingham, AL years ago.  I remember the day of company lay-offs. I was the last one hired, and the first one escorted out. I was followed to my car, carrying my personal belongings from my desk, by a reporter. The humiliation I felt changed my mind about wanting to work for ANY company for 30 years to get a gold watch. I set out to find something I could do that would change the trajectory of my life forever.  I can buy my own gold watch now.  Besides, you cannot leave your children your job, but you can leave them a legacy of a business.

Success means different things to different people. What does success look like for you today?

Success for me is not about money.  It is about freedom of time.  When you can reclaim your time, stay up all night, sleep as long as you want, do what you want, work when you want, vacation when you want…you have success.  The more people you help, the more that help comes back to you.  Do not chase money. Chase your dreams. The money will come.

When I started this business, I was two weeks away from a lay-off.  I started it with fear, but I had to do something. I was afraid to spend the money to join. A friend was kind enough to help me.  When my kit arrived, I took it to work that Monday.  The jewelry in it was valued at $175. In less than 10 minutes, no lie, the women gathered around my desk and handed me $5, $10, and $20 bills to the tune of $110.  Tuesday, one of the ladies who was not there on Monday visited my desk. She bought a few pieces and asked for my website.  A few minutes later, I had my first team member. She joined. I had not even told anyone what I was doing yet.  At that moment, I knew I was on to something good that would help me build a legacy for my family.

Taking the leap to pursue your passion is not easy. What advice would you give our audience about going for it?

At the time of this article, I am working a full-time job; but it is my goal, a very short-term goal, to work full-time in my business.  I do not want to quit without the proper measures in place; therefore, I will not make an emotional decision. 

My advice is if you are working full-time, use your job to fund your dream.  Do not work all day on your job and spend no time building your dream when your work day ends. Create goal posters and hang them throughout your house so you have a visual representation of what you desire.

Stay humble. Work on your business daily. Be consistent. Create a to-do list at night.  Always remain grateful by writing in a journal nightly or creating a Blessing Jar that you drop notes in weekly.  Go back in a year and read about the wonderful things you accomplished. Be the biggest you that you can be, authentically.  Get a mentor to show you the ropes and an accountability partner to pull you back or lift you up when you need it.

Create SMART Goals:  

Specific - Write down the end goal, what you want to accomplish. 

Measurable - Write down a road map of what needs to be done. 

Action - Execute the list you just wrote down.

Realistic - Though I believe in swinging for the fence, make sure what you want to do is realistic.  If you work all day and your time does not permit you speak to 30 people a night, speak to 10 or 5 instead. You want to be consistent, not burned out. 

Time - Give your goals a deadline. Even if you do not hit them, keep them there to use as a barometer of what you need to accomplish the next month. Being an entrepreneur requires time. If you are not willing to sacrifice the parties, dates, and fun now…you will pay for it later by helping someone else build their dream.

What are you looking forward to with your business and brand?

Cyrus, I want to change as many lives as I can.  We truly believe that we can change the world with our affordable jewelry. The price point is not expensive. It is very nice jewelry. It is trendy so we stay ahead of what is happening in fashion. I personally believe that the more people you help, the more help comes back to you.  This business is life changing.

People have paid off school loans, paid of cars, built homes from the ground, bought groceries, can pay for health insurance, and have risen out of debt. Because of this business, I was able to pay it forward by helping a homeless man sleeping in his car with his children. This business changes lives.

Appreciate your time, Jozie. How can our audience stay connected with you?

I appreciate yours as well, Cyrus.  They can follow me on Facebook at  Connect with me on Instagram @pjblings. I can be found on Pinterest as @PJ Blings.  My website is

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