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Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Author Chat with M. C. Fox, author of COUNTDOWN AMERICA

by Cyrus Webb

Author M. C. Fox is someone I was honored to have as a guest on Conversations LIVE the radio show and to work with in our Turn Books Into Film project which pitches authors to producers and directors in hopes of helping them bring their stories to life on the screen. Her book COUNTDOWN AMERICA is not just face-paced and thrilling but so appropriate for the world we find ourselves living in. Enjoy our conversation.

M. C., I am excited to be sharing your literary journey with our readers and the world. What has it been like to see the response to your book COUNTDOWN AMERICA?
I am excited to be taking this journey with you Cyrus.  It has been a positive and wonderful experience to see the response from readers of Countdown America.

Have you always known that writing was going to be a part of your life?
Not always but definitely early on. It was something I thought of quite a bit, and then finally sat down and started writing.

Your book includes a lot of action and intrigue and is led by CIA agent Isabella Bendel. Do you see parts of yourself in her or is she an aspirational look at how you would like to be?
I definitely see parts of Isabella in me.  And if not, she would definitely be an aspirational character.  She is a strong fierce force and I resonate a lot with that.

As Isabella is trying to do her job we are also able to get glimpses as how the events of her personal life impact her and what she does. How important was it for you to share those parts of her life?
It was very important for me to share that with my readers.  We all have parts of our lives that impact us in ways that can be trying.  I wanted to create this and show a figure of someone succeeding at overcoming obstacles.

Another interesting thing about the book that I believe readers will relate to is the fact that Isabella has to consider what it might be like to be betrayed by someone close. In her case John. Outside of everything else she is dealing with in the book what was that possibility like for you to consider as the author?
It was compelling for me and quite frankly scary.  The thought of having someone so close, both in a professional capacity as well as a personal interest betray your trust in that way is a very daunting and crazy scary thing to go through. 

Your book is part of Conversations “Turn Books Into Film” projects where we pitch books to filmmakers, producers and directors. When you were writing COUNTDOWN AMERICA did you see it as something that could be in the big screen?
I did from inception of the book.  During the creation I saw even more so what could be a great film, with all of the action, dialogue and compelling plot. It is great to see that so many of my readers agree with me on this.

Let’s talk about the readers, M.C. It’s one thing to write a book. What has it been like for you to see the response?
It has been awesome.  Hearing how everyone is connecting with the book and Isabella is a rewarding experience.

You, like the rest of us, use social media to share messages about your book and what you’re doing. How has it helped you in building your audience?
Sharing about Countdown America on social media has helped tremendously. It is great to see the comments and likes.

Are you already thinking about what’s to come for you next on the writing front?
Yes I am thinking about it.  I have several books that want to come out.  I am in the planning phase of them, as I try to decide which to do.  So many of the readers have said they would like to see a Countdown America book two, and some have said they would love to see anything I come out with.

Thanks so much for your time, M.C. Glad to be working with you and helping others discover you. How can our audience stay connected with you?
It is a pleasure working with you Cyrus and thank you. Readers can connect with me on my website, using the contact button. They can also connect with me on Instagram @mcfoxauthor and on Facebook @authormcfox.

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