Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Conversations' 25 Women Changing the World 2025

Friday, December 6, 2013

Are You Dancing to the Beat of Your Own Drum?

I love music.

It's something about how you can always find a song that fits your attitude or what you are going through---and sometimes even something that can pick you up.  That's the power that music and recording artists have, and it is something that I respect a great deal.

My family and friends will tell you that though I love all types of music, singing and dancing are not gifts that have been given to me---but that doesn't mean I won't do both. Why? Because though I don't have the best voice or moves there is something about being able to try that makes me feel good.

That is what I wanted to share in this issue of Conversations Magazine. We won't all be able to do everything the best, but that should never stop us from giving it our best shot. I have always felt as though we do permanent damage to ourselves when we don't allow ourselves to forge ahead in life. We only have one shot to do something great, so even though others might not see the point or what could be the outcome, that doesn't mean you should just give up or not even try.

In this issue I want to introduce you to people who are not afraid to dance to the beat of their own drum. Regardless of the profession they are able to put their best foot forward, and that is what I hope you are encouraged to do as well. What, if anything, is stopping you today? Are you feeling "out of step" with where you want to be? Then start right now to fix it.

Want to share your thoughts with me about how you are paving your own way and becoming a new creature? Drop me a line at I would love to hear from you.

Until next time, happy reading!

Cyrus Webb, Editor-In-Chief
Conversations Magazine 

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