it is we do, whether we run a household, our own business, or work for a
company, we often feel imprisoned by fear, doubt, and insecurity. By resisting
change and uncertainty, we stem our innate flow of creativity and innovation -
what award-winning author and global business consultant John Murphy refers to
as the "Zentrepreneur" in us. In this article, Murphy reflects on the secret to
getting past this fear - how to tap into our "zentrepreneur" by applying four
fundamental steps to inspiration and success. The opinions and observations
offered in this article are based on Murphy's diverse experiences as a holistic
business consultant (to companies like GE, BMW, Target, Kraft, the CIA and
currently ADP, to name a few), corporate director, Notre Dame Quarterback,
spiritual mystic and management coach. The author of 16 books, including
Sage Leadership and Beyond Doubt, Murphy's newest
title is Zentrepreneur.
Steps to Manifest
Fearlessness and Peak Productivity in your Work
and Relationships
The first step to freedom is "Let Be." Zentrepreneurs know
that we cannot change what already exists. We have to accept it - like it or
not. We have to learn from it. Why? Because it already is. It happened. This
includes people, problems, circumstances, weather, long lines, slow computers,
traffic, difficult bosses, and painful losses. There is no value in complaining
about it or getting upset. There is no undoing it. There is no wisdom in letting
it bring us down. Stress only makes things worse. The Law of Attraction delivers
to us manifestations that match our emotional vibration. Complaining, stressing
and being anxious only call more into our lives to complain and stress about.
How wise is that?
The sage zentrepreneur within us offers us an alternative -
the capacity to transcend these emotional temptations. We just have to recognize
them when we see them and avoid the trap. Rather than becoming anxious and
fearful, we can choose to think differently. We can learn to see what "is" as
simply a blessing in disguise, a lesson to be learned. For example, the people
who challenge us or annoy us most might be among our greatest teachers. They
give us an opportunity to learn patience, wisdom and spiritual presence.
The second step in the Ring of Peace is "Let Go." Rather
than resist what is, we accept it, feel it, examine it, learn from it, and then
let it go. Resistance only makes that which we are resisting stronger. Why
strengthen the enemy? Push back invites push back. Force meets force. Try
dancing with the problem instead. Embrace it and then let it go. Admit there is
a problem and then release it. Denial will get you nowhere. Rationalization and
defensiveness obstruct flow and attach you to the problem. Learn to let it go.
There are many proven techniques to assist with this, including EFT (Emotional
Freedom Technique), Meditation, TRE (Trauma and Tension Release Exercises),
yoga, tai chi, and healing sounds. Identify and choose a practice that resonates
with you - and then practice it! The only obstacle to releasing fears, phobias
and limiting beliefs is you!
When we accept what is and learn to let go any emotional
distress drawing destructive drama into our lives, we experience step three:
"Let See." This step involves a shift in our perception. We see the world very
differently. The people who used to annoy us now appear differently. We feel
compassion for them. We recognize their suffering or ignorance. We forgive them
"for they know not what they do." We offer a helping hand. We reach out from a
higher place - a higher frequency and vibration - knowing that this is really
the only way we can be of any true assistance. Misery may love company, but
zentrepreneurs know that this match in frequencies does not solve problems. It
compounds them. The only way to really help someone in pain is to help them
change the channel and see things differently.
The fourth step in the Ring of Peace often results in
experiencing a sense of awe and wonder. When we let be, let go, let see and
experience "Let Flow," it is as if we are living a dream come true. We are "in
the zone" as some athletes like to put it. We experience a sense of
fearlessness, timelessness and peak productivity. We make ourselves available to
a much higher frequency of spiritual energy and we channel this into our work
and relationships. We literally light up the room. People feel our presence.
They are inspired by our energy - or zenergy! In return, we reap what we sow. By
giving unto others, we are given more to give. We become an instrument of peace,
a fountain of love, a beacon of light. By emptying our bowl, we receive more. We
channel spiritual wisdom, sacred joy and emotional intelligence. This powerful
inner peace then reveals itself to the rest of the world as "good ideas"
resulting in positive changes. We make the world a better place. Have you
awakened the zentrepreneur in you?
John J. Murphy
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